Memes and jokes aside, she should be President and you all know it

Memes and jokes aside, she should be President and you all know it.

Need some loli Clinton in here


yea so we can have a terrorist attack every two weeks because she's bombing the arab families overseas and allowing their loved ones to cross over here freely like Obama did. Also she threatened her husband's rape victims into silence but trump said grab em by the pussy so that's wrong

Well at least she wouldn't be working for Putin

yep she'd be continuing arming terrorists while pushing the identity politics narrative

Sure user keep telling yourself that. Whatever makes you sleep at night while Trump makes the swamp bigger.
Some people. Amirite guise?

MFW terrorist attacks happen every day, just not carried out by non-whites. Have you played thoughts and prayers lately?

You mad faggot?


yea but no need for a bleeding heart to fuel their anger even more by constantly bombing them while simultaneously making it harder for christian refugees to get in because islam is a religion of peace



Tears are delicious


Nope. Worst candidate of all time. Trump was the second worst of all time. Until Democratic Party officials recognize this, they're in deep shit, but it seems they're still insane. They're celebrating winning an election against a child molester in an evangelical state, as if the entire state saw the Democrats light, and are ignoring the fact that they only won because the other candidate diddled kids.


You ever hear Trump speak? If someone talk to me the way he talks I would think they're retarded.

of course not, she'd remain his equal business partner

I don't believe that but we'll say I do. Better than being a equal than being in debt to him. Putin got his hand so far up Trumps ass it's pathetic. Trumps a fast food eating dumb American and Putin knows it.
Well played Putin


I'm liberal and I disagree. She would've made an awful president. She lost the second she put her name in for nomination.

Democrats can only win by having someone their voters have passion for. You see this in the failures of Dukakis, Kerry and HIllary.

Do know who shouldn't be president?
Aging dotard reality TV show hosts.
With tiny effeminate hands.
And multiple personality disorders.
Especially if their claim to business acumen is bankrupting multiple casinos, and not in the cool James Bond way, in the senile old dotard way.


Die hard conservative here.
I disagree. I think she would've been much better than someone selling their country to the highest bidder. I was even more embarrassed when he supported a ped.. Smh

John Kasich should've been President.

Sure dude sure

hillary supports a serial rapist...bill clinton also how would you feel about her following in obama;s footsteps? also im tired of white women dictating we need to support them cuz they're a woman

Well played Putin. Well played




She did sell the country to the highest bidder. Uranium One. Bill did the same with the Chinese.

Shhh user shhh there there. You tried your best. That's all that matters.

if HRC should be president why isnt she president?


Uranium one? Bwhahahaha To much Hannity and Alex Jones rots the brain.

>3 million illegals votes should count

Neither of them should have been President, troll. He's a crook and she's a commie.

12 months on and the asshurt is still hilarious kek. The best part is there's another 7 years entertainment yet. I'm loving how much of a flap the left are getting in over Trump, some of the more delusional knuckleheads genuinely believe he is the same thing as Hitler, it's utterly delicious :D God I'm enjoying his run!

>He's a crook
>CNN told me so

I smell Bernie or buster who voted for Jill Stein. Amirite?

You can be cured but you'll have to follow the news a bit more closely.

Millions of illegals voted for Hillary and she still didn’t win. Accept it. She ain’t president and shouldn’t be. She was simply not good enough.


Sure Seth Rich and pizzagate is real. Bwhahahaha.

I love salty potatoes

That's like wishing puppies cancer

There is proof that she Was working with Putin while she was SOS and there is NO proof Trump had anything to do with Putin yet you still want to spread lies?


Don't know about that, voting for Hillary was basically proof that you're a complete fucking moron.




Plus, as now you gonna whine about the „popular vote“: Trump wanted to have it changed, the Democrats prevented it ...

I wonder how many votes did she really lose by? I'm thinking 60% DJT, 40% HRC, if you discount illegals and fraud.

I know isn't it grand.
People are so salty because their guy won and now they're regretting it.

This. Over a million illegals in California has driving license, which makes them eligible to vote. I don't think they voted for Trump.

It's hard to believe a year down the road and hillshills are still shitting their diapers furiously lol I absolutely love it :^)

I wonder how far his supporters will follow him

that lying cheating criminal CUNT should be in jail

> US Constitution
> US is a democratic republic
Nope. The peeps have spoken. Time to use some prep-h and dispense with the butthurt

Top kek
Keep crying snowflake

>be libshit
>throw yearlong tantrum
>still butthurt that Obama completely fucked up the US and now Trump is fixing his mistakes
keep crying for another 7 years fag hahahahahahahahaha


If by she you mean Ron Paul, sure, he should be on his second term.

>D e l i c i o u s s a l t

I was a Republican for over 40years and can't understand why people are supporting Trump. He's a traitor but what I fear the most not the Russian ties but the swamp he's creating.


>Chronic liar, murderer, traitor, jewish puppet, Soros' lapdog, mentally and physically ill, lost rigged election, constant seizures, best friends with several rapists.
>Presidential material

More proof that libcucks are dumb as fuck kek

Yeah, no.


Shill shilling.


love the butthurt......
why are left wingers so easily triggered?


Can't believe its 2017 and the rednecks and cucks elected a fucking jew lover over the lady who would have let muzzies nuke them traitors. Fucking morons.

I love seeing all the salt pour in. It's like a waterfall. Good thread op




Thank you for reminding me about that amazing night.


Low IQ and quick to emotional surges, thinking with their feelings instead of using facts and logic. Usual liberal dumbfuckery.



I'm pretty sure Hillary is Reddit and Bernie is tumblr

Only urban and inner city retards voted for Hillary.

People who love America all voted for Trump.

That pic irks me.

>what is Scandinavia

This. Helping Syrian rebels is retarded. Assad is shit, but that doesn't mean literally every other viable choice isn't much, much worse. There was a reason IS/ISIS/Whatever you want to call them teamed up with the rebels WE funded, as well as why Trump and Mattis is fucking up ISIS harder in a few months than Obama did in years.

OP, I have a question for you. Assuming you don’t leave these threads immediately after creating them (like the jag off you are), do you ever actually read the shit people write in these threads? And if so, fucking why?

I agree op and I been a conservative my whole life. I'm glad to see there's more in this thread like me who seen the light.
You guys are not alone.

Those fuckers voted in a jew loving cuck who is now moving our nations wealth into his own pockets. Corrupt and sad.

Why has none been posted in response to this!?

Trump isn't doing shit. Russia had to step in and show cuck Trump how to bomb shit in the mid east while cuck Trump sucked those jew fags off to get money. SAD

>12 months on and triggered salty libcucks are still farting cum in anger
What a time to be alive :^)


>makes the swamp bigger.
I am amazed at how many people have no idea what he meant by the swamp, despite it being listed in detail no his campaign website and in several speeches.

I think this election was good. Everyone who voted for Mrs Criminality could be added to a "legally retarded, do not allow to vote" list.

Or you.

>Massive offenses, most lead by the US

At first Russia did shit because Assad didn't want him in the region and we didn't want boots on the ground. About 6 months ago we rolled in tanks anyway. We launched so many mortars at an ISIS stronghold we burned out several of our cannons and left almost no building standing (I think it was a 72 hour offensive).

a modern capitalistic democracy ?

All my life Republican here.
I honestly would rather have Hillary right now as president. It pains me to no ends to say that but I have to put country over party. My party (not my party anymore) is putting party over country.


I've been a dem. my whole life and I can't tell you how happy I am with Trump. Identity politics and pandering to cucks is retarded. As is legit socialism. I don't agree with everything (like NN) but most of what he has done, and it's been a lot, is awesome.

+1 liberals shouldn't vote, self determination is wasted on them, 99% of them are useless chunks of shit

Yea, sure...stupid Libtards. Pic related.