Tumblr feminist knocks over Trump yard signs and gets rekt
>Lives at home
>Pissing off her parents in any way
What a dumb cunt.
I always think race mixing must suck because how could a mother love a baby that looked nothing like her- but this must suck even more because the mom probably never thought her kids would turn out so shitty
Who the fuck raised her?
>like, i pissed my mom off and she got mad at me, i was like, ooooooook :P
> and then I cried in my room
She is pretty sexy desu
>moving out at 21
Enjoy your debt unless you have a steady job
And these people are considered adults?
Legally yes, but clearly she wasnt, mentally.
Biting the hand that feeds, kek.
>wants you to use plural pronouns to refer to her
She's retarded though.
Talk about a butter face
gas it
white women especially the younger ones are a lost cause. I keep them far away from my life as possible.
>lives rent free
>angry that her parents dare have different political views than her
ungrateful brat. but if she keeps this out she might get kicked out.
people would fucking suck dick to live rent free, and here this broad is acting like a total cunt.
Why do people take pictures while having their phones block their faces? Is she really that insecure about her face?
She's hot
her fucking cunt of a little sister is young enough to get grounded, and acts like she knows enough about anything to knock down political signs. what, is her sister a fucking 15 year old? Still enough time to send the bitch to boarding school and make the other one move out, ungrateful little cunts.
>Enjoy your debt unless you have a steady job
Are you retarded? I worked a job through college and everything was fine. Don't make excuses for yourself.
Mother is nicer than me I'd boot her ass out if she pulled that shit. I knew not to do it even though my mother was a hardcore liberal.
>be 21
>living with your parents
>cry when they call you up on you not having money and not paying rent
HAHAHAHAHAHA. Also new BPS video about women came up, they are the cancer killing the west giving them voting rights was a mistake.
Me if I was the mom.
Of course she is a fucking whore. Does any modern girl not have pics like this on their social media?
holy fucking rekt
was watching live when it happened. I got so incredibly excited when he plowed into that bitch as she was crying. I couldn't contain my cheer and laughter.
>offended by pronouns
tfw suicide is my only way out of this hell hole of a planet
her mom obviously
90% of millennial parents weren't able to raise their kids properly because they dont understand the internet and what it does.
She's hot. Too bad she's retarded.
Truly a lost generation
You're stupid.
These always shock me. I'm 20 living with my parents. But the part that always gets me is
>rent free
I may just be projecting but I can't move out cause my father is a literal jew and has found ways to make me unable to move out. Including money of mine from MY bank account going "missing " and random rent hikes under the guise of bills
Do you really expect those who know one to tell you?
i like thinking about how much it must kill her and her sister inside each time they are forced to enter their oppressive trump supporting home.. it makes me feel warm inside
give it a few years and she will be a land whale
yeah but you guys too
i would
Every woman you know has nudes and has shown them. They've all got nudes. It's just a matter of you being the guy she shows them to. Pictures like this are nothing to holes.
We're too sober to fall for that kind of shit.
The great war can't come soon enough
Electric jew?
>gender etheral
The fuck
The fuck is an ethereal feminist?
My sister doesn't. I redpilled her at an early age to the point that she despises the word selfie, and will not associate with women like this.
More like undead mate
>Making you pay rent
>in the current year
If you had left for 8 years and then had to come back because you lost your job that's one thing
Being a kid on the other hand is not okay and proves your dad is about as jew as it gets.
Make sure to put him in the shittiest home you can find user
>extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world.
>"her ethereal beauty"
She's a special snowflake feminist.
Nah its a 'hip thing'
A lot of my former classmates do that for their profile picture in twatsapp
your dad is a major kike. confront him about it then hit him over the head with a brick. you can hide him in the oven
She's lying to you dummy
Nigga, I moved out at 19. The only reason I stayed that long was my dad got laid off and helped out with the bills until he got called back
Red Pill your siblings before femi-cancer gets to them.
Maybe she meant ephemeral?
Although you can't really say that about an ideology you hold because it would be admitting you don't believe in it and plan to move on to the next better thing soon.
9/11 would rape her like I'm a mudslime in Germany
no old man, ethereal is a buzzword for them just like plebeian is for Sup Forums. they like to describe their aesthetic as being ethereal.
Join the military if you can't get a job or go to school. I'm not sure what it's been pussyfied down to these days but it helped me learn to manage my finances responsibly
He's a war vet so he gets vet home for free...
You realize that I dont plan to go to jail cause I'm not going to be a degenerate who can't get a job
Made my fucking day, thanks famalam
only wished he had started laying into her with the stick, collapsing her skull while she convulses on the ground
It's been pussified down to #feelthebern this year, not sure what it's gonna be next year
I cri evritiem femicancer turns a perfect, fuckable set of three holes and a decent face into a fucking blubbering retard
>Nippon male in charge of maturing into adult men
Does anyone else want to start putting up Trump signs on their property with hidden cameras so these people can be arrested for trespassing and vandalism, then we can make fun of them while they cry bitch tears?
For a generation that clams to hate labels so much they sure do love labeling themselves.
My god, yet she acts like she's 12
Pay one of the other home atendee's to make his life hell then
He's being a dick
While you should financially contribute you shouldn't be required to. Family are supposed to treat you like family not like you would any other faggot off the streets
Why waste the money when you can just buy a wrist rocket and a pack of ball bearings and shoot them at dumbfucks stupid enough to touch your sign?
Because the real joy is humiliating them and getting them to have arrest records while watching them scream BUT I'M A GIRL
i cant stand those dwarfish legs. make me feel uneasy
>mfw I want to move out because my sister is a total cunt to me and I can't stand the smell of dog shit and piss in the house. Hear them bark every single fucking day
>mfw I can't move out since I have no job
>mfw I can't get hired because I'm an autistic person
>mfw I don't know what career should
Should I just join the military to save money to live on my own while supporting my family (not sister but mom and dad)
>Still living with mommy and daddy
Get a load of this faggot
so bisexual
a unique snowflake
>ethereal feminist
what the hell does that mean? "Ethereal?"
yes, if you dont pussy out of that
this clip gets better every loop. i wish I knew that bitch's tumblr/twitter so i could seen the whining shhe did after that hahah
>that fat guy going blind to the left
top kek
>not having a steady job and a handle on finances by 21
>ethereal feminist
This cunt deserves a slow agonizing death in the gas chamber, time to fire it up, lads
I am absolutely looking forward to any chance of a war in these shitstain softass countries, just to see the faces on these blithering cucks faces as everything they know and love is taken away from them.
The only thing that will ever make these people realize that the things they're so obsessed over are absolutely so inconsequential is by seeing the world around them come crashing down in a single instant.
>based mom
>raising that
You can only choose one.
The mom has her faults but since she's a Trump supporter, she's based in my eyes.
Rape is a valuable tool for putting spoiled girls in their place and bringing them back down to earth.
Are police now immune to pepper spray? It's like it doesn't affect them at all when their partner just sprayed that shit all over.