Hello /b

Hello /b
I am looking for a children's tv show that I used to watch.
The characters were based off of elements (earth air fire etc.) I think there was a monkey maybe. I remember there was a wood lady that had a stick that she could expand.
It was a 3D animated show and the characters had big heads.
Can anyone help? I've searched far and wide and can't find anything.

Other urls found in this thread:


Captain Planet

I said 3D animated

I can't find the show's name yet - but you aren't crazy. It exists.

IF we're on the same page here, then part of the plot was that planets had exhaust ports.

My Little Pony

the grim adventures of willy and sandy

Darude Sandstorm

Sir David Attenborough's Planet Earth

Don't remember anything like that but it's possible

Man VS Wild

Think he's thinking of youtu.be/1t-9bHhuDUg

War Planets: Shadow Raiders. I could see why

Shadow Raiders

Not this.
The characters were kinda chibi

Probably a Journey to the West / Monkey Magic rehash

You talking about Master Raindrop perchance?

The TV series is Avatar - The last airbender.

The kid who has the stick is Avatar Aang, who has the stick or pole which expands to become a glider.


Pic related


Used to watch when?
Give the world a timeframe faggot

Good luck finding it mate. I've looked for it but never been able to find it.
