I just received my voter ballot in the mail today, I'm a first time voter being 18. In the ballot there is no Republican option in the actual ballot nor the signing sheet in what political party you wish to receive by mail. Is this possibly because I'm in Commiefornia or am I just stupid? It has Hillary and Sanders sitting pretty right at the front though. How convenient! Please explain to me what I do.
What the hell is going on?
Other urls found in this thread:
You appear to be registered as a democrat. The cut off to change your party affiliation was last week, so it's too late. Might as well rip up the card.
>San Bernadrdino County
Wew lad, there's your problem.
>you will never get to cote for emperor trump in the primary
don't worry lad, you can still vote for him in the general. he's already been guaranteed anyway
go American Independent
thats the democrap registration cuck, get out and register for real
This is what I'm talking about by there not being a Republican party option.
No vote for the kike Sanders to help throw Hillary's campaign into disarray.
Wrong...vote for hillary...fuck these berniefags
literally the shittiest part of the IE
Voter fraud. Report it to everyone, make a big stink about it, and hurt Hillary's chances even more
You're probably registered as a Democrat, the deadline to change your party has passed, you're stuck voting Dem.
You could vote for Hillary to make bernouts kill themselves when he loses the state.
Back to s/s4p you go, bernout!
Get out of here bernout, you aren't even able to vote in this country. OP, vote the Libertarian party. Closest you'll get to republican.
>Spanish only speakers can vote
this, but at least vote hillary. or vote bernie and hope it's close enough to bait bernouts hopes until the last precinct counts their ballots
whys it in Spanish?
I thought you Americunts spoke American
You didn't register as Republican, you fucking moron.
California needs death squads immediately.
I'd rather Bernie win the state
>Hillary wins the nomination but Bernouts chimpout and Bern down Philadelphia
>Nation freaks out at the Democrats solution to democratic results they don't like
>Nation votes for Trump
>Speaking English
It's only about 10% white isn't it?
>democrat party only
>can vote for libertarians, independents, and non partisians too
how does this crap work?
Diversity in action
He's probably registered as an independent.
Independents can vote in the California democratic primary but can't in the California republican primary.
OP failed to register as a republican.
Califag here.
Mailed in my vote for Trump today.
I wanted to vote for a senator, but I couldn't find one that's spoken out against immigration so I gave up.
And yeah, everything was in Spanish too. It's disgusting.
I fucking spics.
I don't get it either. I registered as Republican. Did those DMV fucks purposefully change my party? Can they do that? WHAT THE FUCK.
Ron Unz is pretty good on immigration.
Not that it matters - Harris and Sanches are going to be the top 2.
When did you register? Also, did you register online?
>Ron Unz is pretty good on immigration.
Well where the fuck where you when I was voting earlier.
I registered about a month and a half ago. I went straight to my local DMV to do it.
Well, tell your friends before they vote. He wants to cut legal immigration by half and crack down on illegal immigration. He was the guy behind the proposition that made California schools English-only way back then.
He also funds a website for underrepresented viewpoints including one of the biggest anti-immigration bloggers:
And you're certain you checked the "Republican" box?
Honestly, it doesn't matter anyways. It's a safe seat for the Democrats, regardless.
Who's your congressman?
It doesn't really matter. Don't vote. Shillary is going to take commiefornia in a landslide for an absolute certainty.
Why is registering to be a republican/democrat even a thing?
When the voting rights act was repassed in 2006, it required language assistance for voters who don't speak English. You can thank GW and the old democratic congress.
>going to the DMV
I registered online the day before the CA primary deadline, took no time at all. Why make more trouble for yourself by dealing with DMV fuckheads?
Some states have open primaries, where you pick which primary you want to vote in at the polls.
Others have closed primaries, where you get the ballot of the party you're registered with. Thing idea is that it prevents Democrats from voting in the GOP race and vice versa.
Dead on. Also, you get a receipt when you register online - something you don't get at the DMV.
I'm a professional cowboy and I use catheters. I've had 14 broken bones, 2 concussions and a punctured lung. I know pain and I don't want any more of it. Especially when I cath.
>I fucking spics.
I too.
Absolutely sure I checked Republican. I was extremely careful with my registration. So what should I ultimately do? If I register as Libertarian or Dem, won't it be so for the General?
Gee, Don't you Americans feel abused and taken that you'd only get a pre registered form?
I recognise this in Microsoft. Now I see more how they get to this. Voting and such is some complete other thing.
But I immediately banned Microsoft. Any products are mine, no matter what company name is on it. I think they abuse this sort of thing and embarrass a situation as with voting.
It doesn't matter what you're registered for in the general election. You can change your registration now, if you like, but it won't affect anything until 2018.
Also, if you're willing to possibly waste some time, you can go to your local county elections office and see if they'll let you vote Republican after the deadline.
It really depends on the county, but _some_ will let you change registration late if you sign an affadavit that says you registered with a certain party and that they made a mistake. I live in the other SB county (Santa Barbara), and I know from a couple friends that they won't let you do that here. Some other counties will let you though - idk about San Bernardino.
Worth a shot, maybe.
Thank you. I'll do just that, best of luck to myself I guess.
And here i thought our elections were shitty, seems there are even shittier.
Write in Donald J Trump
Sure the form is legit? It could be a,dirty campaign trick (not actually an official form)
when we were voting for mayors there wasnt any nationalist candidate for my area, so i just draw some swastikas and a hitler, took my sweet time too.
>Independents can vote in the California democratic primary but can't in the California republican primary.
what is this ultimate bullshit
Call the election office and ask.
Registrar of Voters (909) 387-8300
Why the fuck do yank ballots always look so fucking complex?
Where do you put the X?
It's the parties decision, m8.
The California Democratic Party (and the AIP/Libertarians) chose to let independents vote in their primary. The CA GOP (and the P&Fs and Greens) chose to not let independents vote in their primary.
the image he posted was a voter guide - it just shows who the candidates are before you get your actual ballot.
Also, we have a lot more things on our ballot than you do. My ballot has:
>Presidential primary
>US Representative
>State Senator
>State Assembly
>County Supervisor
>Propositions (referendums on potential laws, basically)
It has all of that on ours, I'm guessing we can vote in each?
I was saying that we have more things to vote on than the UKposter, who only has to vote for MP on his ballot.
For guides the polling stations have copies of the ballot paper placed where people can see before they receive theirs.
We get separate ballot papers for multiple elections on the same day.
Like the 2015 election I got one for MP and one for a local councillor. This year I got one for another local councillor and a Police and Crime commissioner.
Referenda are very rare here, this EU one is the first (nationwide) since the Alternative vote one in 2011 and before that the last was the last EU referendum in 1975. That's being held on its own so only one ballot then.
Trumps already got the nomination. Just go vote Bernie to fuck over Hillary
We don't have national referenda (some folks are pushing for it though - I think it's a novel idea).
Different states have different laws on referenda - generally, you get a proposition on the ballot by collecting a lot of signatures from registered voters. California is notorious for having a lot of propositions - there's only one on this primary ballot, but it's estimated that there could be 15+ on the ballot in the fall.
(((Fake ballot)))
You can register at any DMV
It's just the difference between a federal and non-federal government I guess.
It's a shame that there are states that don't use a simplified ballot as shown here. Sometimes ballots here have convoluted questions and it makes bubbling "Yes" or "No" a bit confusing.
We have the electoral commission, when a referendum is called they have to ok the wording of the question to make sure it's not confusing or leading in any way.
The Scottish one was even shorter
>Should Scotland be an independent country?
Meanwhile in Canada
>Do you agree that Quebec should become sovereign after having made a formal offer to Canada for a new economic and political partnership within the scope of the bill respecting the future of Quebec and of the agreement signed on June 12, 1995?
I wasn't aware there were Sup Forumsfags in my area...interesting
I fucking spics too
>Hoodless Val
So I guess she's a socialist because she wants money for a hood?
does anybody even bother voting for Liberal Democrats lately?
I did, but only tactically because I live in a leftist uni hellhole right now and they're not as bad as Labour.
We have some proper meme candidates at elections sometimes
Or the "Cannabis is safer than alcohol" party
The world is truly fucked then the Loony party makes more sense than Labour
Upland area representin, friendo. And yourself?
They're the OFFICIAL monster raving loony party actually
I'm in your county, registered republican for a long time. no issues here, you fucked up
How long will this go on? How many will die by the end of this?
>not registering as a republican months ago
Lol faggot. 18 here, registered on my birthday
Voted for Trump in the Cali primary the first day early voting started. Get on my level.
>pic related
You can still vote for le Bernie though and throw Hillary off.
your voting system is retarded really. In my country we just put a hole on our candidate of choice's picture with and icepick or nail and its done.
How does it feel to be less practical than a third world country burgers?
I change my mind, you should vote for Jill stein or some shit for keks
OP didn't register in time, you've failed the god emperor
How the Fuck did Jim Gilmore get on the ballot in California?
May Lord Kek and God Emperor have mercy on my soul.
>hurr hurr burger, my country has me vote by stabbing the picture of the guy I like with a rusty nail (secured to the booth by string so I don't steal it). How does it feel to use your dumb words and basic intelligence to fill out a form? harr harr being treated like the illiterate subhuman I am by my govt. is truly the best!
>what is confidentiality
>what is Pragmatism
Educate yourself burger. this thread itself is proof that your system is ineffective, a vote for trump is lost because of m-muh intelligent form and bureaucracy.
There are more mexicans than whites in cali. No joke.
>not being able to vote for him twice
I'd be considering suicide if that were me desu fampai
Who is Jim Gilmore?
>non English language on government forms
holy shit USA is so fucking cucked
Former governor of Virginia