Why am I considered to have shit taste for liking my own women?
Why am I considered to have shit taste for liking my own women?
Because black people are the least attractive. Sorry, not sorry.
If you are black it's not shit taste it's natural to like your own women.
because white skin is considered beautiful around the world.
Negrises may seem hot in a computer screen, but up close they and smell like shit.
taste is taste, but most people disagree and that's the way it is, so don't get bothered
Cause it is shit taste. Why don't you like white wimminz like the rest of your kind?
she is literally my girlfriend and she knows her place. what is your point?
" Nigeria has the world's highest percentage of women using skin lightening agents in the quest for "beauty". "
Because you Tío Tomas up in here, dawg
tnx for pic :3
>hurr racemix or we'll shit on you forever
You are a nigger animal, it's natural for you to be attracted to other filthy nigger animals
You don't like white women you filthy nigger? What's wrong with you?
>liking my own women
That's not shit taste, that's natural. It's just that black women are, more often than not, gross. If you can find a nice black girl then good for you op.
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), 77 percent of women in Nigeria use skin-lightening products, the world’s highest percentage
It's best to like your own women, it's just that black women are disgusting.
>Shit taste
Because internet neo-nazis aren't interested in being consistent and will mock you if you don't go after white women. Maybe Freud was right.
>this entire thread
because I've seen relatives who have gotten death threats for dating white women. Also lurking here.
Musky odor, very course hair and pubes, larger vaginas with less friction. On the plus side they have high libidos and can orgasm easily and like sex as much as men.
Because you are a shitskin
>my own women
We can own niggers again?
niggers want to be white too brah.. look at Africa they all using skin whiteners to try and become beautiful.
dark skin = ugly
white skin = beauty
that one woman is hot and acceptable because she takes care of her body
the rest of the unattactive balls of adipose tissue and that can't properly make a sentence? nah man
every race has them, but some races have more of those than the others...
Really makes you think... Huh...
Africa: Where black is not really beautiful
So? They'll never look white to the rest of the world because of head shape, facial features, etc. so at the end of the day they're still black.
It's like arguing the difference between Anglos and Slavs.
White pussy was made for black cock. Anything else is unnatural. You're offending G*d, nigger.
my point is all around the world people idolize white skin. from the Middle East to Asia to Africa
they all want to be white.
goes with the skin
I'll gladly be considered to have shit taste for liking your women.
Pic related
i am glad you like black women user, keep it up.
>sameraiding this hard
>trying to make black men reject black women for white women
>trying this hard
as a black man, this is by far the most pathetic shit i've seen. i see right through your bullshit
who cares right? fuck the haters
more orangutan pussy for you
Black women are fine if you can dominate them accordingly, but that can be difficult for black men to do considering the history of slavery. That's why black women incessantly shit-test black men, but act feminine with whites.
Black women get an undeservedly bad rap I think, mainly due to how they behave in black society, wherein they generally don't respect their men and tend to lash out because of it. It's always normal and healthy to prefer your own race, though.
Op here. My point is that Sup Forums hates racemixing but would still berate me for enjoying my own women.
>as a black man, this is by far the most pathetic shit i've seen. i see right through your bullshit
If you want to move up in class and social status you WILL fuck a white girl, most likely a red head. Get to work now!
Good goy
>considering the history of slavery. That's why black women incessantly shit-test black men, but act feminine with whites.
Why exactly?
the replies to this thread were too spontaneous to be Sup Forums members, and numerous of them were references the same thing (i.e. black women using skin lightening creams)
you can't fool me. if you're going to use this shit-tier level propaganda to make black men have disgust for black women and desire white women as superior to satisfy your diversity agenda bullshit, at least put some effort into it
That's your fault for being a nigger
Dont worry OP I would totally pound that brown sugar and I am pale as powder
Because the idea that black men were subjugated by whites emasculinizes them to a certain extent, and women inherently view emasculated men unfavorably. Add in the stereotypical poverty and propensity for wearing jewelry, etc, and you have a recipe for female discontent.
I'm white but I'd fuck her anyway, user. You do you.
Where is Barneyfag when you need him.
holy fuck this tag teaming is actually pretty impressive
so you guys setup dummy questions, then have your cuckbots reply with the anti-black women propaganda shit?
like i said, try harder, cuckraiders
jesus fucking Christ man, i hate tattoos so god damn much.
it ruines everyting
I love black chicks. Out of 11 girlfriends I had, 7 including current one were black. Can't help myself. I just prefer them.
>anti-black women propaganda shit
Anti-miscegenation. Race is real, it matters, and mixing them destroys what's best in both.
yes, i saw your post earlier. this is some shit-tier level propaganda tho. it seems theyre doing two things here
1. promote black men as superior via interracial porn threads
2. devalue black women to generate more interest from black men in seeking white women
and its failing miserably. this is why Sup Forums will never lose because the opposition is literally retarded
There are black people in Russia?
Nice argument, user.
I don't think Blacks are superior or inferior just different. I don't think Whites should mix and I Blacks shouldn't either. I am tired of all of this cuck and bull shilling.
kill yourself.
their conditioning tactics have already been proven to be completely useless
theyre looking at my posts realizing how fucking retarded they actually are and rethinking their bullshit
>Sup Forums hates racemixing but would still berate me for enjoying my own women
Where do you think you are? This is the exact opposite of a typical response from Sup Forums, sure many of us might not like black women ourselves but loving your own is commendable, sure as hell more commendable than the niggers who hate whitey yet lust after the white wymmins. Stay as you are, you're good.
Dont worry, I am part Italian so I am apparently not white anyway.
hes part of their team of sjwcuckbots sent to spam Sup Forums with their shit-tier diversity bullshit
hes about as genuine as the turds dangling from a sewer rats rectum
>tfw whitewashed
taking yourselves to serious hahahahaha
Even black men don't want black women. They're crazy, they have fake hair, eyelashes everything, they'll try to get your ass thrown in jail and they're unloyal and care only about money.
That's why blacks try to hook up with Mexicans.
So posting ponies is okay if they're human?
>Why not both?
About 200,000 citizens and were born, naturalized back in Soviet times. Also about 100,000 work and study here. So, there are some. I lived outside of Russia, so one of those chick were half Swedish half black, another was UK born Caribbean chick in Liverpool. You are describing The Great Ghetto American She-boon. A lot of black chicks are classy.
How do you differenciate between American ghetto blacks and Abbos, apart from the fact that Abbos are literally Orcs?
No fuck off, the qt redheads are mine because I NEED ONE LIKE THAT
Niggers stay away, or get blown away.
Don't listen to these idiots.
There is nothing wrong with enjoying your own women, (and that is very good for your race and mine.)
They are just saying that because they don't like their own women.
THEY are the degenerates.
I think abbos are not even human and should be exterminated . Like tribal blacks, muslim and malnourished uneducated blacks. When African black population should be reduced to 10%. Then it would prosper. Those 10% are dedicated hard-working people capable of advancing humanity and themselvesz
Muuuuuhhhhhh dick. who's dat?
Rose Bertram
Gosh, she looks quite like bleached black check with Swede dad I used to date... Colonized master race. Hope my daughter would look the same, if I marry black chick.
wtf I don't even have race or black fetish, just since the day I remember I was attracted to black chicks.
She's like French and AFRICAN
Because the first thing that comes to mind is the american ghetto rachet.
Dont worry about it bro, very few people will never know the secret joy we've experienced.
Ok, I'm confused.
Is this reverse shilling?
You are my comrade fuck kikes and their tools nationalists of world unite!
Nobody care's about what you say subhuman nigg4r
btw rare flag
It's normal to prefer your own race. Don't listen to these retards.
i would fuck this girl (but not produce children)
Whats her name?
Daily reminder everyone attacking nationalists of the world are filthy kikes we all belong to the same world order of race and nation.
I'll be honest.
That girl in the pic is very fuckable to me.
As opposed to this filthy order of kike plunder and supremacy.
What the fuck Ivan.
My dick is more racist than I am.
>Im white
Can't do anything about it. I remember that even in kindergarten I was extra friendly with a black girl - like kissing, holding hands, playing wedding. She was daughter of American Embassy worker, our families befriended each other as a result.
I comprehend this feel because I have felt something similar. I lived in the rural asscrack of nowhere when I was very little, with no other children around me for a while, except for the black girl down the street. She was my best friend for some years, until ultimately their family moved out of the state.
Island man is right
Sup Forums you fucking disgust me. I always suspected most of you were closet cucks but this thread proved it
sauce on that pic?
dude sauce on that pic??? OP
Do you still keep in touch? That girl was like my "girlfriend" in a kid way until 12, then we actually become more physical and a couple in more or less adult way. Too bad we broke up when I finished high school.
because they are horrible mothers and will raise niggers instead of black children
This. White supremacy thrives on non-white men chasing white women, especially black men for some reason.