Shillary's ferocious meme power has no bounds!
Trump's stumped now!
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Trump is poor. ha. he is bad business and fail. he is only support because of stupid and hate against sunni and mexico.
That will really bring the white working class back to the Democrats. Take that Donald
Fuck. I think I'm gonna stay home instead of voting now or maybe vote Libertarian.
They don't really even understand the game he's playing. "Crooked Hillary" works because she constantly plays into it by being corrupt, making the meme stronger.
Calling him poor won't stick well, the dude lives in a gold plated bedroom.
Poor Donald?
Anyone can dislike the guy but he isn't poor. Or is this kinda like the "SMALL HANNDDSSS!!!" thing or the stupid "DRUMPF" shit that le 2016 man keeps pushing to sell his stupid hats?
Trump should start calling her Honest Hillary if that's how this works.
thats some bad english for a brit
or shall i say ahmed
Oh shit guys Hillary called Trump poor. He's finished! I'm jumping the trump train and going into the Hitlary Hobble.
Even if he weren't as wealthy as he says he is, do they really think insulting someone for being poor is a tactic that will resonate with the lower classes?
"Hahaha, he's poor! Now all you poor folk, vote for me because he's poor and I'm not"
Not to mention the absurdity of calling someone poor when he's flying around in a private jet that has his name on it.
>pander to poor people
>by shaming poverty
I hope they do it, their kike aids have straight up downs when it comes to memes.
stupid treudau homosxual country how you like that disgust country? I move Britain to be with family and they pay for it as I deserve. they should not have bomb al'awsat in criminal war if not want pay to us in return as reward for trouble and death.
Plus libshits hate Don because "hurr fuck the 1%". Imagine Trump painting her as a cooperate whore while she calls Trump "Poor Donald". Is she even trying? Prep for a landslide.
>you have a problem with poor people?
all he has to say
..who is poor?
I know she was lieing in this for sympathy and that she just can't stop lieing
>we landed under sniper fire
"poor" Donald is a lot richer than her
Oh my G-d... this mat really be it. I'm going to save myself the embarrassment and jump ship before it's too late. #ImWithHer
Isn't "poor" an offensive term now? Pretty sure some SJWs at my college were complaining about that word.
He hasn't shown his tax returns
Low energy, confused old hag needs AIDS help to make up shitty nick name that could be disproved objectively.
>Hey guys, how are we goings to stump the unstumpable Trump?
>I know, let's call him names!
I can't believe this has happened to this country. We're about to elect a president based on who can make the catchiest hashtag.
But he's objectively not poor. Meanwhile Hillary actually is crooked.
>a woman with hundreds of millions in the bank (from wall street), uses "poor" as an insult (to win over the unemployed/blue collar male demographic)
Tax returns don't show someones worth, dingus.
That doesn't even make sense. What the actual fuck?
>pay for it
You're a funny goy achmed
I hope they do. The moment people call Trump names is always the moment they lose everything.
Remember the Chaos Candidate and Big Don?
>>a woman with hundreds of millions in the bank (from wall street), uses "poor" as an insult (to win over the unemployed/blue collar male demographic)
Yes, Hillary... he is just too poor. Yesssss.
Mock his poverty.
HAHA only stupid and poor people vote republican! Haha! they are too stupid to see they arent voting to help themselves!! haha! they should vote for democrats, those stupid rednecks! they are poor just like the nig.. i mean african americans already voting for us!! haha!
why dont they vote democrat?:(
They are getting desperate.
Nice VPN.
sick meme
>announcing that you're considering calling someone a name
The more people hear from her, the less they like her. She only goes on camera to do pre-arranged interviews and small Q&A sessions with pre-screened bullshit. Whenever she has to wing anything, it's a total shit show. Trump's strength is that he just doesn't give a fuck, while Hillary is straight-up bad at playing off getting called out on inconsistency.
Trmup basically hogties her and pulls her into the spotlight where everything awful about her is made known to even the most clueless of retards.
She's going to become Jeb 2.0 in the general election, since they're basically the same.
>Connected families
>Mountains of resources and connections
>Unfortunately, they can't connect with real people on any level
>Never land a successful hit on the Teflon Don
At least Jeb became sympathetic at the end since it felt like a dying puppy getting kicked.
>Poor Trump
>using lack of money as a derogatory term
Hey, looks like Hilary is prejudiced!
Hillary is such a caricature of herself. Trump makes up nicknames and he's gaining ground so she sits down with her advisors and says "guys the nicknames must be working we need to come up with our own before we lose the name calling war somebody call the focus groups!"
they arent very good at this. nobody considers him poor and they are alienating poor people
they should call him racist donald since thats the biggest negative that people assign to him
Hillary doesnt have the meme magic to effectively insult Donald Trump. nothing she tries will stick. Hillary is so uncool its like voting for your mom.
Also, Trump knows how to manipulate and play the media (Obama's strength). Hillary is incredibly lacking in this department. Even major media figureheads are getting tired of having to lie for her.
>Trump's strength is that he just doesn't give a fuck
That disgusting cunt actually thinks she has a leg to stand on.
Fuck her and her serial rapist husband.
How dumb and incompetent are the people working for her campaign?
I thought the Democrats had the best campaign structures, marketing and everything in America.
She has 800 people working for her campaign, Trump only 73 people, yet she can't out-meme him.
I wish I had put some money on Trump, last year.
holy shit they are terrible at this
Yesterday i watched Die Hard 3 and Oceans 11. Just felt like watching some decent non blue pilled movies. In DH3, Trump was mentioned. "Sure, and i am going to marry Donald Trump" was sarcastically said by a female character after a different character implied he was going to do something impossible. In O11, Danny Ocean was standing in front of Trump Tower.
Makes sense Hillary would call him poor Donald. That is the exact opposite of what is real. It is an insult to the public's intelligence. An open mockery demonstrating how corrupt she is. This is some 2 + 2 =5 shit at a level no one would have ever thought it would get to.
I want to curb stomp someone right now. My head is actually sore and my heart rate is up. I want to force the next liar i meet to swallow their own teeth.
>not "Bad Donald"
This will backfire so badly. This will ground Trump and make him seem relatable to poor working class voters.
>they make a huge deal out of coming up with a nickname for him
>decide to call a billionaire poor
I can see this meme lasting pat the election and well throughout his presidency. Anytime someone tries to start shit and ends up getting hit by the Truck that is Donald.
Oh snap, toasted
Really, it just shows how absurdly incompetent the republicans were. Who would ever guess that you don't actually have to play their dumb game of appeasement.
>Chaos Candidate
lol and Hillary has already recycled Jeb's meme 2 more times
>Dangerous Don
>Loose Canon Trump
Watch her roll out fucking "Maverick" next.....
This can't backfire.
why don't they call him "dumb donald"? That one would probably stick. One thing hillary does pass off well at is being (reasonably) intelligent. She of course is corrupt to the gills but I think calling him "dumb donald" and then poking at some of his plans would be a good move..
poor donald tho... god damn
Worse than them using the "qualified" buzzword everywhere
We should have memed this guy into the Nomination instead.
I am now a Randlet
Alternatively financially influencial
>It's a Jeb becomes and agent of chaos episode
>Log Cabin and Hard Cider Donald
This. Every single tactic they've used is namecalling. Its just sad.
t. Democrat POTUS candidate
>democrats shitting on poor people
This isn't new.
makes me.............
Does she mean poor as in he has no money or poor as in they pity him
Trump earned his fortune
Hillary got hers from her husband, using him to get into politics. Then politics gives you free money.
I thought about that too but the problem is that The Don can just spin it to show that she's calling his supporters dumb. She would have to go full damage control and it would be embarrassing.
Dumb is offensive towards mentally retarded children. Stop being such a bigot. Use only properly approved PC terms here, Canada.
did you see the lolbertarian debate? you may reconsider
yes lets make fun of someone for being poor during an election with a stagnant economy and depressed wages. Hillary and her lesbian lover advisors are dumb as fuck.
Why not just call him Stump and not even recognize his real name
>he's gaining ground so she sits down with her advisors and says "guys the nicknames must be working we need to come up with our own
It's incredible that she probably has a meme-team working 24/7 on this shit
Don just churns them out from the top of his head (and it sticks like a fly round shite too)
Not to mentions her memers are probably on 60k a year...
its jeb bush all over again
Ironic since all of shillarys money is from lobbyists.
Really makes you think...
You know, no one is being paid to shill for Hillary by the way. It's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.
jesus christ clinton
the memes have justly decided that you lack the necessary spicy material for even HALFWAY decent memes
>Trump earned his fortune
Is someone keeping tabs of all the downright terrible campaign flops hilldog has made? It's downright cringworthy. SAD!
It's not even just that the things she tries fall flat or even backfire. It's that she tries to copy Trump's style. So even IF she made a good one, you'd still just be thinking about how Trump is dominant and everyone else is just trying to mimic him.
it's gonna be interesting to see how hilldyke is going to try to discredit don tron. passing him off with a flippant and condescending attitude like he's an tempered kid isn't working anymore now that he's being taken seriously. if this is her approach then she's going down faster than the skirts ol Rapist Bill pulls off
my guesses for her future attack points
>hitler comparisons
>says the "poor world view" he'd create would somehow increase terrorism
>"mexicans are our closest friends"
>planting female shills at his rallies to prove misogyny
>planting shills near his campaign to create false scandal
>toupee hair jokes
>guesting in SNL sketches that parody him
we've got a long road of fantastic disappointment ahead of us boys, rev up that popcorn
Poor DRUMPFKINS can't understand that DRUMPF will never be president because LOVE Trump's HATE! I'm with Her! Bringing America together! We're stronger together!
small loan of six million dollars
she should call him Drumpf hahhahahahahahhahahahahahhaahahhahhahahahahahahahahahhhahhahahahha
>shit on poor people
>the entire democratic voting block
Kill yourself even if you are shitposting.
haha I saw that on john's show as well.
> Exposing your self expression as nothing but a set of comities.
> 2016
an taint it glorious.
>Going up against one of the richest people in the world
>Is basically famous for how rich he is
>Call him poor
Is Hillary's campaign manager a product of affirmative action?
>shit on poor people
Don't surprised by that. Look whose backing her.
>They've tried calling him racist, sexist, islamophobic, unqualified, a facist, and literally >hitler.
>None of them worked.
I know, let's call him poor. That'll do it.
I don't have enough smug reaction images to even handle this kind of week bants can you guys help me out?
Hillary's campaign manager must be a Trump supporter. He can't keep getting away with it
Go snackbar somewhere else sub human.
That's #Hillaryus