Will you please fuck off?

Yes. We know. Anime can some times be appealing and almost addictive. But please, keep it the fuck away from Trump and his campaign.

If I see any more weeaboos at Trump rallies, I'm going to fucking call you out and have everyone point fucking fingers at you.

Keep your degeneracy locked up in your home's or else you will never procreate. Im a Trump supporter and Chad-like but I don't go around with a fucking anime girl on a pillow to Trump rallies.

Fuck off idiots.

Other urls found in this thread:

I prefer Western cartoons to be honest.


They're less embarrassing thaj nu-males.

Eat a dick, user.

> Hur dur a guy that will never even be Democratic nominee knocking out the Republican nominee


No. You suck a dick you autistic bitches. Everyone laughs at you faggots at rallies.

> I'm gonna bring my anime wifu pillow and everyone will accept me.

Leave your fuck pillow at home you degenerates!

Why can't we make America great again together? Why are you trying to divide us?

I like Naruto and that's Anime buy I keep that as a deep dark secret and dont even watch it when she is home. I have the DVD collection hid away like a fucking drug addict all because I know how it looks to normal society.

You FUCKS on the other hand just walk around in public with it like total idiots.

Like are you trying not to get laid?

Why are you even here? In case you haven't noticed from the name, boards, banners, advertisers, etc, you're on an anime site.

I have a very healthy relationship with my beautiful waifu Shiki thank you very much.
Naruto is shit by the way.

Pol belongs to Trump

>you're hurting our image!
>you're not cool enough to be in our in-club!
You're such a fucking faggot holy shit

Do people seriously bring these anime characters to the rallies?

>I like Naruto

I hate faggots that spam anime but you buddy are a full blown retard.

I watch the best anime fuck off.

Just because I want to work for my waifu doesn't make me any less of a hard working American


Why the hell is he holding the Spy's Connivers Kunai?

Naruto is shit, saged.

There's a special site designed for people who don't like anime posters. It's called Reddit.


This is amazing.

>divide and conquer
>divide and conquer with a shitty anime in op
at least use a smug anime girl so actual users don't immediately mark you as a faggot and ignore your bait, it isn't even satisfying to point you out as an outsider

Naruto is so fucking good. Wtf are you talking about.

Tell me why Naruto isn't good.

I fucking love it so much with a god damn passion and I'll kick your weeaboo ass if you say otherwise

I hope you aren't implying Jojo is the best anime, or even a good anime.

Dont you fucking anime autists get that anime is seen in the mainstream as something weird, oversexualised crap and even pedo at times?
Dont connect trump to it on fucking live tv you idiots, you actual do real damage.

Its already been connected dumbass.

Anime is only "known" at all among millennials who are irrelevant as a voting bloc. Most voters don't give a shit about anime or have any ideas about it

so its ok to continue and remind normies that "pedos" are behind trump kinda stupid no?

its shounenshit with shit plot, shit characters, shit execution, and way to much filler
the premises is literally "oh my god im so special but im left out but look at how hard i try even though i am super op lol"

I don't care honestly. Everyone outside of Sup Forums knows Sup Forums supports Trump. Everyone outside of Sup Forums thinks Sup Forums is either anime or fucking with people. No matter what you say they're gonna connect it anyway. Not to mention I highly doubt Clinton will ever actually say the word "anime" to try and attack us. Seriously give it a rest.

Why are you faggots picking your masters when you should be joining the anarchy master race?

clinton doesnt vote the average person votes the mainstream sees anime as creepy sexualised children crap and btw they are right but besides that do you think its smart to continuously until the end of the election connect him again and again? Unnecessary damage for literally nothing at all. Congrats bravo truly amazing

People go to Trump rallies to get laid?

Leave Sup Forums you won't see us ever again.

The mainstream sees what the media wants them to see and TV news barely, if ever, runs stories on anything remotely related to anime. You have no idea how much anime is out of the public perception most of the time.

Your country just voted a leftist cuck into power by a slim margin. Your words have no power here.

This is Sup Forums. Anime has been here forever. Fuck off back to r / politics if pixels of cartoon girls trigger you that much. Enjoy your muslim rapefugees, faggot.