>86% of white men disapprove of Shillary
Explain yourselves other 14%
>86% of white men disapprove of Shillary
Explain yourselves other 14%
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She is very capable, she has come out stronger after years of conservative conspiracy attacks. A woman can be a good leader too, shocking I know.
they don't have a brain
Leave it to the Australians bong.
Anyone got that image of her at the debate podium shopped into a demonic abomination?
the most qualified candidate in modern history
What makes Trump so qualified? He's filed for bankruptcy multiple times, is a caricature, a fraud, a hack, a faggot. Incestuous as well. Definitely molested his kike brainwashed daughter.
I don't care enough about Hillary to have any feelings of her whatsoever.
Any evidence that this one will be good or are you just ass-speaking?
HOW DID SHE FUCK THIS UP SO BADLY? She can't pour beer into a glass so how can I trust her with the most powerful entity on the planet?
No, but I could fap to it.
She doesn't even know how to use a computer.
>In the sworn testimony, Lukens, who was a State Department official responsible for logistics and management support during Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State, said he was advised that Clinton did not “know how to use a computer to do e-mail,” only a Blackberry.
>mishandles classified info
>lies constantly
>responsible for the deaths of dozens of americans
>a proven lady cuck
>is hated by majority of women
i can keep going
There is no evidence that anyone is being paid to vote for Hillary or shill for her online. It is a Republican smear spread by Kock-funded groups.
>that shitty ass pour
People really vote for the bitch unironically?
No she has held the most political positions of any candidate in modern history. Despite what says, she has managed to screw up every one of them.
i would, honestly.
Nixon is browsing /r9k/ in the afterlife and we all know it. He's probably the guy making all the wagecuck threads
>those 14% are jews, cucks, and "white hispanics"
Also, she can't drive.
>"The last time I actually drove a car myself was 1996," Clinton said at the National Automobile Dealers Association meeting in New Orleans. She then joked: "I remember it very well. Unfortunately, so does the Secret Service, which is why I haven't driven since then."
They are gay, retarded, communist or turbocuckmode. Or any combination thereof
sounds like a bunch of right winged talking points you copy+pasted off Brietbart, can you think for yourself, trumplette?
ha ha can you, hil-schill ? and we prefer trumpkins
It takes a few minutes of searching her emails to know she was responsible for Libya, and wanted the same to happen in Syria.
She wants to keep the status quo of Bush, aka fuck up some middle east countries and keep bending the middle class over. Seriously fuck you if you unironically support that dyke.
>Very large number of compagnies
>a couple fail over time.
>Uses laws to his advantage
Learn how to do business, faggot
>help i cant refute shit so ill cry
fucking numales
The other 14% are still sucking their mama's teets
that magical 86%
86% who support Putin in russia
something strange here
14 who are liberlas
>Very large number of compagnies
With a hefty leg-up from daddy
>a couple fail over time.
LOL way more than a couple
>Uses laws to his advantage
Exploiting laws makes you a good politician?
>Learn how to do business, faggot
What does running a business have to do with running a country?
Literally 4 failed out of hundreds. You're the one that brought up his businesses you fucking retard.
not an argument
>haha le presidential candidates doing regular things like us peasants
> Ahh, a brewski! I love a good beer drink. Bottoms up, friends!
>supposed to refute vague and inane shit like "lies constantly" and "cuck"
lol the cuck has accepted his place
Check the IDs you fucking retard.
this bitch needs to get wasted more often
Nothing new under the sun
Then read the thread retard
So which Hillary is Hillary going to be, Hillshills?
Most likely an American in Londonistan desu
>Explain yourselves other 14%
Because I'm man enough to vote for a woman.
I'm not bitch that hates women and distrusts anyone that isn't from his tribe.
Have fun being a footnote in the history of human advancement as something that stood in the way of progress.
sounds like a bunch of left winged talking points you copy+pasted off Huffington, can you think for yourself, hillshill?
Kys dumbass, you ain't voting for fuck all.
In the clinton e-mails i read something that she was thanking someone for making fake conspirations
lol cant even vote fag, have fun with weedman lmao
>With a hefty leg-up from daddy
One million dollars matter shit when talking about businesses. Obviously people with no understandment of economics don't realize this so they use that as argument to vilify Trump, when in reality, what he did with that money was quite remarkable.
>LOL way more than a couple
Trump sells his name to businesses who are not affiliated to him and he doesn't do management decisions with them. Some fail? Big fucking deal, businesses fail all the time.
>Exploiting laws makes you a good politician?
Knowing how laws can be exploited is perfect for a politician because then he can reform them and create new laws without many flaws.
>What does running a business have to do with running a country?
You don't really know shit, do you?
>this bitch needs to get wasted
I think I know what you mean by this.
Jews only make up 2%.
>other 14%
are cucks living a cuck life.
All the retarded cucks who will vote for Hillary if Bernie loses, instead of having Trump win. They'd rather have a liar and killer be our president than someone they hate who they hopped on the hate bandwagon of.
As soon as she fesses up as to what really happened to Vince Foster I will consider voting for her.
im sure you're the same type of faggot who said you were a cruz missile pro tip canadians cant vote in american elections. God why are canadians such shit at shitposting?
Bernie Madoff was a "qualified" investor by your standards, but I wouldn't trust him with my money