posting here all the time, but can never be sincere. seriously can i still be accepted, given my lip orientation? i fucking hate it. tell me if its okay Sup Forums PLEASE
Posting here all the time, but can never be sincere. seriously can i still be accepted, given my lip orientation...
dont look for attetion here, you ugly, sad homo.
no fuck off sage
Your id doesn't lie
Shave that shit off dude.
exactly what i wanted you disgusting rapitst
honestly man. im not letting this thread get pruned untill you answer me. why do you think this is okay? that obviously a photo of you, and might i add, you have a very fucking unlileable face. why do you want our acceptance. no one here cares about you except me, because i fucking hate you. this get said alot here, but kill yourself. right now.
too busy earnin',,,,, stupid ass neets dont know shit bout dat
come fight me then you pikey piece of shit
lurk on Sup Forums a little bit more before you come here
a strong wind would blow you down you desprate mongoliod
>dat ID
You're obviously White, if that's what you mean. idk what else you want. You're ugly and you look retarded, you'll fit right in with quite a few people here. Get some fucking hobbies.
you might think you're baiting us with top zozes lamo, but the fact remains you used an actual photo of yourself. you're an ugly chav version of eliot rodges
You want validation from Sup Forums about the appearance of your lips?
He isnt ugly, if he lift he can get some nice girls
You arnt ugly, lad
Get fit
every single one of you faggots is hanging off of my balls. youre pathetic. i dont give a fuck what you think of me, youre obsessing like a load of little groupies. get off my dick
haha what ?
you cant recover. the damage is done. you look like the biggest looser i have ever seen. you're one of those people who if their facial features were a tiny bit of a better position you'd be good looking. but you're not. you look like a midlands cousin rape baby.
you want my cock so bad its crazy.
just leave this thread and let the big boys take over, i hear tumblr is the place for ugly women who are questioning their sexuality to make themselves feel better
lick me
I keep a folder full of all the Sup Forumsacks who show their faces. I saved yours. Thanks for the addition.
hey Sup Forums will you ever just accept me for who i am ?
you can add muscles but you cant get rid of ugly
op here, i love you man, im not a hater....we been infiltrated with commies up in hereyou aswell bruvva
Nice job gerald.
trying to pretend like you are trolling us wont make you feel better. i know that you know deep down you fucked you. you wont be browsing Sup Forums for atleast a week after this
>lip orientation
Its fat like blacks
If you're wanting to be accepted by Sup Forums your priorities are fucked. Go work on your self esteem and make some real friends
Sup Forums is a surprisingly good-looking board though. Very few are the ugly cave trolls I expected to be browsing Sup Forums.
post all the ones you got
Reported so hard my reporting hand (right, fyi) gained a life of its own, clicking my mouse rapidly for 3 hours straight with such a tenacity it became clear arthiritis was the least of my worries, so clear was it that I could lose MY ENTIRE HAND to this bizarre possession. Suddenly my mouse smashed through my floor, pulling down my report hand as a hapless hostage. Smoke filled my bedroom and I woke up god knows how many hours later in a small village south of Aokigahara.
The people of this modest commune emerged slowly from their shacks, all of them viewing me with what I can
only describe as suspicion mixed with awe. Suddenly they began throwing spears into the air and running towards me. I SHAT BRICKS, but then they GRABBED ME and LUNGED ME INTO THE AIR, praising my name and kissing me. The chieftan came down later and over a feast-for-one explained I was to be crowned The Chosen One, the Kamisama of Reporting foretold in Nihonese folklore to appear in the year 2012. At this moment an old Japanese woman - she must've been 85 years old at least - began doing some kind of dance, spinning around in circles whilst singing "Sorairo Days" and throwing confetti into the air. I was DOWN with this state of affairs, let me tell you.
For 300 years I trained with the chieftan in his private dojo, reporting shitty threads, every day becoming quicker. At first I could report 10 threads per minute. After only 2 weeks I was up to 5 threads per second. After a century my KTPM (kuso thread per minute) rate rose to and stalled at 200 per second.
On the last day he graced our planet, my sensei bestowed one last task to me: the reporting of this thread, the shittest of all shit threads.
I did not respond with words. Rather, through our eyes he knew I would obey.
This one's for you, Otousan.
He's a nice guy, I know him personally. I don't see why you're attacking him.
That'd take an hour and I'm not up for it.
I'll post a few though.
I only save the ones that are likely to be legit.
thanks babe
Funny how everyone here seems to have a mustache.
You're very good looking man. Smart girls (if you're into girls) like a face with character.
is the character you're thinking of charlie brown?
I think most people, regardless of gender, dislike pig noses, busted lips, and thin pubic-like facial hair.
Sick genes
Underrated also kekt & chekt
That fucking ID
Is that shit a knock off?
Is that frankie munez?
i hate commies
you think i'm gonna pay more than 6 bucks for a shitty political hat ? fuckin commie