What has Sup Forums's experience been with wearing Trump gear in public? I'll be breaking out the new MAGA hat in this liberal hellscape known as Montreal later tonight
What has Sup Forums's experience been with wearing Trump gear in public...
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Libtard Minnesota here...I'm disappointed to report I've had zero incidents. Probs because there's no Mexicunts here
>public MAGA in Canada
You'll probably get "Wtf is this shit" looks no matter where you go fag.
You want some edge, where a hat with a maple leaf and the swastika behind it. and "Nationalist Socialist Canada" on the brim
If you were from Minnesota you should know no one is going to say anything. People are nice here outside of the blm protests
I wore mine at my liberal cuck college. I'm already good looking so it really doesn't matter, I can get away with it. I got some smirks and chuckles, never been confronted though. You have to remember that liberal cucks are conflict averse faggots
Canada wearing a make AMERICA great again hat...
People must think you're autist
Listen here nigger, I'm not trying to be "edge," we Canadians need a Trump of our own now more than ever
Good luck man, I live in Montreal, you're definitly gonna have some stares. Are you French?
I unfortunately have to live in multiculturalism ground zero so I'm sure to rouse some anger because our state owned media won't shut up about Trump's "racism"
A black guy puffed his cheeks and sucked air through his teeth at me once while I was wearing a maga sweater, but the officer arresting him shoved him into the car after that.
>solidarity is autistic
I'm anglo with anglo friends but my French is fluent by most people's standards. Frenchies probably support Trump more than anyone else, all this diversification liberal cuck shit is really making me understand the language laws
oh shit I'm in Montreal too, I bought a shirt shipped to my florida condo I'm gonna buy a hat this summer and will rock it in FL.
where are you gonna wear it at?
I'm in central WV, Trump support is probably 80% of the people here. Got a couple high fives and people yelling "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN".
>Wear TRUMP shirt with pride in the nog-infested-5-murders-a-day-50-murders-per-100k-people underwater hellhole that is New Orleans, Louisiana
>wear it to buy weed in the 9th Ward
>my dealer says "you got nuts, white boy"
>took 10 bucks off my q
I also CC nearly everywhere I go, I've gotten weird looks but the only people that have actually said anything to me were jelly-rolled college lesbians from the Uptown area
I'm 6'2 and 210 pounds though with tattoos and half hispanic so idk maybe that helps
the only people that bitch are the gurney flanders supporters honestly
It's gonna be real hard to unite the right on the federal level because of the French vs English rivality.
that's the thing with black people, they respect people with balls
Ohio, went to the store earlier, got some smiles, no issues out of anyone black or white.
Canada is part of america you fuck
maybe he is a tourist you dipshit
>from Quebec
>Condo in Florida
so cliché
Don't have a MAGA hat, but I really should get one. IDK, I've just never been into wearing hats, period.
That said, I live in philly, so it'd probably be a bad idea. And actually, the problem wouldn't be people confronting me on the streets (I have a good frame and blacks/mudskins aren't going to really fuck with me and white liberals are all cucks). The real problem would be that I'm in professional school and many of the people I see on a daily basis are potential employers for the future. Best to present myself as apolitical or it could mean not getting hired.
I think we both miss the times where it was just French vs English vs Injuns...we've got bigger fish to oven
user im mexican i would hurt u
>people are nice
Depends on which part. Have you been to Minneapolis-Saint Paul lately? Fucking degenerate
I'm just heading out for food, gonna detour through downtown visit all the late night drunks
okay man stay safe, if some arabs try to fuck with you smash their skull on the pavements these fuckers are a nuisance
I actually wore my MAGA hat on sunset Blvd the other week and nothing happened. Somebody said something to me but that's it. I've been sporting my hat on the beach all this weekend at the jersey shore, nothing but actually praise from women and men alike desu
Bostonian here, no issues outside of typical faggots around BU staring. Gotten a few thumbs up and even one bro-five.
Las Vegas. Zero incidents, even at the malls.
can't wait to wear the hat and shirt when I go
>In Montreal
Tant que tu reste loins de St-Denis/Ontario et de l'ouest de l'ile, ca devrait bien se passer.
So far so good. No comments yet because I'm guessing nobody knows.
My hat grant's me uberhuman powers, with it, I am unstumpable. Of course i'll be sure to jam the hat in my waistband and conceal it if I'm buying food, I don't need cuck spit in my food
>Half hispanic
as a cuban, yup.
dude saint-denis ontario has all the quebecois folks there, the shitty people hang around mckay street and concordia university
Come to jersey and get comfy
you best be a tourist or everyone will just laugh at you in all likelihood.
I live in my town's immigrant central and I'm getting my hat in a few days, the reactions could be interesting.
i want a maga hat so badly but i'm in los angeles :(
Haha guy, crescent, Concordia is where I'm about to pass through, libtarded college students won't be too much of a physical threat
>caring about what people think
My Trump hat and conceal carry handgun go hand-in-hand here in Cali, I'm just waiting to see if any of these spic thugs try anything stupid
I just got it in the mail on friday, I've yet to wear it out and probably won't much casually but I will definitely wear it in the upcoming election day and make sure to walk past the labor shills that hand out papers
Montreal born and raised mon ami
I wear my MAGA hat and/or my Trump T-shirt around my college and I hardly ever get comments, mostly just looks. The worst comment i've ever gotten was like, "cool hat bro, Make America Great again??" in a snotty voice, but that's about it.
Don't be afraid to rep Trump
Quel quartier? Dis moi pas Mont-Royal...
I would but no one gives a shit here.
best time to be in college
people will bash you because they'll think you're a seppo cunt
watch out, bro
You already have a Canadian Trump. It's that guy from Shark Tank: Kevin O'Leary
Je suis recemment demenager a la petite bourgogne, beaucoup de niggers ici
>that Moon Man sticker
Keep us posted if people interact about the hat. I'm curious.
Familiarize yourself with Canada my Japanese friend, we are a candidate for SJW capital
Au moins t'est pas dans l'un des trou de "Quebec Socialiste". Même si j'aime le style de Amir, C'est un peu notre chien de garde politique ici.
I can only hope he runs for the Conservative party leadership, at least I can say with a certain amount of certainty that weedman won't last
Zim Zam is that you?
Amir is a good guy, I just don't like more government than we already have
Si Amir serait pas pour l'ouverture totale des frontières ce serait pas mal mieux.
no, but I wish
Seriously, the Hispanic side of my family is INFINITELY more racist than the white side, and the white side is pretty damn racist too
I work in a PA state liquor store north of Philly. Still waiting to see some Trump gear. I did see a guy with a "Hillary for prison 2016" shirt with Infowars on the back though, that made my day.
Question Quebecois, Pour ou contre l'indépendance?
If I have any interesting tales, with them I will return a few hours from now, I'm yet to head out
>Women and old fucks will bash me for wearing a hat
these same people who do nothing when coons chimp out on the train?
Unfortunately so does this monkey.
There's a truck here in Lachute with a `Trump pour premier ministre' bumper sticker, I should have taken a picture.
I'm literally watching his interview with Ezra Levant right now, I think he will run but I like Maxime Bernier (the libertarian guy with the jingle and the biker gf) better.
>What has Sup Forums's experience been with wearing Trump gear in public? I'll be breaking out the new MAGA hat in this liberal hellscape known as Montreal later tonight
You live in Canada... people will just think you're stupid, unless you're a double-citizen.
Just wear your shit OP, you paid for it.
If people want to get upset over a hat, let them.
Contre, we evillllll whiteys must all be united in these times, we're a movement.
Illegal immigration hurts the black community most of all. Blacks are also redpilled on a lot of issues. There is much potential.
What's wrong with supporting Trump for president? Of course I'm not entitled to a vote, but what's wrong with showing support?
Utah fag here i tell you what there's a fuck ton of commies although i did see one trump bro he came into my work looking for deer block
dude fuck him, just wear your hat it's chill fuck what everybody thinks
I wore the hat out once, got a compliment from a woman.
I wear a Trump pin on my backpack in college.
No negative reactions. A few glances
Contre pour maintenant.
Maybe if an independent Québec would close the borders and significantly lower the size of the government than I would be for it but that`s probably not going to happen. I would vote BQ before I vote NPD or Liberal though. I vote CAQ in provincial. I may have voted for PKP but that`s gone now.
I love you bb :3
Which place is more dangerous, LA or chicago, i'm thinking of if i get a hat i might just wear it in East LA tbqh
I'm a spic so I doubt i'd get anything but be called a coconut or a uncle tom variation.
I'm always an observer when things go down in the world and never really pick sides... but trump would be cool desu.
>live in metropolitan northeast city
>be on subway
>tall older man walks on wearing a red MAGA cap
>nonchalantly smile and nod at him in approval
>he walks up to me, looks me square in the face
>"I've never seen this many black people in my life before"
osti, meant for
Guero in Laredo
Beaners love my hat
Their bitches love my SUCCESS BY TRUMP
Awesome pic
Just move to the states, faggot. No one is guarding this boarder hard.
>being such a Trumptard that you wear a "MAGA" hat when you're not even an American citizen
Thanks for the You, user!
I'm in South Florida, I wear a Trump t-shirt and have received lots of compliments from upstanding, attractive white people.
Canada is my home and for this home I will fend off the liberal-SJW-cucks for the rest of my natural life, even if they act on their promise to move here if Trump wins. I wish we had a Trump of our own, but we do not and I must therefore stand and fight, not surrender, no emigration.
>Man supports American football team.
>Man wears jersey of American football team outside of America
Been trying to get one but I have no fucking clue how. All the ones on eBay / Amazon etc are fake.
I think that's a pin, Australian user has balls for sure. Good luck m8! God Emperor smiles upon your high energy!
>involving yourself in US politics
Are you fucking retarded?
You should run.
What a great shitpost. Too bad it won't change the fact that Donald Trump is an absolute fucking retard.
He has no understanding of economics at all. Sad!
For once i aint even mad about a leaf all Canadians should follow Make Canada Great Again