There's a serious problem with low-quality bait on this board. 8-10 threads with some bait picture and a single word in the OP. Share your filters so more anons can ignore these faggots.
There's a serious problem with low-quality bait on this board...
Other urls found in this thread:
Nice thread.
Thanks m8.
/really makes you think/i;boards:pol
/makes you think/i;boards:pol
/really makes you think/i;boards:pol
/really makes you think.../i;boards:pol
/trump general/i;boards:pol
/trump general:/i;boards:pol
/this make you think/i;boards:pol
/does this make you think/i;boards:pol
/does this make you really think/i;boards:pol
/does this really make you think?/i;boards:pol
/does this really make you think/i;boards:pol
Yeah I don't know how to use regular expressions and all that shit.
Name of the girl?
Racists BTFO
piper fawn, go on fuskator and have fun
That graph is preposterous.
I was only asking for help user.
Holdon Sorry what does this graph even mean?
I have my doubts too.
Reminder that there is no correlation between brain size and intelligence
Thanks amigo I'm gonna go get on that
>Share your filters
There you go: /(.*\/pol\/.*)\w+/g
Socialism because Bernie memes, basic income.
Thanks man.
Its the beginning of summer all the faggots and trolls who come here just to poke fun at /pol are in full swing.
Is there even anything left after that?
>Reminder that there is no correlation between brain size and intelligence
Pure coincidence.
You're welcome.
>Unsourced pixelated chart used as evidence of your point
I'm a race realist too faggot but stop making us look bad with these shitty images
Yeah that's why I'm trying to get better filters since I'm too retarded to understand the expressions guide on firefox.
Pic related is now. Few hours ago it was 50+
Most of those are for generals on Sup Forums though. Fuck generals.
What's that about?
Skip to 10:14 for Phillipe Rushton on brain sizes.
About a month or two ago there was an Aussie autist spamming threads with a down syndrome pepe where the OP was just asking why American's do celebrate easter.
He alone got all of Australia range-banned from creating threads for about a week.
Pic related are my filtered threads on Sup Forums because fuck generals
I already told you I agree with you, I'm just saying your image is shitty and you should include a source within it if you're going to post shit like that.
It will go away soon. Redshit is just upset that the god emperor won't debate the deranged commie.
The anons point was correct.
Which point?
Why doesnt this get deleted?
>implying mods do their jobs
How many times have the aussies been range banned? I remember them hacking into Sup Forums around 2010.
Thanks for the file name, user
Isn't moar some WOW thing?
Really makes you think...
Fertility goddess
Shame she isn't a real redhead.
But I'll save that anyhow.
I thought this was a thread to post bait.
this one, sry
No worries.
This is nsfw
>trump general
>suicide watch
>makes you think
the reason there's so much shit threads today is because it's summer, get used to it
What am I doing wrong? These threads aren't disappearing.
You're being a salty bitchnigga, that's what's wrong.
This is all kike chan bait.
Good list BTW.
I don't like wading through shit to find the three active threads that are good.
>Useless meta thread
>Posts porn
Sorry to break it to you user, but you are part of the cancer