Go ahead Sup Forums

Go ahead Sup Forums...

He's actually not stupid, he just comes from an area where they're accent makes them sound stupid.

this. he was apparently very insightful in global politics. and putin liked him

>he was apparently very insightful in global politics.
Literally what

Thanks Reddit

>he was stupid

hook line and sinker! hows the cool aid taste?

>commandeered an entire political party

Just because you don't agree with a man's policies doesn't make him stupid, of course understanding that is something that comes with maturity...

>making fun of speech impediments
You should kill yourself t-t-t-bh

All these idiot meme pushers will put in place a person that will ruin our country, give all the wealth to the richest (because they earned it right) and tax the shit out of the working class or cut necessary spending.

Congrats Sup Forums. If Trump becomes president, America will cement itself as THE worst country and shall become a laughingstock of the world's nations.

Damn... This really made me think


But people didn't vote Bush

desu, Bush at least had some political experience.
Trump is completely oblivious about everything

Another great argument!

Literally really makes you go think...huh...

Am I suppose to care the rest of the retards?

I'm now a #Cruzmissile

Get Comfy and follow OPs advice.

Trump 2016.

Remember an old man, who can't do basic economics and an old bat crazy bitch crime boss, who failed college math and majored in public speaking and political science, are smarter then someone who studied history, statistics and business. NOT.

Obama's been in office for nearly 7 years and these morons are still blaming George Bush.

It must hurt to be so fucking stupid.

Oh no.

He's shaming us! Noooo!

Woah his claim is completely discredited, you just fuggin' "What'd" him m80!

Jesus, after something as compelling as this, #imwither!

bush is a neo con piece of garbage. trump is not.

Image says it all. I'm ready to vote for Hillary.

>multi billionaire

Thats not how it works

His "Texas accent" is fake as fug


Bush was stupid and a dupe of the zionist Jews. Obongo is a race hustler, equally stupid, and a dupe of the globalist Jews.

Any "goal" this board might have had is already accomplished. And it was done with guile, not by sending our shekels to an old, delusional communist Jew.

No matter what, this board helped in a small way destroy the neo-cohen domination of the republican party. With no money used.

You assholes wasted thousands of dollars, and you still lost. It's a win-win for everyone on here.

>hundreds of successful businesses
>shit on 16 if the establishments "finest"
>created thousands of jobs

>Spent seven years looking for an international terrorist in a single country long after it was generally understood he had escaped the country
>Toppled a secular strongman and accidentally created an Iranian client-state which is simultaneously a safe-haven for Sunni extremists
The man had literally zero foresight.

Really makes you think...

Really makes you think... Huh

When the alternative is another progressive I'll take "stupid" any day.

>literally zero foresight.
He had very food foresight, or at least the Jews around him did. Look up "project for a new American century." This was Israel's plan.

Dont forget how he masterminded 9/11 you faggot libcuck


He's fucking retarded. He wants to cancel the paris climate change agreement. He wants the opposite of progress towards renewable energy and a cleaner atmosphere. Hes a fucking demagogue and a reality TV star with multiple failed business ventures. He would make a shit president, almost as bad as shillary

What? 3-6 out the several hundred he has?

>to cancel the paris climate change agreement
Do you even know the details of this? that it's utterly meaningless?
Read your sources before you try to sound knowledgeable. If climate change is man-made, the world is fucked anyway. Do you want to starve so a nigger in Africa with 8 kids can get money? Not even the nigger, but whatever despot rules over him?
that's what "cap and trade" really is.

Hes been bankrupt about that many times.

Vote for socialism!
[picture of bernie sanders]
[picture of mao]
[picture of stalin]
[picture of hugo chavez]
Because that last time wasn't REAL socialism.

>renewable energy
This is also a farce. Read the studies done on it in Germany. wind and solar do not work for a myriad of reasons.
Why do't you set the example and turn off your computer?

His businesses have not him. And they were tax reforms. He used the system to his advantage.

Hundreds of thousands of dead kebabs. Another Bush would be disappointing, but still pretty good.

>evades taxes
>claims he wants to maga

Oh is Germany the only place in the entire world testing that? I wasn't aware

Serious question;

Would you rather relive the last 8 years

Or the 8 years before them?

Really makes you think.

More like
>evades current shitty system
>wants to become pres to fix said system

You're right but you forgot. Shitposting while taking a dumb , loosing time is also a waste of money.

Well sure. But I get the feeling Donald Trump just isn't so stupid, judging by how well his campaigning is going. Not that I'd actually want to vote for him yet, but... maybe.