
It's funny, because when ISIS burns people alive, all western media covers the story, but when Khamenei's troops do it, no one even cares.

I lived in Iran for 20 years and I can tell you, those fuckers in power are worse than Kim Jong Un.

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All those nations are the same shit but in different piles. Iran is probably the smartest out of all, they have successfully duped racist right wingers into thinking they are basically a Christian nation whose main objective is protecting Christians.

Its only the intelligent right that understands both Khomeinists and Salafis are cancer. Not one or the other

>I lived there

yeah right

It's almost like the west wants to divide and conquer and spread misinformation

I'm 29. I left Iran when I was 20.


Are you Muslim?

How have your world views changed since leaving Iran?

What do you think about liberals believing Iran is some kind of hidden perfect country/is misportrayed by the media?

Tell us about Iran.

My friend on a holiday there and said it was amazing and the people were INSANEY nice. Like to Te point of utter ridiculousness.

Pretty sure he's dead and burning dead things is sanitary

>Are you Muslim?

No. I was an Atheist even when I was living there and got into big trouble for it in high school. Contrary to what Lib-fags believe, it's not just the government and police that are extremists, people are fucked too.

I studied religions in my free time for a years after leaving Iran and that reinforced my atheism, until 4 years ago when I took mushrooms and my world-view changed to... for lack of a better world, pantheism. My views are very close to Alan Watts (Taoism, Zen).

>What do you think about liberals believing Iran is some kind of hidden perfect country/is misportrayed by the media?

Throughout history you can see that the general public always is polarized on important subjects. In most cases both sides are wrong, yet there is some truth in each as well. I learned that in my religious journey as well. I now don't agree with either polarized sides. Same in politics. Both Libs and Cons are dogmatic fuckers who are incapable of critical thinking and questioning their beliefs.

>the people were INSANEY nice

THE PEOPLE were the main reason I escaped that shithole.

>Pic related

Where have ya been? Don't forget where you're.

>i did shrooms now im Zen

Its like you're a parody or something

Read this. Thank me later.

I have a friend who is Persian. He lived in Iran and moved to the US many years ago. You know what those mullah bastards in power did to him? Tied him up and repeatedly electrocuted his testicles until he gave a false statement.

After her gave the statement they cut off one of his ears and continued to electrocute his private parts. The will come when the people in iran will revolt against those bastards in power.

Who cares dude...Its what your people do, its genetic.

>Its what your people do

Learn grammar you worthless American peace of shit.

You share a paper about genetics and IQ, yet you can't even write a damn sentence.

doesn't seem to be alive.
Iranians don't speak arabic. at least its not their native language

not an argument

go home

>Iranians don't speak arabic.

The words in that screencap are Farsi/Persian.

Hmm I like that band

Is it true that Iran was almost a real country before the revolution?

OMG he didnt use an apostrophe.

This changes 30k years of evolution.

>This changes 30k years of evolution.

What's the premise here anyway? That the paper he shared proves that Iranians have lower IQ than you whitefags?

It was slightly better. But still corrupt as fuck.

>He says
>From France
>Also a first world country

It doesn't matter....Ireland can have a civil war and 15 years later they are a first world country. Japan can burn to the ground a decade later they are worst world. Russia, Yugoslavia, all of Europe in both world wars. The eastern block because of communism...Some countries are destined for greatness. Most you can put as much resources and effort into them but the first collapse and its over.

and societies collapse

Holy fuck why

This is not rare. Happens all the time.


Because they are savage.

This kind of came off as gibberish

But I'm trying to get a large idea into 1 paragraph.

Countries are what they are because of demographics...You can always point to one event and say if only that didn't happen but some people rebuild and some peoples stay broken


Canada, please.

I don't care.
It's their country they can do what they like, if it's so bad they'll have a revolution and remove those people from power, like we did.
There aren't any Iranian immigrants coming here, so how is it my business what goes on there?
It's not like intervening in Muslim countries in the past has had great results.

Savagery doesn't trigger me nearly as much as sadism

Sad to think im half persian

I got the gist of what you were getting at. But I mean the Mongols pushed Iran's shit in and they managed to rebuild...eventually, kind of, sort of.

Savages that Amerikkka and the United Kikedom had a hand I putting into power by adding fuel the flames of Khomenis reactionary Islamist counter revolutionary rhetoric because of the despotic shah they put in place against the democratically elected socialist tudeh party. The imperial wests greedy capitalists caused the material conditions that allowed for the politicization of Islam and the overthrow of the populist revolution in the 1970s. FUCK AMERIKKKA AND HER COLONIALISM


Bourgie prick.

The fact that you say that you were in there for 20 years, and now you have a syrup flag tells me they're not.

People really need to get in check how absolutely horrible NK really is. Literal death and torture camps, state controlled and censored EVERYTHING. I know this is Sup Forums and just a bunch of little edgy kids but this seriously bothers me

And we must invade Iran because they are so evil right? Just get to the point fucker, you are just a shill looking to test opinions on Iran and to give justifications for Western intervention

How do we Make Achaemenid Great Again?

what is this desu?