True or false?
Redpill me on the holocaust
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Social construct. Like sweden or swedish people.
Been living along the holocaust denying kabobs for too long, huh sven?
Remember the 6 million.
True, numbers may be inaccurate. But millions were murdered purely for their religious beliefs and nothing else.
If its highly exaggerated gas chambers did not exist etc i would say its false
Yes, they were higher than 6 million
True. Any survivors are liars.
I'm not sure, I don't really care but it's a funny argument.
They killed everyone in those gas chambers.
Jews just took all the credit.
>True or false?
Ehh... "greatly exaggerated for political purposes" is probably the best answer. Jews died in camps; the official number was less than a million; most died of disease or starvation; survivors made up all sorts of bullshit stories about human skin lampshades and human soap and roller-coasters that catapulted victims straight into burning ovens; with each passing decade the number of victims increased to gain even more sympathy points.
Oy vey, never forget the 6000000000000000000000000000000000000000.
Kind of happened, but the final solution... Well Hitler and Himler are very similar names. No shit Himler would sign something like that.
Otherwise, yes, "undesirables" were rounded up into camps, including insular ethnic groups. What you're not told is that the highest deaths by ratio were Roma, there are now much fewer Roma in the north than in countries Germany didn't quite get to. Furthermore, much more Slavs died by numbers and many of the Jews imprisoned weren't actually imprisoned for being Jewish, since only Hasidic and orthodox Jews were imprisoned, but for being Marxist. Furthermore, it's likely these camps had typhus epidemics.
The only part we don't like is how Jewish American directors and producers framed it as a specific and exclusive genocide of Jews. This is disingenuous to all the other people who died.
But yes, it actually happened. No one except neo Nazis deny that, this is why we need the free market libertopia. On the note, the far right rounds up Jews, but the far left rounds up white men or at least redistribute opportunities away from them. Extremism in any direction is cancer, even the libertarian direction (ancap are naive cancer).
The labor camps were real and lots of kikes died but it wasn't muh 6 grillion gassed
>If its highly exaggerated gas chambers did not exist etc i would say its false
That's debateable, but what isn't is that their was ethnic cleansing on an industrial scale.
>Yes, they were higher than 6 million
Desire to learn more intensifies
It happened.
Prove it
Nope, not UK
Belief in the Holocaust is due to the same dynamic that makes you believe the Earth is round. Some deny it because they are distrustful of the proxy-level knowledge through which they learn about it.
However, of you do this then you must do this for all things you've leavened through proxy. You can no longer believe in the spherical nature of the Earth, the American Revolution, whether MLK was assassinated, if Barack Obama even exists, since you never learned these things without the help of proxies, because for all you know there could be a Truman Show level conspiracy against you.
Or you could just not give a shit about things that don't directly affect you.
27 million russians die in WWII but we are supposed to honor the jews instead because those kike dumbasses decided to not fight back.
Holy shit Australia made a good post
What has this board become
Does it matter?
Something that happened almost 60 years ago should have no affect on what happens today.
6 billion
The six million polish who died right? No one talks bout them tho
False, you cannot remove bodies from a room flooded with cyanide gas.
As for Treblinka, they gassed them with a _Russian_ tank engine. Russian tanks ran on diesel, which produces next to no CO emissions. Oh they used a wooden room for thousands too, not like they could push a wall over or anything.
It was propaganda manufacture by the soviets to cover their atrocities and spread by zionists to leverage funding for Israel.
But soon Ben "A .22 in ever Jew" Garrison will make the myth a reality.
It happened. But it was around four thousand Jews not six million.
The ultimate redpill about the holocaust is that it no longer matters if it was true or false.
The objectives that were attempted to be achieved through the holocaust narrative have been a resounding success.
Even if you blew the whole thing wide open (which is no longer possible as it has achieved religious status) it wouldn't change a thing. because political correctness and liberalism are so ingrained in the worldview of western society that only an apocalyptic catastrophe could change it now.
tl;dr: lol who cares?
>millions were murdered purely for their religious beliefs and nothing else.