ITT we fuck up this fucker's life worse than he fucked our internet

ITT we fuck up this fucker's life worse than he fucked our internet.

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Sup Forums has been on Trumps side since day one knowing full well he wanted this.
Now its done and you're all shitting yourselves wondering why this happened.
You fucks deserve it.

>thinking Sup Forums is a hive mind


no one erver said anyone in this thread supported trump. if you want to get angery about something make sure it's legitament.

Trump is a meme that went too far

I voted Trump. I understand that any system put under Government control in the name of Fairness or Equality leaves it up to elite fuckers to decide what's "fair" and "equal". If you believe man is unable to be corrupt, I guess you'd be ok with that.

I'm not related to anomymous, I just don't want to pay out the ass for my lolis.

You and me both brother

Okay, so, what's your plan?
I already browsed over to and bought him a package.

your precious internet isn't going anywhere

you were lied to, or you lied to yourself

NETFLIX free ride is over

you're right. But considering you support richfags who sit on your ass all day and tell you to "Work harder" in a 6 to 10 job while they cruise through life without having to work a day, you're kind of a faggot.

> believing that money hungry whore Hillary wouldn't also have taken Net Neutrality away.

dat argument

hes right though

but the poster is just diluting

regardless of the source, net neutrality removal is terrible for all of us

So better to let Verizon literally write the law, right?

Bipartisan bill to keep net neutrality and circumvent the FCC is already in the hands of lawmakers. Will vote on this week. Small business Republicans and free everything Democrats joined together.

Source: H.R.4585 - Save Net Neutrality Act of 2017

Learn to government, faggots.

If you actually read the shit that's been repealed - all the network neutrality policies that existed prior to 2015 are still on the books, the only shit that's been repealed is the 300-something pages of government bullshit that was added on under Obama's administration.

If you were happy with your internet prior to 2015, don't expect and sudden dramatic changes.

>TFW Net neutrality never existed.

Leave it to a bunch of fucking newfags who can't remember when "Jews did 9/11 " was just an ironic thing.

Any chance of "net neutrality" died with the DMCA and Mobile Data Plans. What blows me away is that some of you faggots actually have degrees in the subject of computer science, yet none of you seem to realize that the open web has been dead in the water since 2005... the following year Reddit would be purchased by Conde Nast.

Verizon does not "write the law" because you faggots are the ones who are stupid enough to keep giving them your money anyways.

How about you do what the Socialists and Communists are too fucking retarded to do and start pulling your money together with friends and begin buying stocks. You can gain the majority shareholder and begin attending higher-level meetings.

But no, you won't do that because you need the federal government to come in and artificially limit everyone to the slow lane in the name of bandwith equality.

Kill Yourselves. Actually kill yourselves.

NYPA leftist

>start pulling your money together with friends and begin buying stocks.

You actually think for even Sup Forums they have money let alone an actual friend.