When will this "Irish are subhuman" meme end?

When will this "Irish are subhuman" meme end?

The Irish built this country.

All the German and Dutch people in the US are
racist farmers in the midwest that do the bitch
work of the superior Irish man.

My grandfather came here with nothing, and he became a lawyer then sent 8 kids to college.

Prove me wrong.


Can't even grow potatoes

Don't you have a bus to bomb somewhere?

They're hot, and I love me some redheads.
But I don't want no ginger children.

The only difference between an Irishman and a Nigger is that the Irishman can hold a job. Both groups have very low intelligence and are prone to violence.


>When will this "Irish are subhuman" meme end?
When the Irish stop acting like subhumans

Those were americans. The Irish live in ireland you faggot

Which states do you think have the most money and power?

Also, reminder that you're probably part Irish.


>American presidents are prone to very low intelligence


>The states that have the most Irish also have the most Jews
>"Clarely 'dis be da work of me fellow countrymen!"

Leave it to an Irishman to imply that correlation = causation.

When will the "when will this "Irish are subhuman" meme end?" meme end


The Irish did all in their power to MAGA

And they did.
Yet Sup Forums still treats them like shit.

>bringing up kikes outta nowhere

hey JIDF

The Irish took the jobs for half the pay of blacks at the time.

They did all the work for the Nords, and now have taken over the country. Even Obama is Irish


Proof that irish are dumb fat niggers


Irish womens' accents make my dick diamonds. It speaks to me.

I have never given a fuck about the Irish. Why are they considered subhuman?

I have no problem with the potato people plus I like red head grils.


When you mick bastards and the wops actually contribute to America