It's November 9th, 2016, the day after the election. You wake up and see this map. What do you do?

It's November 9th, 2016, the day after the election. You wake up and see this map. What do you do?

Jack off furiously

Realize that tells most educated states voted for clinton

>implying I'll sleep until the results are finalized

Jump for joy

i wake up


pick one

She has dropped in California by twenty four points in the past month. If the Democrats don't pick Sanders, Trump might end up doing better than Reagan at the rate Clinton is self destructing.

Go out for a nice breakfast, lunch and dinner

Assume Hillary must be in jail AND that ISIS detonated a dirty bomb in DC two days before the election.

>new jersey
I'm voting republican and everything but that's not going to happen with the fucking suburbs of NYC being in North Jersey

Go back to sleep.

The democrats quickly switching to Sanders would be the least surprising thing to happen this election cycle

Very much this. Also, where can I 19 year old American move in case of the Hill bomb? Somewhere in East Asia? Spain? Most of Western Europe and Eastern Europe are not even a choice.

feel bad for not making 400 EV

Question life, contemplate Sudokuing on my TV show.

Realize Trump is just another puppet for the Jews and shit post on Sup Forums and /k/ while awaiting my personal death squad.

Honestly---Bernie is the most anti-Zionist of the three candidates. Think about that as Trump and Clinton cuddle up to their Jew overlords.

Prepare for influx of Hispanic refugees.

It doesn't mean shit. Most higher education is worthless and goes to very sheltered people who want a weak leader. Not only that but poor people disproportionately have to deal with the negatives of immigration, crime, bad economic policies etc


WOA neat


>Thinking Sup Forums takes the Zionist meme seriously
Go back to 2008, shill


Come to Texas and join the Texas Independence Movement





hay babe



>tfw already had your flag but got excited
fuck off

with hillary as the nominee this map isn't impossible

Immediate ejaculation from my freedom boner

Furthermore, rich or poor, smart or stupid, most voters decide based on their ideals. Leaders have advisers to figure out the difficult stuff for them. Can you say that someone is stupid for wanting one kind of society as opposed to another? Of course not, it's a matter of taste

Trump's plan for the general is to win a number of "key states" including California and New York. Just let that sink in for a second.

If he takes cali it's fucking over, going to take some serious effort to make cali red though

He won't take California, NY he has a chance.

Drumpf is a fucking racist bigoted piece of shit.

He is complete retard who thinks man made climate change is a myth, thinks vaccines cause autism, repeats himself over and over again and changes his views constantly so long as it benefits him.

He isn't working for any of you, he's only working for himself.

As a proud Canadian I think it's important I share the truth about Donnie Drumpf with my neighbors of the South so that they elect a true and proven leader AKA Hillary Clinton who will turn states like Texas, Georgia and Idaho blue due to her proven record of leadership.

Donnie was attacked by an Eagle, a FUCKING EAGLE, THE SYMBOL OF AMERICA, IT FUCKING ATTACKED HIM WITH IT'S BEAK, and you people would vote for that anti-American fuck? I didn't think so.



Remember that that means that Trump is going to get Kennedy'd shortly after.

>turn Idaho blue
>Hillary Clinton


This is something i'll never understand. Why are the democrats so adamant to have hillary as the nominee when she's down on trump in the polls and on a downward trend? Bernie polls considerably better for the general.

Are they literally willing to sacrifice the general just so this mad woman can continue to go on a power trip?


Perhaps Hillary is controlled opposition. Perhaps a Republican was chosen to be elected this cycle. Trump knowing this, shitposts his way through the Republican primaries.

Think about it, why are foreign leaders who bad mouthed him before, all of a sudden treating him as if he's already president? Perhaps it's out of fear or maybe it's cause he already has been selected.

Proud Canadian kek thats a thing.

Inb4 he gets dog piled over Shilary support. The women who is too dishonest to be a lawyer in Arkansas.

Bernie is an actual kike though. I would say nice try reddit, but it wasn't even a nice try.

It would make more sense if trump didn't go against the establishment in nearly every way. It's a very odd election, I just hope that either way it goes, hillary ends up in prison before everyone votes. Trump and sanders are both infinitely better than hillary.

Hillary and Bill are each individually one of the top members of the Democratic Party with decades of connections (blackmail) at every level of party leadership, along with large swathes of the Executive and Legislative branches. This is also why she's not being prosecuted for blatantly violating federal law with her email shit.
Hillary has been one of the most prominent and recognizable public figures in the country for almost three decades.
Hillary has a vagina.
Sanders is completely hostile to the Democratic establishment and there are plenty of Democrats who resent him for pulling the rhetoric to the far left and being against their globalist agenda. Hillary has moved her rhetoric to the left to undercut Sanders but nobody with a brain believes she's actually going to follow through with any of it.
Both the Democrat and Republican establishment realize Hillary is a far safer bet for them, for completely different reasons (Democrats keeping control over their party, Republicans having a much better chance in the GE), and so the full force of the American political machine is against Sanders to the extent legally possible.
All of these things are major contributors.

Eat a nice breakfast.

California, the most ethnically diverse state, has the lowest IQ in the country mysteriously

>most educated states
So in other words the most indoctrinated states

That's a mystery.


Get my gun ready for the greatest chimp out of my life, get on the roof of my home, and defend my castle till I run out of lead.

>Losing Ohio but winning the presidency
honestly I wouldn't even be mad, the Ohio meme needs to die one day.

"Educated" more often than not means wasting years on college and flipping burgers for a decade

>Minnesota ever going red
You're a dreamer

Tbf that map assumes both that Shillary maintains roughly her current popularity, that the majority of Bernouts will turn out to vote for her, and the black turnout being less than in 2008 and 2012.

be really really happy
and then really really sad

hes an odd duck
but hes still a neo-con moron like the rest of them
and if he takes control then it will ruin the chances of the inevitable democrat lead economic collapse that would lead to extremist response

>tfw see flag between semirare and rare