This man UNIRONICALLY believes vaccines cause autism. You wouldn't support someone like that, would you user?
This man UNIRONICALLY believes vaccines cause autism. You wouldn't support someone like that, would you user?
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wow. really makes you think...
Heh. Maybe they do after all then.
No, he says it's something that should be studied more closely and impartially for correlation. I personally don't believe they do, but it's reasonable to be distrustful of studies done by the distributors of medication in regards to their products.
Not a super trumper,
But i am 230 lbs (lean) and i get the same shot as a 30 lbs kid. Vaccines are dead viruses. Trumps comments were that more work should be done to understand vacines and how they affect us long term. Dr. Ben carson agreed with the overall comment.
Where's your evidence proving that they don't?
Getting doped up with mercury and a myriad of other chemicals is bound to have some kind of negative impact on young children.
How else do you explain Canadian posting habits and free healthcare?
Unsuspecting Sup Forums browser reads leafpost, gets covered in syrupy social observations, doesn't feel good and changes - LEFTISM. Many such cases!
Not your blog you dumb ugly faggot.
Also, the accusations are made against the preservative agents in the vaccines.
You're the best example for it OP
i am now gnarly for carly
Right here, cuck
Where's your proof that vaccines cause autism
>that pic
Hydra sounds rad
Ok. I will stop blog posting.
Back to watching NBA
Posted from my iphone6 plus.
It's called pandering for the dumdum's votes. It's funny cause it worked for Trump but Bernie can't even pander successfully to low IQ niggers.
All of us here have had vaccines and we all have autism.
He also doesnt believe in global warming, and the fucking idiot wants to cancel the paris climate deal.
true, and they removed the multidose vaccine vials containing thymiracil anyway. so the whole thing is no longer even an issue. still love trump tho.
>wanting the Paris climate deal
You should go back to checking your snapchat, buddy ;)
Well that's true. Really makes you think.
Trump wants to implement god-tier foreign policy, build a fucking wall, deport the beaners, completely destroy political correctness, reignite american industries etc...
... but he believes vaccines cause AUTISM! I CAN NEVER EVER VOTE FOR HIM NOW.
I know that's wrong, but I'm not going to change my vote just because he believes one frivolously stupid thing. It doesn't fucking matter. Anyone who changes their mind on who should be president based on something so insignificant is a fucking faggot.
You don't know the first thing about climate change, huh? I bet you pretend like everything we do is completely fine and sustainable. Go jump into a vat of oil
why don't we just use nuclear energy and stop worrying about global warming? :^)
Bernie believes socialism works.
I will take a vaccer any day over a socialist. Venezuela is about to be a real life walking dead
now THAT i could believe. fucking SSRIs and psychs in general are a fucking joke.
Damn right I would.
It says in the Holy Bible vaccines cause autism. Fuck off op =Dddd
In general, I'm so fucking sick of single-issue voters. Can't tell you how many people vote based on meaningless bullshit like abortion or DUDE WEED LMAO.
>230 lbs (lean)
Sure user. We believe you.
I'm pretty happy with the current state of things, ship all the "dirty" industries to India and the developing 3rd world where they have absolutely no environmental protection laws.
If I can't see it, it's fine.
Deadlifted 500 lbs today.
Stay skinny fat
That's exactly why the world is shit, and that's exactly what makes it so easy for people in power to take advantage of a population and the world's wealth. Ignorance is the most exploitable thing in the world, and ignoring (verb) is the worst kind. Stop being an insecure pussy and practice some self awareness
So you got out of bed?
Nope lifted personal best.
Dont hate congratulate.
Oh and 6'2"
I would. I also believe in Creation.