Trans can never achieve a proper hip to waist ratio, and are super salty and mad about it.
Wonder why the fags are so mad about high test? It's because high test kills the trans meme
Stay mad faggots.
Really makes you think huh
I've got wide hips. Not a tranny though. Just a dude. It sucks but you learn to not focus too much on it. I'm in the process of getting fit but I'm not disgusting or anything. I've had a few women comment on them. Some like them especially since they're bone/muscle and not complete fat.
Does "high test" mean the thick girl has high testosterone or does it mean that men who find thick women attractive have high testosterone?
name of this cock dock?
Dr. Pavel, I'm High Test
The latter.
Though some people take the thick meme too far and go into hambeast territory.
Kek. Saved for future reference
Only thing testing high here is her cholesterol.
I like petite girls, sorry OP.
How are girls able to be "chubby" looking but actually have fairly tight, smooth looking shape?
Because women and men naturally carry fat in different areas of the body.
Honestly? Photo shop
women with high test are normally thin
they can when they are young, but once they hit midlife crisis, they deflate a little and you're left with the modern american female. gotta get em on their way up.
You don't have to be thick to have nice curves
I don't know, I don't think it's that uniform, some young girls are loose and deflated looking, and women older than 35 who are very fit.
That's what I figured, but I wasn't sure...
I don't think that's it, otherwise there wouldn't be girls the same size as OP's pic looking flabby and soft and gross
Really makes you think.
Bernie memes!
Basic automation income. Socialism
Merely staring at the properly shaped women increases your testosterone.
This is what high test means.
this bitch is ugly as shit
100% confirmed gay manlet NAMBLA member.
If you don't find this attractive, then you can hand your balls in to your local government office.
Who gives a shit what psychotic faggots think? They belong in a psych ward or a circus sideshow.
>i like girls that look like they have the syndrome
get taste
That looks fucking deformed what the fuck
will you stop reposting the same cunt everywhere nonstop you kike
basically what you want is black features on white womins
>got it
She looks really weird to me.
sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit good taste
High test, not fat, moron.
that's a sex doll yo
Where are her tits tho?
I was told to stay off Sup Forums while doing NoFap.
I didn't listen.
Daily reminder that Anri is RETIRED
disproportionate boobs on the left!
om my gerd! qt
gotta get em when they are ripe and supple. just right.
Keep fighting the good fight OP. Get these low test beta tranny loving faggots outta here
So I heard you guys like high test? How about this? High enough for ya?
hunk of rubber > delusional faggot
Tiffany Cappotelli.
dunno how to feel about this honestly
>Get these low test beta tranny loving faggots outta here
we'll leave you and this page alone, commence flapping
I think that's due to the angle
when will she do porn
Wow, did you really just call her retired? I mean, she was actually pretty smart and articulate dude, that's fucking horrible to say shit like that. Honestly, I can't believe you'd call Anri retired.
You know what. You're retired. Fucking retire.
That one's just nasty and fucked up.
>its a canada tries to be funny episode
she only fucks rich japanese user, her videos are literally catalog for rich japanese men to pick girls like her and sararymen pay for the production
Hopefully never, she should remain pure and adorable.
Her skin looks so soft
She needs a cuddle
I like thick women but I also like tranny porn. Liking both is possible.
Hell I also like fit chicks and petite women too.
I basically fap to everything.
Aino Kishi too. I'm depressed
I only get mad when faggots use it as an excuse to like obese landwhales. The picture in the OP is fine
>tfw when asian
>attracted to women like in OP's pic
>been told I look different from other asians
>can even grow beard
Confirmed for high test?
I have it manlet.
I thought about continueing the joke...
But those tits man....
I can't be funny in a thread like this.
Sorry I'm grilling and feeling my wife's booty up, please keep this thread going anons.
You have the syndrome? My aplogies, feel free to be with your own kind.
Pretty impressively below average. considering there's nothing particularly wrong with her.
You can racemix with a high test white woman, you have my blessing.
Just treat her nice.
There is a very fine line between having an attractive amount of weight and being fat.
Most people fall into the fat category.
Oh, so it was photoshop then.
Dude you have absolute shit tier taste
That is fucking revolting
get together with a high test asian girl and create your own branch of asian people
Look at his hips
You have no taste.
This is proper high test
Just find one of these giant Asian women
Holy shiitttt
>It's another thinly veiled Sup Forums thick thread
>fake titty bella
shit taste confirmed
God damn that is fucking hideous
Stop posting OP
>thinly veiled
You just have poor taste because you're a gook.
>thinky veiled
Stop posting this ugly cunt
Ma ma
>squeezey peezey
she eats meat which makes her naturally thicker than brie
She's pretty you dumbass.
You're just a gook.
I'm french, german and finnish dipshit
Stop projecting your insecurities on me
>liking high test
>being insecure
pick zero
See how the panty line cuts into her perfect 30% body fat...
Tons of tiff posting in another thread. What is it you guys?
This is an average Aussie sheala
Feels good meng
>the fat or skinny meme
fit women laugh
You have impressively low standards. But whatever floats your boat.
Anyone else notice this bitch is being posted all over Sup Forums?
By one guy I bet.
Yes, I did
You're just a man of poor taste.
And to think my penis couldn't get any harder...
Is that supposed to be an example?
That bitch has no curves. Her hips go fucking inward. Get out of here with your little boy weeaboo asian uggos.