Why is being gay considered degenerate?
Why is being gay considered degenerate?
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(no homo)
Because it's against the natural norm.
There is nothing to discuss
being gay is very natural. read a book about procreation strategies in humans ya tard.
If God didn't want us to be gay, why is there a pleasure button up our butt holes?
Because people are insecure and close minded as fuck.
The people who are gay because of some mutation are fine, they don't have a choice. The people like OP who're gay for psychological reasons gradually suppress any feelings of love or tenderness, eventually giving way to cruelty and sadism.
Because gays like to have unprotected sex with hundred of different partners. Because bug chasing is actually a thing in the gay community.
Fecal matter in penis tip
what is that desu?
If you have to ask you too far gone.
Kill yourself.
>same sex
I guess you are the result then
>tfw you will never have unprotected sex with hundreds of different partners
Gay people want aids and want to spread it.
They have "bug parties" its a real thing.
So we can poop better.
In this case, yes.
Because its Adam and eve not Adam and Steve. Dog bless burger :D
and Sup Forums is one person
Yeah that's a minority and they should be gassed
t. Gay person
Gotta be able to feel when the turd is in your rectum ready to be pushed out.
things I don't like = degenerate
also, because of AIDs
>women don't have prostates
Explain that shit.
You're just making shit up.
Pic related, it just looks faggy
Also the AIDS don't help either
Fags are degenerate, but I have some cool homosexual friends
Fucking retard.
Inclusive fitness is the number of ”offspring equivalents” an individual rears, rescues or otherwise supports through its behavior (regardless of who begets them). The individual’s own child, who carries one half of the individual’s genes, is defined as one offspring equivalent. A sibling’s child, who will carry one-quarter of the individual’s genes, is 1/2 offspring equivalent. Similarly, a cousin’s child, who has 1/16 of the individual’s genes, is 1/8 offspring equivalent.
It's gross
You fuck eachother in the ass and call it love when it's mutual masturbation
>"I am the authority on love."
>t. kissless virgin
Sex isn't automatically love. Who thinks that?
Penis + vagina = offspring
Penis + penis = faggots
They've got a vagina. No need for another pleasure hole.
What about penis+mouth?
>Inclusive fitness is the number of ”offspring equivalents” an individual rears, rescues or otherwise supports through its behavior (regardless of who begets them). The individual’s own child, who carries one half of the individual’s genes, is defined as one offspring equivalent. A sibling’s child, who will carry one-quarter of the individual’s genes, is 1/2 offspring equivalent. Similarly, a cousin’s child, who has 1/16 of the individual’s genes, is 1/8 offspring equivalent.
Read it again and tell me what it means, user.
Not genitalia, not applicable.
Fucking faggots love other faggots because they're gay.
Kind of like people who are into the same sub cultures. If let's say a metal head finds another metal head they will fuck and only be together simply because of the fact that they listen to a music that is considered to be a sub genre. These relationships always tend to fail.
Same with faggots. They find "love" with other faggots simply because they are gay. And what happens? Random relationships that always end leading to high STD and suicide rates. Dumb asses.
It means you're a faggot, user.
I believe that homosexuality is caused by improper amounts of testosterone distributed during time in the womb.
This is why gay men tend to be more feminine, and lesbians tend to be more masculine. Naturally these people will go against standard gender roles and blur the line between masculine and feminine.
They also harm the concept of the traditional family, either by wanting to adopt kids or not having any at all. Two men raising a child, or two women raising a child, is just not the same as a mother and father because men and women are different and have different approaches to raising children.
Basically, it goes against the foundations of society.
I'm confused by it too, please explain in your own words.
>i believe
>from burgerland
Fag here
Completely genuine question, does it make you angry that the last bastion of of potential homophobia that is Sup Forums. Is pretty gay itself?
>women raising a child
but most school teachers are women arguably they contribute to a child's upbringing
Natural selection selects for genes, not individuals. If you raise two of your brother's children you have raised the genetic equivalent of your own child.
Human reproductive strategy is more complicated than fuck bitches, acquire children. The reproductive strategy of ants is more complex than that.
Shhh.. Its just what we say about it.. We've been seeing /lgbt/ for a while now, after all.
I don't care about gays desu, I come here because I don't like Muslims
The most common argument I've heard is abnormal family dynamics combined with mild borderline personality disorder.
Social and Gender Dysphoria + Heightened Risk Taking is pretty common in borderline. It also explains why so many of them are so sensitive.
(there are lots more)
It's one thing we can all come together about.
how do ants work?
like, how are there soldier ants, worker ants and queens? in which order are they laid? how many males do a queen need to keep the numbers up?
Certain antiquated passages in Abrahamic bibbles, user-kun.
Me too.. but the people who are really homophobic can't handle any bantz, they are really fun to provoke
>Sup Forums discussing gays
always entertaining. It's like watching a woman try to fix a car.
Depends how much food the larvae get. When there's low food the larvae are stunted and develop into worker ants. When there's lots of food the larvae get lots and develop into queen ants, and fly away to form new colonies. Male ants are called drones and they exist to fuck and then die.
These bibbles can't frigth back.
because is disgusting to see it when 2 faggots kiss in public.
This so much
Because it is inherently against self-preservation, as is all degeneracy. That's the definition of degeneracy.
We are here to procreate, otherwise would be pointless. It's against the natural order. Gays are degenerate because they seek pleasure despite all else, their manhood, their dignity, anything.
Look at rates of suicide, drug use, alcoholism, AIDS, mental disorders, all significantly higher in gay communities.
They're completely unstable and it's due to a lack of self-preservation.
I'm against gays because it gives me a boner whenever I think about being dragged to the ground by another man who forces his dick into my unwilling virgin hole while he slaps my ass and whispers in my ear what a faggot I am for submitting to him while I struggle to get away.
Fucking queers.
>We are here to procreate
[citation needed]
Homosexuality is the last implicitly white identity. If you are against it you are anti-white and should fuck off back to your third world shithole
>yfw just want a modest bf neet that is super
>all the guys ive been with were literall homo promiscuous whores
The struggle
So uh, where are you?
Because gay men are sexual plagues rats.
Washington, kitsap county
Is owning a dildo degenerate?
>all the guys ive been with were literall homo promiscuous whores
Like yourself? Nobody wants a whore.
You're like those women that fuck their brains out in their teens and 20s and then hit 30 and start wondering where all the good men have gone.
Damn, I'm in Virginia
If it's a bad dragon then yes
What size? Color? Shape?
because being gay is for faggots
Because biologically healthy humans are heterosexual, without exception.
Ive literally only slept with 4 people (one a woman) in the span of 6years
Neck yourself braindead nigger
>literally the same argument as Carl's "ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!"
>its ok when pol does it
I jerked off to pics a girl sent me. Im flexible so while jerking it I suck the tip of my dick occasionally. Yesterday When I ejaculated I put the tip of my dick on my lips and blew my load in my mouth. I then drank all my cum.
Is that gay?
A normal one
No you're just very lucky
Really lucky?
Its an addiction
Soon you will be injecting it straight into your veins
I've had gay sex a few times. I enjoyed it but I feel really dirty and ashamed for it. I don't think I can do it again because of the guilt.
I used to be able to do that to myself, though I never drank the cum. Tasted too weird so I cut that out and just jerked it normally from then on.
Yea, but the amount of gays having dangerous amounts of sex is still batting around 40%-35%. Untill that comes down to safe bounds then being gay should still be social shamed
Reminder that there are gays that are not faggots, but faggots are gay.
This is what your looking for senpai
>A segment of a demographic do something unsafe
>ergo, the entire demographic should be despised
>not just the people who do the unsafe thing
>and not the unsafe act itself
It's like you want to take the longest road to reach your destination and keep complaining that it's taking so long on the way.
Yes, gay people have unsafe sex at a higher rate than the general population. This issue has come up before and it's been fixed before - the AIDS panic of the 70s and 80s didn't go away because everyone got bored, it was because of a comprehensive safe-sex campaign effort. This is a fixable problem.
But you don't care about that. You're not interested in public health or safety. You want to talk shit about homosexuality and will use any excuse to do so. That's why you blame this widespread but certainly not majority behaviour on _everyone_, and it's why you refuse to concede that fixing the behaviour, not laying in to the entire population, is the correct course of action.
The solution to teenage pregnancies isn't mocking straight people, but that's the logical equivalent to what you're suggesting.
Given that nobody denies that being gay is something you're born with in current year, the discussion is really if being openly gay, marrying a gay dude, and having gay sex is degenerate. I'd say generally no, somebody open and in a relationship is going to be more stable than somebody that's not or somebody that's closeted.
Being a faggot manwhore is degenerate because you just go around spreading aids and annoying people.
enjoying shit-on-your-cock is degenerate
>What are enemas?
Why is fire considered hot?
Nothing wrong with gays. Nope, nothing at all.
Is that HIV positive cum?
If that pic is any indication, nobody knows
Not even gay, but I would love to take a swig from that
>white race made good huge great things in Europe
>if they kept reproducing more white men will come do great things to Europe again
>little shlomo figured out how to kill the white man
>Homosexuality is the solution
>Le happy Merchant.png
This is basically how I see gay haters on Sup Forums
ur fucking stupid i made fun of my sister because she wanted to run away and get pregnant i hurt her feelings so bad she just ended up not doing it. we need to start shaming gays because unattached sex ruins any gay mans mind and makes them bitter jaded and dead of aids by age 50
Where do I find a redpilled bf for lifts and other no homo stuff?
>what is a norm
Should things be allowed solely because they happen in nature?