Why is Switzerland so racist?

Why is Switzerland so racist?


Its an evil an intolerant country

why is third post best post?

Why is Switzerland so rich?

jews believe the same

when do they get forced?

>muh religious beliefs
Fuck off. Living with shitskins goes against my religious beliefs.


Why are muslims so sexist?

I don't know, does Switzerland have a migrant crisis?

I don't think so.

maybe being "ray-cest umg!' is probably why they are able to keep any sandniggers they got in check.

They can fuck off back todo their shithole then

Why do Americans think we have as many Jews as them?

Most European countries have 20-100 Muslims for every Jew.

>calling other countries shit holes

It's not racist. It's you conform or you gtfo. The kikes do the same thing in their country.

At least we are not cucked by liberals


Why haven't you built the wall yet?

Not an argument

>le wall xD

I support Trump, but replying that to mexicans is reddit tier you meme fuck

Nazi Gold.

>reddit tier

>Inb4 I was just pretending

Nice, but I still think mountain jews are wretched freaks of history.

You should deport all your muslims that refuse to become qt ladybois

>posting memes on an image board
ugghh ya got me Pablito!!

>violate religious beliefs

Treating non muslims like fellow human beings 'violates a Muslim's religious beliefs' ffs.

Every brick
Shall be paved by a spic

They actually said that we shouldn't expect them to violate their culture. While violating our culture. In our homeland.


