I'm a white girl who's dated both blacks and whites. While I think that white men are better long term partners...

I'm a white girl who's dated both blacks and whites. While I think that white men are better long term partners, they just can't compete with blacks in bed.

I'm not trying to start a flame war, just telling my personal experience. If I could go back in time I would waste less time on whites, though. You can always marry a white man in your late 30s, when you're young it's better to have fun with men who can fuck you hard and rough, and there's nothing better than a hung black bull for that.

>Let's bring slaves to United States and not send them back/remove them

Daily reminder American colonists were literal retards and the opinions of Americans should be disregarded, ignored and ridiculed because Americans are negro-loving cucks.

>I'm a white girl
Not anymore
No race mixing prostitute is one of us
Consider yourself an honorary nigger

What's with this aussie cuck shitposting here?

Really makes you think.

>Let's bring slaves to United States and not genocide them

Whatever you say

The only plus with blacks there is, is that they give longer strokes. That's about it, even in the size department.

>flag check

It's good to see you bringin' the bantz again, my dear kekoala.

>I forgot to turn on my proxy: the Post


It was funny the first 16 gorillion times Oz, now it's just getting tiring.

>I'm a girl
And I'm Putin

Damn. This post, it... Well, it really made me think... Huh...

Literally The Red Pill.

Enjoy never finding a betabux in his 30's who will let you divorce rape him.

That wall, will make you want to kill yourself.

If you dont have a stable marriage and you're over 25, you're fucked as a woman.

So grateful for Australia to be honest family

Nice flag.

Have some data porn.

No one wants to date niggers.

Even gooks are favored over niggers by white women.

so which do you want? A family or to be used and dumped once your tits start to sag?

If you don't catch your white life partner soon you may not find one. If you haven't seen the news cis white males are running out and supplies will not last.

The bait isn't even entertaining anymore....


pls go back to your shit cave called leddit and never come back here, you are the worst shitposter

Guess what: I'm a woman

I've been using Sup Forums for 8 years now. I'm an MIS and Marketing major, top of my class. I have an IQ of 146. I'm only a sophomore and have had 7 internships. I'm a member of the MENSA society. I'm voting Trump. I'm not a feminist, however, I'm probably more intelligent than most of you in this thread.

Wether you like it or not, females are comperable. I'm not here to steal your money. I'll probably make more than you. I'm not going to make you a sandwhich, I'll have my personal chef do it. The ironic thing is my father married for looks and I'm actually attractive as well. Cocky? Yes. Ashamed? No.

I won't show you my tits, I'll be your CEO one day

you're not a girl.

you're a cuck guy, who gets turned on by writing fiction like this.

You are really funny, smart and vegemite is real food.

Wherever I am....


Sealand, shouldn't you be out building island?

I'm a self-hating burger. I hate you all. Pic related is the future because you are cucks.


10/10 niggers will fuck just about anything, even a 6/10 white girl. This is why you're able to say this. Most 10/10 white men probably have standards and won't even touch you, so you quickly assume all black men are the same as that one 10/10 nigger who probably never talked to you again after a one night stand.


You have to go back.

Seriously, nobody has seen this one before?

nice pasta

I'm a 6' 4" Chef at Wendy's with an 9.5" cock and I make $150.000/year.

Woman version of that Navy Seal shitpost.
2/10 try harder.

>marry a white man in your late 30s
that's cool.. a white male in his 70s can always marry a 18 year old Filipino and have babies with her. why would he need a 30yrs old white girl, that cant even cook?

hello rato
system thinks I'm spamming

8/8 bait post my m8

I must also rape the qt shitposters

My sister said a similar thing. She said Black guys are like sex toys, they're great at fucking and getting you off, but they can't support you so it's better to marry white boys.

I don't believe you. Post a pic of yourself, preferably with a dindu in shot.

> I'm a girl

Redditors flood the board during the weekend since they don't have anything else to do.

No one gives a fuck. And no one is going to marry you. look at the marriage rates. We are done with you


I'm recently single and looking to breed with good genes. I tried to date a cop but he was stupid and my last boyfriend was very smart but was a weak human. I dunno, been thinking about dating a Chinese man.

>Black women
Is that why they're so angry all the time?

I'm Medvedev.

>Be a white guy with a big dick.
>White girls pass over me to get with average Tyrone.
Blacks being better in bed is a dumb meme. They are only better for you because you fetishize their skin color and you like feeling like a whore.

i agree.
there is nothing wrong with exploring your sexuality

GOAT please bring back slavery.

As if you'll still have your choice of men in your late 30s lol, especially not if you have aids...

This is pretty shit. I expect more from Australia.


hello rato
How's it feel not getting that nomination?

I hear those NBA niggers are pretty tall

America should be White but you have let negroes, spics, and other subhuman garbage dominate your cities and enter your towns. Absolutely gross lol

>I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the MIS and Marketing major, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids in Mensa, and I have over 300 confirmed internships.

Lol, thinking you will have a chance with a decent white guy at 30. Websites like this basically are the cliffs notes for recognizing and avoiding coal burners. Once you go black you shouldnt come back, dont waste your time trying to hide your past, you just arent smart enough to hide it from any reasonable white guy

hello rato pelato

How does it feel to be a notch on his belt to brag about to all his black friends? Do you really think a civilized white man is going to hang with a slag who's whored herself out to the lowest denominator of life?

>>settle down in my late 30's

Wow, confirmed for a degenerate who will die lonely without a family. You need a strong man in your life to bear you children and beat you when you talk/act out of line.

I just finished building one.


>Websites like this basically are the cliffs notes for recognizing and avoiding coal burners.

Speaking of which, what actually are the best ways of recognising them?

Op is part of a group of Australian anarchists who target this board because of its perceived right-leaning tendencies

The goals are twofold to troll and to get large scale range bans preventing entire segments of the Australian population from accessing this board

Also Op and his friends are autistic as fuck but that kind of goes without saying

navy seal.

Nobody intelligent would get a marketing degree, anyway.

Why are you replying to him in a serious way? Isn't the bbc meme the most overused bait?

You just want the kufar to kill themselves through degeneracy. DONT ENCOURAGE THEM AKMED, THE QURAN IS RIGHT ON THIS ONE- BURN THE WHORE.

Easy, just get their friends drunk and ask them. Girls are their own worse enemies

australia pls

They always have a chance with betas. I've seen countless times real proof that the meme is real. They fuck as much as they can and then find a loner beta who'll take anything.

>best way to recognize them
Listens to hiphop, is "curvy", swears a lot, speaks in ebonics


>this many people took the bait

>Simeon Panda has horrible chest genetics
>muh natty kek

>I'd fuck a monkey if the sex is better

>I'm a white girl

Fucking Canada-tier thread. You're better than this, Australia.

Circumcised men are more ferocious in bed because they feel less sensitivity and therefore compensate by increasing the strength and speed. It would be a good technique circumcision for white men compensate their whiteness in bed?

No jokes, I am planning to do it in july

Hey shill its a Saturday night. Go out with some friends. Call your mom. Go talk to Sup Forums but leave us alone for at least one night.

This is why white women are frowned upon. You're supposed to cherish the person you're with, trying to get a long term partner. Late 30s, you're a fucking troll, most slurs look like shit or are a single mother by then.

Even if you aren't a troll, stop treating men like a fucking care package. They're human beings, too. God damn, this shit triggers me.

>>Ill be your CEO one day

PFFTTTTTT, oh wow what a joke. Not mine as I'm actually smarter than you and own a business because I'm a man, and do man things like actually know how to manage (of all things) other men.

You might think posting creditials online makes you look cool, I'm sure your college feeds your ego, in the real world, it doesn't mean shit. I've seen people with Phd's lose millions of $'s from stupidity- people who are more intelligent than you will ever be sister- but keep dreaming.

Do or do not, there is no try. If one does, ones work precedes them and they don't need to brag on the internet about how supposedly intelligent they are, it's self evident. Now get in the kitchen and make me a sandwich you impudent wench before I get our the belt.


How cute of you to delude yourself into thinking you don't belong to this glorious nation. By all means explain how minorities "dominate" our cities.

Chinks are strong and smart. They put nigs in their place. Mmm

>making sex feel less good for you in the hopes that it will feel better for the woman you fuck
most beta thing ever t.bh

hello rato

White men you know that urge you have to dominate a submissive docile asian. Thats how white women feel about alpha black males:)

>implying that she isn't pure arian

tits or everything you said is bullshit.

You mean slut, not slur. You must be drunk.

White women don't want families anymore. Moreso than immigration and miscegenation, this is probably the single greatest contributor to the coming decline of the white race.

Niggers are the least alpha men on the planet. Never formed a significant empire. Only conquest they partook in is maybe raiding the neighboring nigger tribe

>white women don't want families anymore
and neither do white men outside Sup Forums

yea this cunt is really just the worst, most unattractive woman a man could possibly want. That's why she feels the need to go onto the internet and brag about her exploits on an user website on a Sat night of all things. She's pathetic and doesn't have a strong man in her life who's able to take her out on the town tonight apparently. Fucking pathetic.

You might not like blacks, but black women know their place unlike white women.


sup faggots

my name is john and I hate every single one of you...

Nah m8, just woke up and too triggered to stop autocorrect. God damn I hate selfish sluts so fucking much.

"I'm not trying to start a flame war"


>iq of 146
>posts like a retarded neckbeard