Would a globalist government really be that bad?
Would a globalist government really be that bad?
Not an argument.
Good goy
Backstory on your pic related?
It's like in Eyes Wide Shut, except real.
Argument was not requested.
eventually a globalist view will be the only viable one. how can one envision a future where the economy isnt global?
think about it. how cna you get any better than nations producing what their nation excels at, and simply importing what they suck at producing?
the point of the tpp and ttip is to move us to this goal. a world where, yes, we are at the whim of eachother, but acquiring anything will literally be a click and a few hours away.
the notion of producing everything you need internally is a one way ticket to third world town.
What is going on in this pic? Why do they do this?
Still gotta watch that movie. Kubrick is one of the few based Jews
Fuck off you zionist pig.
Yes, yes it will. trust me im a jew.
Fuck off globalist shill
>trust me im a jew
You're missing a head there deer. Hope this is the code
Globalists will meet their end 6 feet under with the rest of the gutter trash. Their way of life brings nothing but emptiness, hate and suffering.
exactly the type of conversation and thought youd expect from an anti-globalist
how long did it take for you to form that thought?
Globalism aims to dissolve any power states and their people have. Their goal is to push the power fully into the hands of corporations and banks, headed by the most corrupt and evil of the elite. There will be no peace or cooperation in the globalist utopia, only despair and oppression. In the gloablist world you will have no rights, can't vote, and not be able to speak your mind. They will choose to kill of billions without cause, and enslave the rest of us who are worthy enough to be kept alive.
About this long
We're not ready yet. Give it a few centuries and we'll be there
>thinking you have more power than a group of individuals
youre a sociopathic narcissist
The pics come from a real EWS style party held by aristocrats
like, say we do get into space. how can you expect to successfully navigate star systems, without a (globalist) system in place
>universal governance state?
It doesn't merit an argument.
> I'm fucking Serious.
> What IS a globalist government?
> Do i get to choose everything about how it should be discussed?
No it would not be
> "that" bad (comparative to what?)
Because they would institute the American constitution, hand out guns and then minimize all government activity. They would...
Your asking about something so unknowable that it might as well be our fictional fantasies.
Gut reaction is a good reply here. You asked for an opinion.
Carl there was asked a direct question about something that requires evidence to justify his perception of reality.
Vote Clinton then. She's the most globalist of all the candidates running right now.
already am
Not me lmao, I'm talking about the elites that will oppress everyone. I would be among the masses sent off to camps or killed off.
Google Rothschild Mask Party.
>like, say we do get to north america. how can you expect to successfully navigate a continent, without a (globalist) system in place
you don't need a (((globalist))) system in place to explore anything and frontiers have always been examples of limited governance.
A one-world government may eventually happen down the road, but the way it's being done right now isn't good for anyone but a few (((oligarchs))) and (((elites))).
I absolutely reject it.
are you telling me that youll be able to create, on your own, a guidance system able to analyze the visible stars, form a map, and detemrine where in the know galaxy you are?
the processing power needed for that is definitely possible. but to map and process all of the stars, and to compare them with known systems is absurd. youd definitely have to do that with an outside processing unit, and even then, it begs the question of how you got the equipment to do such a thing
surely not without the contributions of a corporation
You're about to find out just how bad.
Yes, it isn't that hard and a few tools like paper/pen and a telescope would make it possible.
You don't need some kind of overbearing corrupt government system full of (((bureaucrats))) to plot trajectories, figure out escape velocity, or see where planets are.
Were you dropped on your head as a child?
You can't purchase paper, pen, or telescopes without money, and you can't get money without benevolent globalist bankers.
I hope you triggered some of them
and theres no way around that!
In theory I agree with globalism. Humanity united under one banner, working together to colonize the stars sounds good to me. In practice however, we're FAR too young for that shit. Not with sandniggers still sawing off heads out in the desert. Not with niggers still nigging. Even the most civilized of us are preoccupied with wage slavery and consumerism.
At the very least we need to achieve a post-scarcity society on a global scale. Then we can work on the many, many cultural problems involved with global unification.
NWO sounds good in theory but their real intentions are not what they seem.
so say youre ina star system youve never seen before. there are no visible star formations familiar to you. what can you do with your paper an dpencil to resolve this situation?
even obi wan had to go to the central library to resolve this issue...
> Even the most civilized of us are preoccupied with wage slavery and consumerism.
you realize its because they wanted it that way?
we can all agree that as time marches on, a globalist government is an inevitability, right? either that or destruction of humanity.
sooo... if we are doomed to have a worldwide globalistic one-world totalitarian government -- the grip of which humanity will never escape --- why not give it an american flavor?
we could sort of dress it up and make it our own NWO, keep the american holidays, pass times etc, and overwrite everyone elses with ours after enslavement? sure we wont be "in contorl", but we will retain a brief leg up on the masses and our descendants (biological or cloned) will have a better chance at climbing to the upper echelons on the hierarchy.
if you think of it in terms of manifest destiny of the planet, it really does fit with most american ideals.
If you live in America, Canada, Europe, or Australia then you are already living in one.
Exactly why we're FAR too young for global unification. The best of humanity is still retarded.
It would be awful because humanity is so divided, and violent about that division. Pretty obvious that most of us just don't get along, and forcing different people into the same space, well, we all know how that's turning out...
The New World Order is inevitable, yes. But it shouldn't be left to out-of-touch "heritage" freaks that are born into their wealth without the common knowledge of the world.
Hitler, Kennedy, and the Bush family all shared their ideas of a global oligarchy based around a global republic united under a common cause which was the advancement of humanity.
The Current Oligarchy is based in their wealth, and have no care for the common man.
We fucked it.
>out-of-touch "heritage" freaks that are born into their wealth without the common knowledge of the world
Why do you have so much contempt for your betters?
If you don't mind being a slave, who will know no concepts like freedom, democracy, science, and only know that you have to obey the orders of the "gods" who have control over nowadays high technology that you would see as "their godly powers", then no.
>Why do you have so much contempt for your betters?
Nigga please. 2nd and 3rd generation is almost always shit compared to the trailblazers.
Obongo's dad legit put himself through Harvard and became a millionaire working in the Oil Industry. Obongo rode daddy's coat tails and did a bunch of coke, then played the Magic Negro card to guilt whitey into voting for him, only to become one of the absolute worst presidents in American history. And his daughter is going to Harvard as well, even though she's a stupid teenage alcoholic.
The Bush family legacy is quite similar as well. Papa bush was a Gangsta, but his kids and grand kids are all fuck-ups.
If you mean "globalist" as a theoretical stream including neoliberal trade and neoconservative power projection, then yes it would be/already is awful.
I think you just meant world government though. Depends how it's laid out. If it was something like a worldwide Switzerland with broad personal freedoms, strong institutions mainly at the local level and a confederal central government, then it might be pleasant. If it was something like the EU or USSR with a half dozen levels of partly-to-fully unelected toadies passing decrees towards the ends of an entrenched and wholly self-interested elite, then it would suck.
Not if you are a nigger.
>2nd and 3rd generation is almost always shit compared to the trailblazers.
Then why were Jonathan and Joseph wrecked by Dio and it was Jotaro who finally defeated him?
no he has no contempt for the upper class he is stating that some of these individuals seem to have no idea how the real world actually works and think because they say something that it makes it actuality ex how Europe is handling the migrant crisis. While my heart goes out to the suffering refuges I logically know it is a bad idea to put them in Europe which not only presents a linguistic barrier and a social one but is going through economic stagnation which only servers to increase social tensions. Essentially Europe is the last place these people should be sent they should go to other Arab states or at the very least other Muslim majority countries
you do what our forefathers did and observe and record
>implying you can bend over for 6 billion people at the same time
the only way a one-world government will ever happen is under imperialism and with one ruling force over the rest (if there are any left)
depends on the individuals in charge
Because Jotaro had superior friends.
>Why do you have so much contempt for your betters?
whites continuously speak of how blacks shouldnt have contempt for their betters.
yet they fail to respect theirs, in the that of the jew. it just doesnt make sense.
Things like the migrant crisis are tools used to cement power in the hands of (((oligarchs))).
In a 1-world government, whose laws and culture do we adopt?
The muslims? The whites? The chinese?
We have different cultures and customs; you cannot have a one-world government without destroying them all.
A 1-world government is sought because it is a monopoly of authority, not because it is in any way beneficial for people. It allows never before seen control of the human population and does so without threat of outside influence toppling the authority structure.
A 1-world government is more apt to be like a communist shithole that the USSR was. They'll ban guns and self defense, they'll relocate you from your homeland, and they'll kill you if you don't like it.
I like our present system of disparate nation-states who have to cooperate and compete. It keeps us from stagnating and it prevents mass atrocities across the entire globe.
Globalism isn't just a political or economical ideology. It has its own mysticism and beliefs, based on the rebellion against religion and man as his own god (or rather the elite as gods). It is the child ideology of talmudism/kabbalism, freemasonry, rosicrucianism, sabbataism/frankism and satanism.
>Debasement of all identities through mass migration
>Debasement of fundamental civilizational traits such as gender or family
>Rampant individualism, loss of boundaries or goal in life, generalized apathy and drugs
>Fabian Society-led synthesis of Stalinism and ultraliberalism
>Freemason, transhumanist, luciferian elite, predatorial regime on the enslaved masses, ritual torture and murder of children
>Talmudic submission of the masses to noahidism, Jews as a "priest caste"
>Provocation of worldwide catastrophes, diseases, war, hunger and suffering as birth pangs of the Messiah
>Ordo ab chao
>Ordo ab chao
>"...that bad?"
Much, much worse than anything anyone can imagine.
What if we already are under control of a 1 world government but just divided into little, controlable nations?
No, we don't "speak of how blacks shouldn't have contempt for their betters"
We ridicule niggers for acting like animals and want them segregated from the rest of us because they're violent. You have no actual understanding of the "racist" view of niggers and project some mockery or caricature you've learned from your liberal brainwashers.
And jews are good at what they do: infesting power structures and serving themselves. That is because they are a form of social parasite, much like psychopaths.
But they are not good at what whites do: Build societies and advance humanity.
pic related
We aren't. There wouldn't be a need to hide it, and it'd be too beneficial to restrict the citizens across all nations immediately.
If you want to see what a 1-world government will do, look no further than the unelected politicians in the EU and what kinds of laws and measures they pass or try to pass.
There's a few things that always come to the forefront of these authoritarians, and item #1 on their hitlist is removing your natural right to defend yourself. Any government that tries to do this is your enemy.
Its all a shit idea. You never hand that much power over to anyone least the Jews.
Best thing we can do it go off world to gain more resources and put some kind of limit on population, while maintain true diversity aka asian for asians, africa for africans white countries for whites
There are many hints that point exactly to the theory of an NWO. Bilderberger, EU, dat north/south american binding. The word Globalism alone is a trace to money trades without state permissions.
And sorry
>We aren't.There wouldn't be a need to hide it,
>If you want to see what a 1-world government will do, look no further than the unelected politicians in the EU
We are
You mean Jewish government
It doesn't exist.
What does exist are a bunch of oligarchs making deals with each other that are mutually beneficial to the detriment of the actual people.
What you are seeing are power blocs attempting to form a one world government. They have a lot of connections throughout the western world and the west can almost be considered a singular government due to this, but they still lack power and they do not control india, africa, russia, china, eastern europe, or south-east asia, and their control over japan and the european nations is slipping.
New world mandate: forced inbreeding of all races except NEETs who will be castrated
>uh oh we better vote these jews out
You can't goy! They were appointed!
>is one world government really so bad Sup Forums
why do you think someone in Brussels knows whats best for someone in ohio, or even cares? Someone in DC barely knows or cares
Global trade has always existed, now people seem to think it will completely evaporate unless you elect some neoliberal cuck government who floods your country with shitskins. How do people believe in such silly nonsense, fucking embarrassing!
that's the purpose of television, afterall.
World government means no escape.
Governments need competition.
You're full of shit... the fucking bilderberger alone exist of the best from 23 different nations in , industry, media, politics and more. If you believe they don't exist then you must have some serious blenders on your eyes.
The one world government you think exists doesn't, you nincompoop.
Bilderberg et al are just blocs trying to form it with them in control - but they aren't the only ones who want that kind of control, and an actual 1-world government doesn't exist.
and sorry I have to add there is the muslim brotherhood and an similar power tank in the east which all together have the planet in a power choke hold.
of course they have here and there their difficulties and problems but still they control the minds and bodies of the people you nigger