There's still people retarded enough to defend this shit breed

>There's still people retarded enough to defend this shit breed

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There is a petition to save the “babies” that are her.

But who cares? It's typically the owners or their children who get killed / injured, natural selection biiitch.

Fucking iPhone;

The “babies” that ate her. There is a fucking petition to not euthanize them.

Typical cum-skin whore fucking her dogs and one gets jealous. That starts a fight. She tries to break it up and gets mauled. Ofay stupidity on the regular.

Have petitions ever achieved jackshit?

lel . ALL OF THESE PICTURES CIRCULATING ARE POSING. AS IN STAGED. FAKE. this dog IS NOT happy to be touched. alternatively somewhere it was stated THEY BELIVE THE DOGS WHERE TRAINED FOR FIGHTING. so typical WHITE TRASH got what she deserved

the niggers of dogs

Her “friend” actually went on camera to say that “the dogs didn’t do it.” She said she knows it.

>dog psychologist / professional internet forensic

It's really 50/50. The owners, or the dog gets lose and some poor fuck minding his own business gets their face ripped off.

Not once.

As long as stupid people exist, they'll teach dogs stupid shit.

Dogs are basically biological robots at our disposal. It's human error 85% of the time when a dog fucks up.

I just hope this dumb whore had time to think of every stupid answer she ever gave when someone suggested pit bulls being a bad idea for pets.

Pits are a shit breed and this will keep happening as long as people are allowed to own them. They are never really domesticated. Even cunt with a pit bull will say their dogs never show any aggression. And still have the nerve to act surprised when the days comes that the dog mauls someone.

When I was little I was taught that Dobermans and Rottweilers were the dangerous breeds and I believed it because the latter are always the ones used to protect properties like used cars lots and shit
But neither of those breeds hold a candle to Pitbulls, just what the hell is wrong with them?

Treat it right it will treat you right end of story you tards that get cuck pilled into the pitbulls are crazy dogs bullshit fail to see the countless other dog attacks by totally different breeds not to mention the majority are proven miss treated or raised to fight this breed has been demonize by the media I've owned over 6 pitbulls and know people who own multiple they're extremely loyal and friendly dogs

Domesticated sharks will still be killing machines. Every dog has a job. Pit's were breed for a specific one they no longer serve. Solution? Law Enforcement, Military, Security.

Stupid people surprised their toddler ends up dead because of a pit don't need to own animals let alone reproduce.


learn the signs

Bred with the qualities to be a fighting dog not the intent