How would one go about finding a partner who has nationalist leanings without constantly signaling your views? Just bring it up immediately? Be more vocal about it in general? I'm sure that as a girl, I'd have an easier time finding a right wing guy than if it were the other way around. Is there a place they are more likely to be?
Advice for nationalist females?
Other urls found in this thread:
I wish I could help, I'm married to a white nationalist woman... it wasn't hard, just hang out with other white nationalists
well where would i find them? it's not something people usually talk about.
You just need to live your life as normal, find things you enjoy and go enjoy them and wait to meet a girl naturally. First things first, you need to have a natural connection and get along and such. Set standards right away, not flat out being a nationalist but just let her know what you expect in a relationship and politely let her know that if she's not interested she can move on. You'll probably have to find a decent woman first and then introduce her to the concept after you've established a relationship.
Depends on what you are looking for I guess.
check on Sup Forums
assuming you go to a university, talk shit about femenism and multiculturalism
I'm a girl looking for a guy. But I suppose the statement still stands. I've considered that route but I'd be afraid that someone would write me off as nuts for questioning the holocaust and admiring Hitler, even if I introduced it slowly.
I'm good, thanks. The thought grosses me out.
You're telling me that you know not a single white nationalist?
>You're wrong
We're everywhere, just drop red pilled anti kike shit around your other white friends. Trust me, 2 out of 5 are white nationalists at heart
marry a military man.
if in writing: put the word 'nation' somewhere. "Enjoying the weather of our nation" or something like that.
I graduated last year and really didn't start moving away from feminism until my last year there. But it's still something I should probably be doing more regardless.
you've done it, didn't you ?
admit it, you tasted the bbc
algeria plz, stop with the muh dick
Ugly smelly double digit IQ shitskin subhuman mudslime manlet
>Is there a place they are more likely to be?
The gym.
Whoops, I didn't pay any attention. Well, you just have to go for it, honestly, if you feel like you've met someone you connect with. For me, my boyfriend slowly taught me small details about European history until it started forming a bigger picture and then it was less flat-out "Hitler did nothing wrong" and more like a reluctant "Uhhh, this doesn't sound as black and white as I once thought". If you meet the man that you're truly meant to be with, they'll probably A. be more similar to you, politically, in the first place and B. be more willing to hear you out/be more understanding. If someone decides they're not into it, they're not someone you want to be with so don't sweat it.
if you have trouble finding a male partner and you need Sup Forums to give you advice on it you got bigger problems my man.
My life wouldn't have to revolve around walking around in a balaclava and throwing a roman salute everywhere. I'd like to be a mom and raise my children with a certain set of values. For that, I would need a partner who shared them. I could find someone who is against cultural degeneracy, but not all of that set will also be fond of the more extreme views.
lol, /fit/ is proof positive that gyms are full of blue pilled narcissists.
> constantly signaling
Just stop fishmouthing and try to look healthy. No tattoos, no empowered hair, etc. Plain human look, plain human reactions - he laughs you laugh, he compliments - you accept it as compliment, you don't take stuff from 2 different males in the span of at least 1 month (i.e. being in relationship), etc.
haha it's not the general partner part. it's the nationalist part.
It's hard. Smart nationalists know to hide it, and I don't think you want a toothless skinhead who sells meth. Subtle signals are best - dress conservatively, behave like a traditional woman, etc. It will naturally drive away a lot of leftists, and get the attention of the guys you want even if they don't pick up on it right away. Once they're on the hook, you can start being less and less subtle while you gauge their response.
Expressing racist/nationalist views is best done in a playful way. If someone calls you out on it, dismiss the accusation as if they're joking. It's always fun fucking with leftists by acting like it's funny when they call something racist. And again, it attracts the right people and scares off the wrong ones while giving you plausible deniability.
Oh, and don't date a guy from Sup Forums we're mostly shit. I'm no exception to that rule.
Well I've got that covered.
Are you a femanon? I live in the Liberal Hellhole that is known as Minnesota and I can NEVER find any based Conservative or Nationalist females.
Its getting quite depressing. I have a great paying job and that is pretty much the reason I have not left this degenerate state.
Feels bad ;__;
We need a dating website that connects like-minded people in real life.
>I'm married to a white nationalist woman... it wasn't hard, just hang out with other white nationalists
Married... good goy.
Hmm, are you religious? If social conservatism is something you care about it might be worth preferencing religious men. Just a thought anyway.
I suppose I should probably start out by being a more vocal Trump supporter. If they at least want to remove kebab, we're on a good path.
Trump is a meme tho. Must not be taken too seriously.
I am. A dating website would be much easier and "cut to the chase". But I wouldn't want to make some sort of public profile with my face for career reasons.
>Trump is a meme tho.
Obama was a meme and he won. Trump will win BECAUSE he will be meme'd into existence.
This is how US politics work. The commercial below is how Eisenhower won. He won BECAUSE OF MEMES!
Oh of course he's not going to be the next coming of Hitler, he's merely a tool to buy time and move the Overton window.
I'm not. I'm basically agnostic atheist, but I do recognize the value of religion to a society.
That's a good start. Religion, as someone else already said, is a solid resource. Look for old-school churches with a male priest and an older congregation. In general, you want to present yourself as a generic conservative, and gradually reveal more of your power level to people as they earn your trust.
Falling in love will make you believe in God.
>But I wouldn't want to make some sort of public profile with my face for career reasons.
Yea, that would be a big problem. The leftist shills would also be all over it relatively quickly.
We need some sort of secret phrase or symbol to recognize each other.
This reminds me actually of how Christians operated in Secret during Roman times. They had to draw a symbol on the ground and the individual opposing them had to draw the next symbol in the sequence. If the symbol was correct then they knew that both of them were Christian.
We need a similar thing that both of Anons would be able to identify each other as having the same ideology relatively quickly.
Hmm, then consider faking being religious just to move in the circles. Since religion tends to correlate with those sorts of conservative views.
Don't date someone solely based on their political views... instead look for any guy you would normally like regardless of his political opinion.
Once you go threw a few you should find at least one guy who is at least somewhat close to you politically and you can start to impress your views on them and see if things works out.
on a side note how does one find a nationalist gf?
Stormfront has a dating section.
Just come right out of the gate and tell him
>Hitler didn du nuffin wrong
He may say something like
>Okay?? But he did declare war against the US and got beaten very badly by the allied powers.
He is just testing you. Respond with
>But muh Nazis
He may come back with something to test your knowledge like
>Nazis?... That's a German political party from like 70 years ago. It's hardly relevan-
You gotta come back quick on this one so he knows you are passionate about nationalism. Hit him with
>But muh Dresden shoah! Muh anglo conspiracy!!
He'll probably get on his knees and slobber all over your pussy immediately at this point.
CIA shill site.
I would say maybe some symbols that are less well-known than the swastika. I have a hat that says 88 but that might be too subtle. Odal rune, iron cross, totenkopf, wolfsangel, etc. might work.
Rare / Old Nordic symbols are a based choice.
See Pic related.
Crosses in general I think are too generic.
I have a male friend who I like (and I suspect likes me) who I've talked to about Jews and he is open to my ideas but he's taken so the ball is in his court. I'm not going to break them up. So in the meantime, I'll be looking. I've met a few nationalist guys online but they live far away and I'd like to be local.
Oh I don't.
I can cross stitch so maybe I can stitch up a plain jacket with a simple odal rune or even a flash and circle or leben rune.
Not while you are getting to know her.
Women will always follow you, it's in their nature.
Take it gradually not to destroy her world, this shit is even hard to men.
Always be very clear. By that I mean no hesitation ever
Ah you actually reminded me of something.
I remember a femanon on Sup Forums was part of a neopaganist movement called Asatru. Most of the people that take part are agnostic/non religious like yourself and do it simply to celebrate their white heritage and hang out/get drunk with like minded people. I remember she even had trouble joining at first because they were suspicious of her 1/4 Jewish heritage. They often wear Nordic and pagan Symbols as well, you should look into it.
OP is a fem-user.
>neopaganist movement called Asatru
Ásatrú or forn siðr(old customs) are just names of the actual heathen(our words for this) religion, the nordic one
I just drop sick dope lunar rhymes until I find a woman who won't cry racist
Blasting Blink 1488 from my car should do the trick.
doh! it's 4:46 here.. and on my last join and my ears are still noisy from annoying drunk people.
Damnit notice this when you are not drinking, but everyone else is? "So dat's how I am while drunk"...except I fight.. so no drinking for me
well femanon.. I dunno..
I thought you had to be Nordic to practice it. I'm half pastanigger with the other half being a mishmash of other things, Nordic being a very tiny amount.
Go to bed.
Yeah it's specifically based on pagan Scandinavian mythology, I'm not sure how true to it modern Asatru actually is, but that's where the inspiration came from.
I don't believe so, I actually talked to her in a heritage thread so I had the benefit of seeing her full ancestry. If they accepted a matrilineally descended jew they will most likely accept someone who's half Italian.
It might be a bit of a commitment to join, I'm not sure. At the very least wearing norse or pagan symbolism may be a good Idea to attract like minded people. I know she claimed to always wear a necklace of thors hammer, that may be a helpful option for you.
I have some time off from work soon so maybe I'll work on some wearable crafts. It's signaling, but not too obvious to someone who doesn't know their stuff.
Your woman should just follow whatever you say because you are the man of the house and politics isn't her place.
Just realized you're a woman.
In which case, just date any man, and if you find out he's a cuck, fleece him for everything he has. Settle down when you find one who's an alpha.
At the very least it's a good conversation starter with someone on a first date so you can gauge their political views. Someones bound to ask why you wear the necklace, just be honest about what you believe. You don't have to go full "gas the kikes, race war now" but you can make it clear your political and social views are important to you and you want your partner to share them
Look where you won't find degenerates. Church, etc.
You should be looking for someone to settle down to begin with.
I mean, take this guy's advice, but don't fuck who you're not going to marry. That way you can test and exploit cucks without sinning
You dont need to find a 100% nationalist chick. You need to find a chick that is okay with your nationalism and willing to have lots of kids.
AKA a church?
You might become a Christfag though for the rest of your life though.
ATL here. Let's buy moonman patches on the internet together.
Trump rally
He already came to my area and I didn't go, regretfully. Maybe if he comes again. As the general election nears, I plan on being more open about it.
Holy fucking shit. You sound like me. I've got a red pilled boyfriend though.
It just takes patience and honesty.
Fuck, I just wish I knew more girls that were red pilled to hang out with. I feel guilty dragging my boyfriend out to do girly chores.
Tits or gtfo doesn't apply when the user's gender is relevant to the discussion
eat shit ahmed
What state are you from?
Yeah I don't know any other girls with the same beliefs. Usually I just kind of tolerate their views. Although I have a friend of a friend who's Russian and she's super racist. But the last time I talked to her I was a sjw. Maybe I should reach out to her some time.
The northeast, basically.
shit i feel bad for you
i wish there was a girl i could keep my nordic blood line pure with who also has nationlist views and knows everything there is to know about addy hitler
I'm in the same position. Every female I know is a sjw. Pls be my friends
I would love to have a small network of nationalist ladies. It would be nice to discuss female issues without the "all females are nasty bitches" stuff.
You from New York?
tfw not southern/texan
Yeah I hear ya.
I just dropped a group of cucked SJW friends because I couldn't take it anymore. It was kind of sad but fuck, I can't relate anymore. I bet your friend will appreciate you reaching back out to her though.
It's so rare for women to take the initiative and follow through with commitments. I think that mixed with just being somewhat up front about your personality will be a good plus.
The other user's idea with wearing a symbol is brilliant. I think I might do it too. It really sucks having to be so quiet about our views.
I'm going to build new friendships soon. Kinda can't wait. There will be tons of retards to sort through.
I'm in southern California
Home of God Emperor
Same, there's actually a decent number of Trump supporters on Long Island. A large number of my friends support him as well as family. I was just in Manhattan for fleet week and went by some of Trumps buildings Uptown, felt good
Oh yeah. I've stopped talking to a lot of people. It sucks, but it was far more annoying and stressful to keep it up. Especially as I started sliding up the scale from egalitarian to libertarian to hmm maybe hitler was right. So even along with finding a guy, I just want to find friends like me. Up thread I mentioned that I have one guy friend I like (but who's in need of some whipping into shape in regards to various things in life) who I talk to about this stuff but he's taken. I think if I just start mentioning nationalism and anti-sjw things, I'll be on the right track.
I live in Portland Oregon, so the pickings are slim. I eventually decided to stop searching for a nationalist/redpilled guy and settled for a young, mildly liberal guy. The trick is to get a young one and slowly desensitize him to nationalist ideas. Heck, a year ago he threatened to leave because I told him I liked Trump, now he's a registered Republican.
A lot of young people are Bernie lovers, my sister included. I'll have to start breaking the news that I am not feeling the bern.
Seth is that you?
I can never find female friends that aren't obnoxiously in your face leftists or weird neo-cons.
Wow that sucks lmao. But that's my thing. I don't want to settle and try to change someone.
Sometimes things in the form of jokes goes over pretty well. If they don't take the joke well they're a waste of time anyways. Plus with humor you can ease into a serious conversation.
Yeah, you don't wanna fuck with the taken guy. He leaves his girl for you and then it's stuck in your head with what if he leaves you for someone else.
Have you rebuilt your circle of friends yet?
How could you be nationalist and satisfied with a man that you can play like that?
Haha my boyfriend used to live there. He hated it. Said it was all too fake.
I have some friends who are of the short/dyed haired slut variety and I have to bite my tongue to not call them low hanging fruit.
That is the Symbol of Vril.
Neo-cons like screaming "niggers" at everything and just embarrassing to be in public with?
Definitely problems in both extremes.