invitados : Portugueses
no invitados .Catalanes sepa-ratas y el resto

otros invitados : negros de guinea

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Mala edición.

por que?

Tiene un tufo a política que va a atraer forococheros.

no vamos hablar de politica,habalremos de tetas...solo puse la bandera fascista para alejar a los panchitos.

es como el ajo y los vampiros

Mucho confias, cuando las elecciones esto se lleno de podemitas y no sabían decir otra cosa más que Muh tu más el PP más facha facha facha.

dale dale postea qts

no whote twitch gf


invite a los negros de guinea pero como no tienen internet , supongo que no vendra ninguno, es una buena estra

me gusta el spen :)

hollow up the wing pirate

>no anglo gf

helo spen

>no pirate fd

helo joao

Donde esta la zorra.



Boa tarde

a girl from Spain just broke my heart, how do I live with this pain?

Spanish woman don't even know what loyalty is. Did you fall for the meme.

>a girl from Spain just broke my heart, how do I live with this pain?
are you

no I am a different guy.
everything seemed OK, I invested much time and effort.

she just threw me away. don't no the reason. wtf

also she is from Cataloniam you guys warned me, I did not want to believe




>also she is from Cataloniam you guys warned me, I did not want to believe
divorce rate in like 60% in Spain, what do you expect about spanish girls m8

extreme feminism + Marxism inside their vines

How hugh was her princess complex? Also you tought we were memeing?

>How hugh was her princess complex? Also you tought we were memeing?

she was pretty ugly desu, maybe 4/10, but I liked her nonetheless. Even drove away many other girls for her.

Now she is with another guy and does not even look at me any more, wtf is wrong with your women

You fucked up desu, I have mixed feeling between a bit of pity and than you deserved it. She probably hooked with a more alpha dude in your back, then dumped your ass. You Germans are too naive, did you shower her with presents or related?

>Now she is with another guy and does not even look at me any more, wtf is wrong with your women
is she Spanish or south american with spanish passport?

>Now she is with another guy and does not even look at me any more, wtf is wrong with your women
Germans are so silly m8, why didn't you learn about those filthy immigrants from andalusia in 60s?

>is she Spanish or south american with spanish passport?

she is 100% Catalan

>She probably hooked with a more alpha dude in your back, then dumped your ass.

No, the guy is pretty shit. At first I thought she was faking it.
She is a Master student here, the other guy an Erasmus student.
Maybe she wants to go back to Catalonia in 1/2 year and just wants to fuck around

Is the other dude Spanish?
The fuck around part I believe too, they are ho outside of Spain. We have preached about the princess complex of our women to anyone we could warn, why didn't you believe us. Probably she tought you boring or any other shitty thing and lost interest too, even poor, dumb women do that there, divorcing they husbands and thinking than after the 40' they will snatch a better husband or something.

>hat eine haufen aus übermensche deutsche frauen

>er bevorzugte eine untere spanische fraue

Alter, du hast es verdient

No es coña, las alemanas son tias auténticas, me las follaba a todas.

>Is the other dude Spanish?
he is from Italy, but 3/10. his hair is already balding

all for you , i don't like german girls..spanish girls are ugly but slightly better than german one

also they communicate in shitty English?
Does she really think they have a feature?

my sister's boyfriend is from italy too and the last one was from Argentina XD

I think one of the reasons is that she has 0 German friends. She lives in an Erasmus. I think she sees not future in Germany and dumped me.

> She lives in an Erasmus

Maybe it's better now than after a divorce rape

Speaking in our latin dialects maybe?

>Speaking in our latin dialects maybe?
no I've heard them talk.

DESPACITO, also spaniards in my army complex

all catalans are spiritually rotten scum


also I think they felt much closer to an Italian than to a German, as I said, she has 0 German friends, only other Erasmus Spaniards/ Italians

Ala 14?

Italians and Spaniards are very similar. Some of us are able to speak with italians in our languages and undestand each other. Romans made Spain the Shitaly of the west.

>also I think they felt much closer to an Italian than to a German, as I said, she has 0 German friends, only other Erasmus Spaniards/ Italians
you sound like sad

> She lives in an Erasmus

what do you mean?

We told you....... but you guys think "muh Spanish 4channers autists hahahah" meme is right. Spanish males are autists and females are normies. This is it.

>what do you mean?

when I think of it, he was beta orbiting her for months.

Never trust an Italian

Soy una mujer.

You fell to the "Spaniard womens are catholics and conservative" meme. We adviced you.

NEVER trust a spaniard woman, they only care of money and social status. Even if you have this two things she will get bored and dump you without a reason to bang other guy. They act like spoiled childs.

Feel sorry for you.

incluso las que son super buena gente...

>Tfw my grand granny raised two girls after the father died in times of Franco, dodging the Guardia Mora than wrecked his village, coming to Catalunya, snatching a work in a factory of spoons, expended all his money trying to educate the dumbass of my granny (than sold the cookies than she painfully bought so other girls made her homeworks), did go to live with my granny because the factory closed, did raise my mom and her sisters, cleaned, bought groceries, did the meals etc until his 90+, when a cancer took her.
What happened to our women. THey used to be so based.

Also his Erasmus ends in a few months, I really think she wants to have fun while it lasts

Hola, gallegos. Como andan?


toca de aca blanquito

Are you depressed?

Esas es peor porque piensas que has encontrado a una decente y te acaba pegando el mismo palo

We call Erasmus, "Orgasmus" for a thing lad

Soy de ascendencia gallega (Pontevedra) por lo tanto no soy blanco

eche la puerta con llave y la deje puesta para que no pueda entrar mi viejo y despues de intentar entrar insultandome dice que se va y que mas vale que este la puerta abierta para cuando llegue jajaja que me vas a hacer si no puedes entrar payaso

>Are you depressed?
yes, i liked her quite a lot


Hola España

Que me pueden decir de la universidad de Sevilla? Pienso hacer una maestria y hasta ahora he contactado con esa, la Complutense, la de Barcelona y la Carlos 3, pero la de Sevilla parece buena y accesible.

Tengan una rocha como presente

ereh tonto mi arma, ya no teniamos bastante con el autista IBER y ahora vas a atraer una discusion politica

vuelve a casa hombre blanco
aqui en galicia cuanto mas marron, mas posibilidad de hablar gallego, es curioso

Por qué? Que ahi también está lleno de indios?

estas buena?


pic related was in Lithuania, ( i guess)

Estonia is really cool :) i will visit again soon


No soy mujer

>seria todo taaaan facil si asi fuera

pero lo pagaras tu no?o sera con el dinero de nuestro impuestos como siempre?

>pero lo pagaras tu no?o sera con el dinero de nuestro impuestos como siempre?
hay esta la cuestion!!

>pero lo pagaras tu no?o sera con el dinero de nuestro impuestos como siempre?
Como es eso? Si es paga la universidad alla. O que es "gratis" para los extranjeros???

Estoy averiguando si hay alguna beca aunque creo que ya es tarde y tendre que esperar al año que viene por las fechas de cierre.

Eso, o ver algun financiamiento del trabajo o algo

>Como es eso? Si es paga la universidad alla. O que es "gratis" para los extranjeros???
solo preguntaba


Esto es de primaria

aqui un MIG 21 de la antigua Union sovietica DE mi pais (Bulgaria)

otro mas, cuando vuelva haré mas fotos

Ah si?

esa quien es? mmmm


madree mia




>mi país (Bulgaria)

Sí. No eres un español .

No se, no se


De que es la maestria

> =[ las españoles son malas ¡¡¡estoy triste!!! *gritos en español*

Delet this

Acabo de cagar y ya me estoy cagando otra vez.


