June 5, hope you are ready Sup Forums
it's going to be a blast
June 5, hope you are ready Sup Forums
it's going to be a blast
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time for diversity to be ramadan'd our throat
I can't wait. it's quite clear now that we need a firm kick up the backside.
Lol. I hope they go for Britain. London just got a muslim mayor so they can even get fundings for their c4
Eh, the Euro starts in like 15 days, and there are "designated fan zone" (not even making this shit up lol) can't wait for the firework tbqh
Yeah I hope so too, it will unequivocally win the brexit.
London and Paris are to avoid for sure its sad
bumping, fuck the jews trying to slide this shit
Is this the Second Great Fire of London?
>and America
Is Brazil included?
Shit will probably get real during the Olympics.
I know people will die, but dear God, I hope they fucking do it and people finally wake up. There's no way the left will be able to deny it any longer that maybe we shouldn't be letting these animals into our countries.
I always thought 9/11 would be enough for people to get it. They have thoroughly proven me wrong over the past 2-3 years.
For the NSA listening: I am not condoning terror attacks, this is satire.
The End Times are so close I can feel it in my bones.
> London
Why would they attack their own
The zicca virus is making a dely on the event
race war now
yea because terrorist attacks in buses did not happen before in London
>why do Muslims attack other Muslims
That's literally all they do in the middle east
it depends on your vision of the moon, it can be argued that Morocco is the only country that celebrates Ramadan and religious holidays accurately, all of the other countries have been breaking the Ramadan a day earlier.
every ramadan the same procedure. western embassies put on terror alert.
>Saturday, July 2
>Laylat al-Qadr / “Night of Power” / islamic terrorism favorite day
>really guys nothing to do with islam
>"Don’t Link the Terror Alert to the Night of Power." --- Dr. Faheem Younus, Muslim, professor
stay safe Sup Forums !
The worst part is that this is something that must happen in order for the left to wake up from the lies they have been telling to themselves
I just hope they will understand for good and stop this "justice" bullshit
If they attack on that date they'll just make themselves look Satanic
Needs to happen in Germany. The German woman must be harshly punished.
I wish a nigga would
>starve during the day yet have the energy to do their God's work
>physically exhausted from no food or water but STILL going to execute attacks on 2 continents.
Based ISIS
jihadis don't have to fast retard
Sand niggers will bomb in Germany witness me kek
It's amusing how many people want this to be real.
What city / state do you think will be first?
Islam is literally Satanism.
Nice satire, also can you verify your ip address to win a free TV?
Shit those fucking mercs are going to be eating and drinking all day. Cant wait for Trump to destroy these clowns.
You are aware that is Merkel's plan, right? There is no way she'll register that as "punishment".
>no Canada
I feel like we're missing out, better import more shitskins.
please stay in morocco
I can already hear it now "six-six bombings"
Its not a matter of wanting, its unavoidable. There are too many damn muslims in Europe.
pls no
I hope they bomb Vienna fucking leftist cancer
London is fucked
>800 DNA & fingerprint records of suspected terrorists ‘accidently deleted’ by police
My bets are on:
The ones in America get shot when they start acting up. Maybe injure two people.
Ones in Europe kill 100+ in each venue they attack
Some Aussie makes a threatening clal and gets arrested and banter is outlawed.
Every Ramadan mudslimes get pissy and throw rockets. get ready for pissed muslims.
The people screaming about diversity and #NotAllMuslims weren't alive or are too young to remember 9/11.
They're on to us.
If they kill us we win.
How would you know?
Are you one of them?
Takbir brothers! عليكم
Get ready for #notallmuslims
Duhbs confirm Israel habennin
Boring tbqh
i wish muslims would try shit in my neighborhood
ah, why would they announce this unless the media is full of lies again
If something happens in the US I will be surprised sucks for the EU though
Indian Point Nuclear Facility in New York. Also Camp Smith and West Point Military Academy. They're only just down the road from each other.
Mark the date and time of my posting.
Before or after the EU referendum?
I was wondering why they didn't attack during the massive rally protests.
Celebrating Ramadan
The left will literally never wake up. These people are so far gone it's terrifying.
>have a flight on this date
Last time an army went against Americans on June 6th it didn't end well.
Shit the fifth is when my SNAP comes in, should I wait to buy groceries?
>some people on Sup Forums LITERALLY hoping for an attack to "wake people up"
Pic really fuckin' related.
Do they normally announce their planned attacks?
Well looking bad will surely deter jihadist
Be ready user where too?
Im actuallt happy we wont be alone in this.
A sorrow shared is a sorrow halved.
I bet on Britain somewhere. It will cause the most disturbance, and be a good way to break up EU and Schengen as well. But at the same time, you have the Euro 2016 in France with live broadcasts and the police occupied with leftists at the same time.
Eh everytime they say something like this it doesnt happen. They're not going to do it when/where its expected. The government always releases info about how the people were on "lists" and shit but its never put out there beforehand.
Marocco is the only muslims country that ain't a shithole, their king does the job just fine
ITs gonna be a hell of a ride
>they'll just make themselves look Satanic
As opposed to lining up Christians and shooting them in the back?
>people afraid of being attacked itt
Just call in sick and stay home if you're so scared. And if you don't live in a major iconic city you're fine.
I don't want to be specific but it's not a major city in the Midwest
Stay safe brother
>live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere
>nothing ever happens here
I hope Germany or Sweden. They need to learn,
>Anything outside of natural disasters happening in the mid west
you're fine
To radicalise the moderates bruddah
I think Mexico should start taking in their fair share after the wall goes up.
Look at it this way.
Now's your chance to be the hero.
>not the 'trips bombings'
Why would they attack during fasting?
It's becoming more and more evident that ISIS is controlled by the West...
Nope. Openly embrace gaining martyrdom during Ramadan.
If you're afraid to die you're also afraid to live. Death is a natural part of life.
sends a bad message after Londoners showed their submission.
Submission needs to be rewarded with a reprieve on death.
this is correct While on Jihad they do not have to follow or observe ramadan at all.
was in afghan 2011 with 3/2 at musa qala and 7171 those faggots mortared us during ramadan
>Malaysia under Sharia law
No more Kagerou cute post by Wool.
ramadan has symbolic significance
>tfw flying on the 5th to NY
Moroccan here, I agree with Frenchie here, Mohammed does a pretty good job
I don't believe any of this
We always go on red alert on or around Ramadan. Muslims and their terrorist groups are almost North Korea level cock teases for threat levels.
The only minor difference is we might catch them in the act, the terror plot is fully overblown or the government will do it for them.
people in france actualy voted left right after a terrorist attack
Ramadan is like christmas for terrorists. They look forward to blowing things up all year.
Maybe they are planning to attack a different country than the ones they mentioned and are just trying to throw people off.
Sorry guys but i hope britain gets it, bite the bullet to get the leave vote :(
>was taking a trip to Europe this June
>this news
Dress up like bank robbers and commit crimes and rapes and stuff.
>religion of peace.
If 9/11 wasn't enough to wake up the left, nothing is. We just have to wait for civil war 2.0 and slaughter them. You can't fix a leftist brain.
enjoy your lottery ticket america fegget
That's what you get for being a liberal idiot
Rest in pieces