And every last tax paying American alive.
God, fuck America
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Nope. Fuck you, kaffir! Looool
that movie is garbage
What did we burgerbois do now?
So is your country.
Is that the movie about the middle age pedophile shacking up with a loli who convinces him to kill everybody so he can get inside her honeypot?
Melbourne is a toilet bowl
The entire lower half of the continent of Africa will be slaves for wealthy Chinese in 100 years
This was a quality thread user, thanks for sharing this great wealth of knowledge with us. We are better people for it and the world is now a better place because of it.
Don't give damn about the movie... I just want to see every last american impaled in hell with the dissected cocks of your fathers choking every last one of your daughters
Jesus christ Australia is such a fucking shit hole im honest to god laughing out loud right now at some shitty little faggot in Australia talking shit on my glorious nation. :) kiddo
Jokes on you, my dad is a tranny so he got his dicked lopped off and I'm a loser so I'm never procreating. Suck on that, faggot
Also hell isn't real
We're full, fuck off and get genocided already Afrikkaner scum.
no one cares you dumb monkey
Heil Hitler?
Not Australian, flag faggot. Good luck with Trump as your president, the world is waiting to laugh at you idiots drowning in your own filth...
>these assbackwards savages think hell is real
t.wrote it while sitting in a hole full of crap
Your the most intelligent 'Merican I've met and you still got it wrong, not Afrikaans, dip shit.
Anyone else think the middle-finger is one of the most immature, childish things you can do?
Hate America or whatever country you want, but the middle-finger is some kiddy shit.
They lost to birds that can't even fly. Anything they say should be disregarded.
yo, Africa why your people so obsessed with skin whitening ?
mericans, farting out opinions as usual... You still kiss your mother with that ass?
Go choke on a future dirt cookie
at least our mothers are white
yo Africa why?
" 77 percent of women in Nigeria use skin-lightening products, the world’s highest percentage "
I don't pay taxes, am i cool?
>south africa
I'm sorry you got abused as a kid but Jesus Christ at least enlighten us instead of spouting your pure rancor and meritless views.
South Africa isn't Nigeria you fucking mong
Fuck off nigger
I've just watched a recording of your current "messiah" of a president declare that China's sovereign decision on how to prioritize their energy resources cannot be allowed to impact on America's security and this just after your government has forced your filthy chicken into the mouths of our children... who the fuck are you?
still Africa. i want to know why his brothers and sisters are so obsessed with lighting their skin.
Yes... this means you are intentionally going out of your way to prevent your evil "leaders" harming this world, thank you!
Sage and reported for being a d&c kike
I'm pretty sure everyone here hates that democratic shill
Just means he's a NEET you fucking common sense blind African trash
mad that your farm got stolen, and your mother raped by niggers?
Literally living in Africa.
>illegal spic or possibly a nigger detected
wtf is with all this shit?
Africa: Where black is not really beautiful
explain yourselves Africa
A recent study by the University of Cape Town suggests that one woman in three in South Africa bleaches her skin. The reasons for this are as varied as the cultures in this country but most people say they use skin-lighteners because they want "white skin".
wtf Africa seriously? your women want to be white? one out of 3.. that's a lot.
You really don't have to be black to hate america.. you just have to not be american. Not that it matters, I'm as white as a lilly
> Good luck with Trump as your president, the world is waiting to laugh at you idiots drowning in your own filth...
Drowning in our own filth with others laughing at us, hmm look who's talking Africunt.
You're still an honorary nigger because you live in Africa.
Its cool, I'm not a tax paying 'merican. Call me what you wish, you still loose
Impoverished sounds fitting.