ITT: Buzzwords and quotes used by people who have no idea what they are talking about that drive you up a wall

ITT: Buzzwords and quotes used by people who have no idea what they are talking about that drive you up a wall

>"communism is good in theory, but bad in reality"

>this quote itself is an indicator of an IQ of > 100

I agree.
Communism is bad in theory and reality.

hear shit similar to this everywhere I go. Serves me right to live in a blue state

>my boss showed up depressed and late to work, do to net neutrality being overturned

>fucking scum

Communism is not the same in theory as in reality.
Marx's model was capitalist, wealthy and industrialized countries like Germany, France, the UK, the US to serve as a basis for a communist evolution with several political parties (Mencheviks).
Lenin used a poor, rural country that is russia to make gulags, a system of one-party and repression (Bolshevik)

Never met any flavor of commie that wasn't a needy queer tbh

>> IQ > 100

You do realize that you're saying the IQ is greater than 100, right?

100 > IQ or IQ < 100 would be the correct use of greater than, and less than signs

oh but YOU know what you're talking about. Whenever you find somebody who's sure he knows everything there is to know about the current subject you just know he has a genious level IQ

ok, decent point

I have actually never heard this before

>however, communism depends on a foundation of "everyone is equal" while other systems of government do not make any such presuppositions

>the equality myth is complete bunk, from every single possible perspective.

>while de-centralizing power/ redistributing wealth works for the common man a little longer with a larger amount of initial wealth, it will fail eventually, just like it did, and does within 3rd world countries.

>marx was simply tired of his political climate and perceived of a substitution with only the aims of "how" instead of "why".

>a republic based government that rewards personal effort and talent is by far the most successful system ever to be used irl

>I know capitalism does not "benefit" the dregs of society, but then again, what does benefit worthless trash in the long run?

somebody who knows!

KEK. let him be, the genius is explaining to us how everyone else is an idiot

my bad lol

I tutor college level math classes part time idk why this happened


Why are you lying online? Who are you trying to impress?

Just fucking stop

readbut yeah, that's pretty funny

you know those silicon valley techno utopianists who think in the future robots will do every job and humans will get paid for existing? that was basically what Marx was on about all those years ago

not lying faggot

mistakes happen

Lmao What a fucking nigger.

>capitalism rewarding personal effort and talent

maybe for people in sports and entertainment.

Have you actually gotten a job yet?

I dont think marx had an accurate idea what the future would look like

sure, many jobs will simply not exist anymore, but many still will. Jobs that human beings are good at, but "future robots" are not good enough for yet

>those jobs will require an education though

>where will the drop outs go? what will they do?

He has no idea how stupid he is or why people are making fun of him. Fuckin cringeeee

the big problem I see with Marx is that he was basically assuming unlimited natural resources, most people who think "communist theory" is bullshit have not read Marx. His explanation of capitalism is spot on.

I guess I can be pretty stupid

>mistakes happen
Pretty good way to describe Communism.

most people who claim to be communists have also not read and understood Marx

>dont really know how to respond to this

>i am only 20, but I get your point

>many get fucked over, especially here in burger land

>however, there is always a way to earn more money, get promotions, get an education, and stop being a degenerate

>it all comes down to whether you are lazy and worthless or not

>I have actually never heard this before

Because everybody talks about communism without reading his books like Capital. which makes it clear that a communist society can exist only from an industrialized and capitalist society. Russia did not have these bases, so it was insured failure.

>To be honest, I have not read his maifesto, although I want to

>What are the foundations of the ideology? I always though financial egalitarianism and therefore the establishment of social/financial classes was a main tenant of communism

Why are commies such easily triggered faggots?

>hold on

>so you are saying, capitalism is needed to set up a system for communism to have a long lasting life?

>like a tumor needs a somewhat healthy host, with tissues that get oxygen, energy rich molecules and necessary ions, with a somewhat undamaged genome in order to have a chance of existing

Marx wasn't even debating the ethical merits of one system over another. He had reasons as to why capitalism would break down over time. All economies will naturally evolve to communism over time.

He was a pretty sharp dude. I don't know if his assumptions were accurate but his idea of communism was a lot more scientific than it was hurr durr share the wealth.

>I dont see commies in this thread

>even the anons who pointed out my mistake were pretty light-hearted

>but in reality, especially here in burgerland in a blue state, commies see a difference in perspective as a personal attack, and get defensive faster than they would let nigger jim fuck their wives

>alas, "share the wealth" is the only thing guiding the left's vote, for any policy, besides you know, the "give any minority the right to break the law and get any job over the darn whites " attitude

>that was not the point of my post at all
>I hope to one day have a decent collection of knowledge in one subject specifically

>the point was , popular things people say that proves they have extra chromosomes. I guess misinterpreting a a couple sentences in the way you did is one of them

the manifesto is actually BS. The Capital is serious business. A very simplified vestion of the theory is that an advanced capitalist society will at the same time cause life conditions that are inadmisible for the workers and the conditions for those workers (and the whole society) to live like actual human beings. The goal was not so much to distribute wealth but to sieze the means of production, so that workers would own collectively the factories and benefit directly from the wealth produced by their own work

If everyone is equal, everyone has the power to seek their own wealth. Destitution is created only by laziness.

>try this
>nobody is inherently equal, everyone has the power to seek their own wealth, destitution has many factors besides laziness, but laziness is a major factor of financial failure

>and how would this be different than what we have now in burgerland, after a period of 50-100 years

> who cares about the life conditions of the working class? I sure as hell dont. If you dont want to end up one of them, work to not be one of them.

Destitution and social welfare is one thing but I don't think that's the main issue. The people who are actually putting in the hours and laboring are getting royally screwed and barely making a living while the shifty jew-like robber barons are essentially making money without lifting a finger. When the end game of your system is to spend $1 to make 2 and avoid having to work, there is something wrong.

There are more lazy fucks making money than lazy fucks on the street.

The problem with social clases is that the "burgeoisie" increasingly becomes richer and richer without putting in any actual work or creating tangible value. And the "working class" increasingly produces more value for less personal gain. So he proposed a system where owning productive enterprises is not a business, but working on them is. As far as I can see this required a sustained technilogical progress and no end to natural resources to be sustainable. But that's where my simplified understanding of marx ends.

see >754137320

>Never met any flavor of commie that wasn't a needy queer tbh

Lets play a game. I own a business and the federal government nor the public can force me to employ human labor over robots/AI. Hence, I will employ machines not people. I will pay no wages, therefore people will have no place to work and pay taxes, feds are here to govern us in a minimal sense, redistributing taxable income. The general idea is that people will not work, but the feds will tax the corporations, this tax will be redistributed to the people, which is hardcore communism ideology. Yet, if you take my profits as a tax and give it to Joe, he will spend this money on food, water, internet, hence giving it back to the government (sales tax) and the corporations (who provide all for which money can be spent). So, how fucked are we?

you keep iterating the system and you get a world of incredibly screwed people generating wealth for a tiny minority of lucky ones and with no real social mobility to speal of.

'entitled' or 'millennials'


>I dont see a problem here. Why do the lives the the poor and uneducated matter? The foundational idea here is that the bourgeoisie and the working class are equal, but they are not. There are many reasons why a small minority gets exponentially richer off the backs of the lesser, and ignoring them while believing in an "equality" among all human beings is a rotten idea

>perhaps marx's true intentions were to destabilize western superpowers

>social mobility

>why do we need maggots moving up through social classes?

>fuck them. there is a reason they are poor. You deserve whatever happens to you inherently, unless you stop it from happening


I cant believe this term is still used on Sup Forums

Individuals need not be equal, just have equal opportunity and no chance to be freeloaders. Do you really think capitalism is a meritocracy? Did D.Trump get to where he is by being objectively better than the rest?

Well now you're just trolling but I'll bite once more.
Let's say you're born in the shittiest favela in Rio de Janeiro, how's it your fault if you're still poor 40 years later?

>we are not that fucked

>that is actually a pretty good situation.

>whats wrong with employing ai?
>the robots/ai dont make themselves, you know. factories full of people, put together materials, which came from mines, which are again, full of people, are transported to the factories, through the aid of once again, people. Therefore, a robot work force employs more people than a human workers

>trump was not born better than the rest, he became better than the rest, due to his rections to his situation. And yes, capitalism is a direct financial meritocracy in theory and in practice

>also, every possible form of government is a meritocracy, in one shape or another. challenge me on this, I am waiting

I agree not that fucked, probably better off than now, at that point what's the need for the coorporation owners? or alternatively what's the need for the government? capitalist and communist utopias collide and we end up with a dictatorship of government or coorporations. what's next?

>ok so we are moving to a different country?

>what stops you from forming a group of criminals, slowly moving from town to town, finding weak points within transport lines of both legal/illegal "financial endeavors", raiding them, until one of them hires you as the leader of the raiding party out of both financial concern/ future competitive prospects?

tell me this is not possible

A system can't be a meritocracy then people can't realistically reach the top just based on the conditions they are born into, if those conditions are a direct unavoidable result of the system

that's fiction, not theory

I am pretty sure that in the near future, all labor work will be done by robots, that involved the manufacturing of said robots. AI is very very difficult and will take a very long time to make educated humans obsolete. I am more concern with poor, uneducated people, who need manual labor for living. I dont want the US to end up as a giant welfare state for stupid poor people paid for by educated and the business class, where the politicians will just "redistribute" and sit on their ass for 100 years. The true question, what to do with uneducated people, who even when presented with the possibility of education, refuse it and instead either steal, collect welfare/medicaid, or work manual labor / food industry jobs with zero knowledge entry. I am pretty sure the left and god knows what will come from this, will demand social justice for the poor paid by the educated. This will limit growth, investment, a lot of talent will come to China and we will end up like United Kingdom, broken little fuck country full of depressed fags.

In the future, its either corporate world where the company provides everything from housing to healthcare, or government, and it is for the people to decide whom their trust more. The other option, is to live off the land, provide for yourself, like many people can still do, but in the complex modern economy it is either the politicians in DC or corporate owners, or full dictatorship etc.

The needs for a government are many, but their is no "need" for a head of a corporation, besides you know, it's very survival

The original need for a government, and the most primal need, is the need to have an in-group and an out-group, which can be seen as nations now. The other reasons are: keeping the millions of poor people in line, making sure the poor dont die too quickly, and making sure we have the capability of winning/stopping conflicts that affect that specific nation

Spotted the entitled millennials

If it is physically possible, it does not have to be fiction

my theory is life itself is a meritocracy, no matter what occurs


>made me giggle

I agree on that, I agree that it's some kind of progress but i'm not sure that's the kind of progress I want. I'd preffer government to coorporations if something close to a democracy can be operated. What I find most interesting is how capitalist and communist ideals are not that far appart.

in a way yes.
capitalism followed by socialism followed by communism
fun fact: thats why Marx lived in England. Back in the days England was the most capitalist country in the world and he expected the workers revolution to happen there.

that sounds a lot like-new age bullshit to me and it takes nothing short of religious faith to keep that belief. I'm not very interested in pursuing a conversation on those grounds.

exactly what Marx said

>the only thing to do, logically speaking, is taking away all government programs, and starve out this entitled attitude.

>then, lower the minimum wage, and enforce the government minimum wage throughout all states, by financial force via federal bureaucracy. States must be afraid of the government, not defy it.

>basically, remove the chance of being uneducated/poor from society. Then, push all the money saved from cancelled government programs into secondary education

I dont know where you get your information from, but equality of opportunity is THE thing guiding the left

>"new age bullshit"

>every single human being who ever lived upon this earth believes this "new age bullshit" deep down. This includes you.

You need to read this, it's enlightening, open your mind

I don't think everyone has to read Marx in order to have an opinion on it. It's well known enough for most people to know the basic underlying concepts and make an opinion based off of that. People like you are just mad because generally it has been written off as crap and not worth the time reading into by the general masses.

>equality of opportunity guides the right
>equality of outcome, disguised as equality of opportunity, is what guides the left.


so you have created a system where you die if your business venture fails and you're left with nothing. What's the incentive for innovation?

>the reviews
>fucking kek

every rich 50 something year old acts about 1000x more entitled than your average college kid.

Those baby boomers are the scum of the earth.

Help the world, murder a commie

>total and utter devastation of your rivals, your name being immortalized, and your legacy living through whoever you left your enterprise to

>what confuses you here? I am describing real life

>an IQ of > 100
Exactly. People that think communism could work at all are fucking retaaaaaarded.

I might believe in a different new age bullshit than you, deep down we all follow pretty basic animal instincts and then we die. No point arguing about those things.

>are workers striking for working condition reforms a early indicator of socialism?

Kek check the 1 star reviews, they're the saltiest people on earth

You should still read his shit if you haven't. If not just for a better understanding of the major shit that went down in the last 100 years.

"The economics of the future is somewhat different. You see, money doesn't exist in the 24th century... The acquisition of wealth is no longer the driving force in our lives. We work to better ourselves and the rest of Humanity." -Jean Luc Picard

This is what Socialisms end game is meant to be, Communism and Socialism are not the same thing

Hey guys, listen. I figured out that Communism totally 100% (no joke) works. You see after few million people starve to death there's still little bit food left for everybody.

>ITT: Buzzwords: IQ
muh IQ is higher so u a dum fuk

I don't think it's crap, I don't think it's the bible, I think it was a good if incomplete analysis of an important time in history, and I do believe what you claim to be an understanding of the "basic underlying concepts" of communism is pure bullshit with pieces of cold war propaganda floating on top.

>there are many ways they ruined the country btw
>playing the blame game is an old favorite pastime of baby-boomers

>this is why you must blame everyone for whatever they are going through, especially yourself

Fuck you retard, read the fucking book it works, it's all included in, socialism and communism

>x is kinda like an iceberg, you only see a fraction of it
You can use this for literally anything and find vague points to back it up

>lol yeah I only realized my mistake after someone told me, kinda undermines my entire post doesn't it

>maximising the shit out of god-given privileges and at the same time minimising chances for newcomers, foreigners and women is what guides the right

yes you are describing real life, I'm glad you like it. I'm not so fond of psychopaths ruling the world.


>Those baby boomers are the scum of the earth.
what I like about them, is how they refuse to build up more housing, because the prices will go down and they will loose their wealth, rather they will give money to their kids to help them out in this expensive housing market, a very high level of retardation

People using the word "Decimate" in order to describe total destruction.

why yes, yes it does.

Tie the welfare/basic income into educational achievements.

>that show is delusional fantasies of an old, dying jew

>if you think a sci-fi tv show captures the tennants of socialism, you are very wrong.

>btw, almost no human beings want to "better humanity", since human nature is based on the eternal chase of personal pleasure, aka, greed.

How's about I decimate your ass with my boot

let's face it, it's way too early to discuss whether or whether not capitalism is the final possible form of human society and whether or whether not socialist/communist society is worth achieving or realistic