Why does everyone hate him?
Why does everyone hate him?
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can't handle the bantz
Women are stupid around him
Brother Dean and his gang are god tier trolls
I'll go up to the triggered sluts and tell them to walk away, they're playing into his hand.
Women will reply with something like "I'm here to laugh, this guy is an idiot and he doesn't get to me. I'm just here to make fun of him"
Fast forward 10 mins of Brother Dean's banter and those same girls are in tears and yelling at him in full triggered mode.
I shit you not I witnessed this 3 times last semester.
I just sit and watch the triggering now.
i want him to rape me
post some stories of based dean
This is the video where he was recently assaulted with a bat at a school for preaching. Hit occurs around the 17:00 mark:
>mfw the comment section
Best video
Not even religious but holy fuck is it nice to see a Christian with balls. SOMEONE needs to fight back against these people.
UA or ASU?
If he got punched in the fave once he wouldn't do it again.
he has been attacked a few times hasn't he?
He literally got hit in the head with a bat this past month.
It's always the same shit really
He goes out, calls chicks std ridden whores who will burn in hell and deserve rape
Hilarity and triggering ensues
His most civil discourse that I witnessed was on BLM. Saying they were criminals and that all lives matter, assuming they weren't sinners of course. The apes really went crazy that day, one young nigger tried stealing his sign and campus police took him away. Probably let him go right after though.
The real triggering happens when his group shows up with their kids, the leftist get really triggered by the idea of those kids being indoctrinated, lol the irony.
Posting more pictures of Based Dean
hes an irl troll
This is truth...also they cant handle the banter
they take themselves so serious that they cant see
>you deserve rape?
what the fuck
what about all the sandnigs going and raping women
that is deserved?
>those jewtube comments
i wonder how they would react if people just started attacking niggers and communists every time they said "kill white people"
He's quite handsome actually
I think thats what makes him. If he was ugly they would just write him off as unable to get laid.
Because he's kind of a cunt. I'd hate him if he didn't go after one of the few groups even worse than him.
>Female voters OVERWHELMINGLY support leftist parties
>Leftist parties throw open the gates for hundreds of thousands of muslim men to enter their countries
>Muslim men rape women
They quite literally do deserve it.
They're actually proud of being anti-free speech.
>tfw live in Tempe and tend to board through campus
thank god for this guy all these god damn mudslimes all over the campus stinking up every room they go into
bro dean did literally nothing wrong, he's a better person than most of us because he gets out there and stands for his beliefs
>idk if you're playing with a full deck or not
>theise is kids
lol he obviously isn't playing with a full deck
Everyone should re-watch O Brother Where Art Thou to see the true culture whites have.
White people love death and spooky shit. We love scarying the bejeezus out of our enemies with our weird ways, and dancing and singing around the concept of death be it lynchings or capital punishment.
Lets all rejoice once more like we used to.
I don't know but he's right, one way to end this SJW plague would be to rape ourselves out of it.
Rape is such an effective tool. It truly is a gift that needs to be unwrapped more often.
>skip to 17:00
>I bet it was a nigger that attacked him
>it was a nigger
Praise Jesus
Seriously though shitskins are fucking animals
>all those libtard comments
Fuck off, they are not here to stay.
This is what happens when progressivism permeates a society.
Not women, refugees. That is the definition of their status. Temporary inhabitants until syrian war ends.
omg this guy is so red pilled
girl is crying her eyes out and the cuck is bringing weak bantz while brother dean gazes through their souls
I loved that vid, he is absolutely savage. Every single one of the whores he highlights probably goes home to flick the bean to images of his domination
Look at 'er crying. Sad that she is losing some '''''''magical untouchable''''''''' Feminist piss power
When was that? How is he now?
>If he got punched in the fave once he wouldn't do it again.
you don't seem to get the risk he is taking. He is putting his life on the line by doing this! They put enormous bounties on peoples heads for much less. Its a good deterrence and he is brave as hell. And lets be real almost everybody is either deterred and too much of a pussy to stand against something or even stands for something that they don't truely believe in and would not even trade their favorite TV show for, not even speaking about their future or life. Most people are just useful idiots.
He's secretly a undercover, Jewish agent acting as an extreme, right-wing maniac so that the ZOG machine can paint conservatives / traditionalists as insane and immoral.
based af
I used to think this, I figured he was euphoric and wanted to false flag Christians and leave a sour taste in people's mouths but it isn't
They bring out their children and preach with them there, you wouldn't submit your little kids to the harassment they get if you didn't believe in your cause.
Brother Dean is confirmed man who believes in his cause
>When was that?
I have a good video for you, user
>It's called free speech you communist faggot
The truth hurts.
That is pure gold.
>you wouldn't submit your little kids to the harassment they get if you didn't believe in your cause.
You are correct, but the cause is Semite supremacy. What? The Jews can stranglehold the production of nearly all media, act as leaders for most commercial industries, puppeteer government officials, but be unable to acquire some dumb kids to play the part as indoctrinated, radicalized right-wingers? Any non-Jewish group can do that. You only need to pay some irresponsible parents for their brain-dead kids and their silence.
To say anything serious:
Somehow he is right in a way that is seldom or never covered.
Maybe he should watch out to keep his confession and work in order. And be happy in life. This sort of thing could weaken in a way. Even stop it if it would become really depressing.
>when the faggot with the beanie fucking vapes on camera
Holy fuck these faggots
Bro. Dean is absolutely BASED
Now we'll have it: adding the faith, homo's ...
Could be a bad idea.
Isn't Dean just one of those fags trying to get attacked so he can sue?
No. He's just a free speech advocate.
I've seen him with that manlet that wears fedoras and the Russian guy, who are pretty obviously not serious about what they're saying.
I don't care what he is or why he does what he does. He stands for free speech and triggers the fuck out of liberals.
This also offers some sort of protection in a way. Broadening. And what is his motivation in the first place.
It was a white lesbian who did it. She's been charged with felony assault and marijuana possession.
I thought this was kind of funny, being a one or seldom time fast hard action.
But seem to wonder if it is going this well?
Maybe I know something that is more effective and professional.
Everytime I watch this I want to punch that one scrawny white guy with the sunglasses and blue shirt.
Little cucklord looks like EG IdrA
Good. Hope she gets raped in prison by he other she-gorillas.
Used to see him outside the UA engineering building. Based
Anyone got a link to this one?
>this one
Because unlike being a "troller" who does it for fun
He acts like an autist taking it seriously
He's a fucking idiot, but it's disgusting that someone would assault him like that.
does he have any social media that i can follow
ASUnon here. I always like watching the antics when he shows up, especially the retard counter-protestors and edgy fedoras who show up to "debate" him. One time I saw a bunch of SunDABT girls take their clothes off in front of him as a "protest" and get triggered when people took pictures on their phones, kek
ASU is a party
>Why does everyone hate him?
To be honest:
It misses quality. A good story that has an empirical beginning and end.
It's a subjects that's a bees nest. Basically I think his words in a protest are too draining, tiring to lead to fulfilling results. It is damaging to him and fellow protesters if there is this much displeasement. In a way the listeners are right.
Bless your naïve heart. I bet you think they'll stop coming once the war scales down, too. And I bet you believe that more than a third of them are actually Syrians.
This is exactly how they ruin you.
>"If I was a racist, I'd call all of you African Americans..."
l fucking m fucking a fucking o
special group, much?
It's hilarious that there's a generation of people who lose all sense of reason and dignity upon hearing a fucking word.
He's doing it to trigger the liberals, it's easier to get them going if you act completely serious in your beliefs.
This is bantering 101 mate, I'd expect you to know it.
He's doing it to get people angry so he can record them going full ape over a differing opinion.
They haven't progressed beyond the mental age of 15.
Did they get the nigger? I like this guy, he's a master troll.
is dean actually a troll? where does he say he is?
Nah man read the fucking thread
He believes this shit and does it around school campuses
I always see him at ASU and I saw him at the Fountain Hills Trump Rally too
pure emotional manipulation
I need to know this link
He's got a twitter. Follow it mate
>He's a fucking idiot
He's not sincere (but that's besides the point)
Any society with legitimate free speech (i.e. not your country) has provocateurs like him
what is it
right here
whoops, forgot link
fuck yeah dude thanks
I wish I had friends this based in my life. Instead I'm around some of the most milk toast faggots imaginable.
Seriously, this is all religion is good for.
Now that we have the internet, we can troll all we want and don't need religion as a cover.
I'll follow that bro all the way to the Holy Land.
his sign isn't specific enough. what did i do to deserve rape?
Being a cock sucking soro-slut
What faggots. If you don't like what he has to say then just walk away.
You seem to need another dose of redpills. Once you have cancer it's really hard to get rid of it and rapefugees are worse than cancer.
This idea is wholly lost on liberals.
loved going to this guy's sermons, everyone pretty much loved him on campus. there were even times when he was assaulted and random people would come out and defend him. bought me a slice of pizza once 10/10 made college great
he got punched in the face a few times, there's video of it somewhere made by this one metal dude
>that cheering
god they're fucking animals.
Pray to god brother dean files charges against the faggot that did that