Tranny alert

This thing is a man

>That manjaw and wig

Jesus Christ lol

That thing is hideous.



We're going to need a signed and validated testimony declaring their preferred gender of choice at that time.

Canada this is neither the time nor the place

not bad

All my instincts point to tranny, but I suspect OP is trying to ruse me so I'll say it's actually a woman.

>post from /mtfg/ hugbox

I'm seeing one tomorrow! I cant wait to dump a load of cum in her ass bareback.

Trust your instincts.

We're not your personal army, faggot. Especially not for petty cross board fights.

Then what's the point? Fucking slide threads.


Here's the thing about trannies (and they all know it): you can take a picture in the perfect angle to make you look feminine, but you're not going to fool anyone in real life.

In fact, take some photos at other angles and you'll quickly discover you don't pass.

Reminder that every thread talking about trannies is a thread not talking about [thing you actually care about].

Kike drones trying to slide threads with their diversity or some shit. It's foul.

look at the throat..always look for the adams apple, this is a bad angle bit you can still see the muscles of the neck are over developed...either a weight lifter chick or if her arms are scrawny it was born a he

Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by the Jews.

jokes on you, youre all closet trannies and faggots too!!!!

>I support trannies
You'll all pay on the day of the rope

If hitler was alive he would raid /lgbt/ BUT NOOO Sup Forums is too good to put degenerates in their place

It's already been established that kikes niggers and beaners try to manipulate discussion here.

beautiful... tear in eye!

I don't support trannies at all you retarded nigger. I want them thrown in a hole with niggers beaners chinks faggots mutts and kikes and watch them all tear each other up for the amusement of True Aryans.


They keep their attention seeking faggotry threads out of Sup Forums, which is more than what I can say about you, so as long as they're contained I don't care.

You seriously underestimate how easy it is to make trannies kill themselves if you invade their hugbox
There's been 2 suicides and that general is long overdue for a third.

jealous ugly tranny detected

And that's why degeneracy wins. Because you're content to lock it away out of sight. Not addressing the problem. Not cleaning the rot. Not killing the source of the plague.

You are a traitor. How can you ever win the war if you don't blitzkrieg and invade our enemies?

Back to mtfg sass

Good riddance. I fucking despise those SJW kike-slaves.


so kikes are pretending to be nazis to try to get Sup Forums to attack /lgbt/...i was just talking about how much you kikes like to misdirect with false flag attacks in the last thread...good to see you again kike :)

Im not kidding. With enough of us and enough effort. You theoretically could harass a trip to suicide

What gave it away? The man like features?

what does that even mean?
see, you even know their memes
go back to the hole you crawled from, you horrible monster
we don't have time to make your dirty work, we have jews to defeat and cucks to redpill

I'd smash on three conditions.

I get to choke you.
I can verbally abuse you to the point of tears.
You tell me you'll vote Trump afterwards.

lol yeah a big schnoz kike tranny hating on a decent looking half gentile tranny

Who the fuck is sass? Go back in your hole kike.

I could tell you to attack Israel and you wouldn't do it. Because you support degeneracy through your own lazynes.

What the fuck would have happened if the wermacht Said to hitler "hurr not your personal army"

Fuck off tranny defender. If you won't attack kike servants. How can I expect you to attack kikes?

I have no idea who this is. Should I?

the enemy is in your blood masonic kike provocateur

kek. I'd love to see a neckbeard tank man katana situation.

You sound like a denizen on Sup Forums who went to /lgbt/ to troll but got your ass handed to you, but you heard through rumors that Sup Forums was a blind canon of rage.

Let me help you back to whence you came

I can tell now, it will become a problem if I've had a few pints, though.

Quite a few /mtfg/ trannies are already Trump supporters that voted for him in the primaries. Useful idiots.

Not an argument faggot.

I'd still

Yeah cause I'm the bad guy here. The only Sup Forumsack who takes the fight to them.

While you all sit here. Waiting for someone else to do the work.

Every heard of behind enemy lines? Sabotage?

You're a bong, so you're already lost to the kikes you inbred dumbfuck.

>Every heard of behind enemy lines? Sabotage?

>Sup Forums



I don't think that's so stupid. Trump is a NY Republican. He's not going to do anything to faggots.

Whats that? Would run over it with a moose and smash a labatt keg over its head? Me too user, me too

oh please. youre just a bored tranny yourself

>I am too scared and lazy to challenge opinion outside Sup Forums
>I will stay confined to my cage like the mods told me

No. You listen to me you spineless fuck.
Sup Forums should rule the entire ducking website. We should have full influence on every board. We should be the janitors, the mods everything.

He's a better LGBT ally than Hillary by a long shot, in any case.

>Voting for someone as liberal as Trump

The man's a fucking useless obama 2.0 cuck. Should have voted for someone who hates kikes niggers and faggots so we can finally take back our nation.

>Ctrl + f
>No sauce

Need pics of cock and boipussi NOW


I am merely your enemy

>caught being a fag
>n-no I was just p-pretending!

You really do sound like a Sup Forumstard with your retarded crusading ideas.

Nice jackpot.

She's a tripfag on /lgbt/'s /mtfg/, she goes by the name rawr.

I got trips.

You got singles.

Looks like I win this round, kiddo.

more like our sister bitch

You are an ugly jew transvestite who wants to get this other ugly aryan transvestite to kill herself so you can be the undisputed queen of the tranny general

You can't trick us Schloma

Fuck off faggot.

>I was invading poland that makes me polish
Guess you want degeneracy to win. Have you not tasted the sweet rush of telling a tranny to kill themselves. To analyse their ticks, what makes them sad and using that information to trigger them. Laughing at their misfortune.

Keep your friends close. But keep your enemies closer. I know everything about them. And that makes it so easy to hurt them

her penis was upgraded already

Thanks. Sadly I guess there's no nudes then since is blue board.

Puru. Kill yourself

>he has a thrill over typing in a keyboard

All trannies are sterile. The genes are already lost

im not puru ;) more of us here

Nudes get posted pretty frequently on /lgbt/ actually, the mods tend to give zero fucks.


>all these tranny enablers
holy shit neo Sup Forums get the fuck out

Unfortunately not, some sperm bank, or make kids before transitioning.

I am one of the few Sup Forumsacks who still has the energy to hate outside this board

Ever catfished a tranny? Wait for them to show up. Call them a man and abuse them. And watch the waterworks. Never gets old.

we're all just bored trannies here desu

pics or gtfo

Are all fags like you? Would faggots rather be known as an autistic retard than having their secret exposed?

so what? he can serve a purpose in the present, tie a bomb to him and make him infilitrate a transgender camp

is that before or after he pounds your boipucci?

There is an Australian tranny called sheen that almost got to suicide

This got done to at least one person on /mtfg/; were you behind that?

>all these try hards

is that what happens to you whenever you head outside?

your life is like a shoddy car, you have tranny problems lmao

dumb britbong

>enter thread
>no trap porn

No. I am not maddies stalker. I am clearly not American. Wish I was though. Funny to see snake cry

>life is so empty that he has to attack trans people

so you not only spend time here obsessing about trannies but spend hours of your day working to contact them personally...hmm tell me more..

Look at this post gentlemen.

This is the new face of Sup Forums the low energy. Weak. Sloth like Sup Forumstard
No motivation to change the world. Or challenge its enemies.

Just sit there and try to stop those who do.

So you think leaving them alone will work? Wrong. They need to learn.

Complaceny towards trannies=support and acceptance of trannies

it's past your bedtime, hajji

its a tranny, thats how crazy we are desu


adams apple you faggots

and why the fuck are you so possed by these degenerates, that frankly belong in mental asylums, and the state should be punished for their mutilation

Doctors performing this shit, are not doctors, they are not fixing people up and should have their license revoked.


I use hormones and prehormones, but for my fucing chromosomes. Pic related

tell me more via this anonymous FBI honey pot imageboard Mr. Aryan Warrior

you are more delusional than any tranny could ever be desu