I work as a parking lot attendant and everyday I have to deal with a bunch of nasty niggers who work for a clothing...

I work as a parking lot attendant and everyday I have to deal with a bunch of nasty niggers who work for a clothing store. I always ask these people to park near the wall so I can have a clear view of the parking lot because homeless people come piss and shit by the starbuck wall and cars hit each other and my booth as well cause its a tight parking lot, but today some nigger said no he doesn't have to and he won't. It just makes me job harder. He started rubbing it in yelling that if I call his store they are all going to laugh at me. This nigger used to get into the parking lot by just waving his hand because he's an employee. Now I have to lay down the law on this fucking nigger and ask for ID everytime he comes in and out establishing the correct rules because some dirty niggers feels he can park wherever he wants and then tells his employees at the store to tell me company I was being rude with them threatening my job. Anyways. Fucking niggers. How do you deal with niggers who lie about you as well? I show up do my job and go home and on top of it all deal with the grimy little city niggers. Besides getting a better job, what's a good way to destress when you have to tell people to do shit they dont want to. Fucking niggers mang. The fuck is wrong with black people? White people dont do this shit to me. Nor asians or hispanics by a long shot.

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Bitch you're a parking lot attendant and you're complaining about "niggers" who have real jobs and cars? I can only say, fuck you, because the universe tells you that everyday but somehow you've missed the obvious message.

Bitch you're acting the nigger yourself. Obviously if you came to my parking lot I would call security on your dumb nigger ass for not wanting to show ID.

Nigger spotted.

All fagotry aside, the fuck do you do for a living? I bet you dont deal with nasty fucking people like yourself. Fucking retard. Rules are rules. Try to argue that shit with me. Youre getting IDed too now cause faggots like you can't have nice things. You see the reaction you get? Youre a dumbass.

"Real Jobs"
>being a drug dealer is not a real

>niggers" who have real jobs and cars? I

Can you be any fucking dumber? I have both job car and paid 25 union as an attendant managing idiots like you paying 10 bucks for overpriced shit coffee. I say again. What kind of flaming nigger are you, you said nothing about the rules. Of course youre fucking retarded.

this 100%

"Real Jobs"
>being a drug dealer is not a real job

"niggers" who have real jobs and cars
real jobs and cars
real jobs
clothing store

>tfw you go insane with an illusory amount of non-existent power

The power to get your car towed.

>Rules are rules. Try to argue that shit with me. Youre getting IDed
Look at these triggeredniggers who don't even leave the basement to collect tendies trying to rip on some jigaboos selling Jordans and paying taxes

I hate them, too, OP. But technically it's not their job to make sure that your job is a little easier. Sounds like there's something wrong with the current system in place at that parking lot.

I do agree with you, though, that niggers' attitudes are complete shit. To answer your question there is ZERO you can do about it. Because unlike shitty white people who will just continue to taunt you, niggers will become physically confrontational... sometimes to the point of murder. Sure they'll go to jail, but the stores will just pull up another cheap-labored nigger to take his place.

Unless you're law enforcement or you have superpowers, YOU CANNOT DEAL WITH NIGGERS. Niggers are raised with "prison mentality" that teaches them to be violent, escalate a situation quickly, be easily offended, and have no shame in their actions.

Here's a 2-minute scene from War Dogs (great movie btw) that demonstrates what working with a nigger is like.

Right but I don't live anywhere near you. Ms metermaid.

>Rules are rules. Try to argue that shit with me. Youre getting IDed

Failed to argue, instead defend some nigger who makes things worst. You must be the triggered one if you decided to link all that you dumb fuck.

Assumptions. Public school education at its finest. I'm sure I'm a drive's away from you. Few hours. Stupid comment is stupid.

Thank you very much for your input, I thought this nigger mentality was fake until I started working in the inner cities exposed to the cretins of society. And youre right about the psychical confrontation. These nigger mothers raising little demons who have a hard time assimilating into culture and society. You ask one of those niggers to help, how many of them will listen until one day they just dont feel like it? Nigger mentality is real. Id rather deal with a shitty white person or asian or hispanic than fucking fucking ape ready to brawl. They probably dont know we live in a world they can get beat the fuck up by any other race just as well.

>Niggers are raised with "prison mentality" that teaches them to be violent, escalate a situation quickly, be easily offended, and have no shame in their actions.

Taught by demon nigger mothers. This world is full of them. Why the fuck are most jails filled with colored niggers? I really want to know.

imagine being this butthurt over a job that pays 9.00/hr that you have to go on Sup Forums and call everyone a nigger. lol. get a new job pussy

What happened poor tyrone you can't follow rules either? Fucking nigger.

And yea a job that pays over 9. more like 25 and union with 401k and I have a couple bitcoins in reserve. Suck a dick poor nigger.

Because they're violent by nature and raised to resent white people. They think it's"cool" to be lazy and to "hustle" which means to sell drugs/robbery. And they get a free pass to act like this from liberals because of something that happened 150 years ago and the stupid civil rights era. We're equal now, you stupid monkeys.

Pretty good exec sum, wise user

i’m actually a college graduate and i make 90k a year plus benefits including 401k. If you have to come all the way here and let out aggression towards everyone that doesn’t agree with you when you should have been using the same energy to tell off the people supposedly making your job harder for you, you’re just a bitch. Grow a pair of balls and get a new job if you don’t like putting up with it little buddy. You’re probably 5’4 and you weigh 115 pounds and to scared to the big scary black people you hate so much. Also i’m White lol

I can't agree with you anymore. I don't understand why niggers can't follow rules everyone else has to follow. Just because the nigger era happened 150 years ago we need to treat all of them like snowflakes? They get a free pass to bend rules and not show ID and when they are told to stop they don't? I wonder why they get fucked with more often by government. is it the big bad government is faggot ass nigger people who have a hard time getting along with others? I have so many questions as to why this group of niggers, and not all of them because I met a few good ones but most? Droppy owl eyed vicious looking monkeys waiting to punce on you and get a leg up if it means cutting you in line, food stamps, free money or simply thinking they can nod their head and expect to be let into a private establishment because they have some reputation and they dont need to be checked cause "they are cool with you." If niggers followed rules and got along better with people I wouldnt be typing any of this.

How many times are you going to say "nigger"? It loses its effect after awhile.

nigger detected

until he gets beat up when it slips in real life

triggered nigger

I have a pretty good solution to deal with lower forms of species like niggers that in theory should work, actually planning on using this method tomorrow......

underage pls go

Listen putting up with niggers who don't want to follow simple rules. You defend their actions. Therefore you're a snowflake millenial faggot without no 90k job. Funny how you mention 401k then double your salary after I mention I make 50k. Now youre making 100k? hahahahahaha You dont have a fucking 90k job you faggot lying little dick wanker. Who the fuck are you kidding hahahahahahaha. At least I can take a pick of my bitcion money in a drawer and choke you the fuck out with it. fuck outta here poor bitch

Which is?

If I was black, I would say I was, as most seem proud of it. Lousy comeback.

>They get a free pass to bend rules and not show ID and when they are told to stop they don't?
Bitch I'm whiter than your pollack ass and I'm not showing you my ID, but I will unzip my cock which you might recognize from that time you saw it in your mom's ass.

No problem, man. I grew up in that environment for 18 goddamn years. Never fell in with them, but you couldn't pay me to run away any faster as soon as I finished high school. Liberals and white-guilted Americans feel sorry for them because they think niggers are just "oppressed by the man." These liberals haven't lived a full week in the ghetto, so they don't understand that niggers oppress and kill themselves. My 18yrs of observation taught me that niggers are usually:

>homophobic and transphobic
>proudly promiscuous
>quick to anger
>physically violent
>gun lovers
>God fearing
>excessively lavish
>poorly educated

Sounds a lot more like a redneck hick than a liberal. Yet they continue voting Democrat because they want to exploit the welfare system. Black people are decent, regular humans that do their part to contribute to society. Niggers, though, are an an abomination. Unfortunately, nigger-blacks seem to make up 95%, while regular blacks make up 5% of the total negroid population.

This guy gets it. I'd also add that niggers have much higher levels of testosterone (which makes them angry and violent) because they were bred during slavery days to have this. Instead of learning to control it or channeling it somewhere productive, though, they're taught to use that aggression to commit crimes in order to get back at something "The Man" did to their ancestors 150yrs ago.

get a camera and record everything, Sup Forumsro. as soon as some nigger threatens you, report it to the police.

Keep an eye on spokane Washington

I'm not sure you belong here...

Your car getting towed honkey. hahaha. They fuck you kidding boy? You along with the handful of others I sent to the car graveyard. Your tiny little dick will shrink you cancerous faggot. get cancer too haha.

Wall o' text.

I will

i still make more money than you and my dick is longer than yours. and yes, i do make 90k plus benefits. I actually have a real job. I don’t sit in a booth all day reading cuckold fan fic and browsing Sup Forums you pussy. You and I both know you aren’t man enough to say anything to the people you hate so much lmao just quit while you can

because there's a higher correlation in prisons than race - it's having been raised by a single mother. and don't bring up women whose husbands died - those are called 'widows'.

In other words, be a bitch.

little dick nigger spotted, triggered. talking about your tiny little dick now? you have no 90k job no girl and youre a complete loser faggot scum hahaha

>getting a better job

Move out of the city. You're a doorstop. Get into the 'burbs. Actually, fuck that, I don't want any more wiggers like you in my fucking suburb pretending you're white. If that keeps up I'm moving into the goddamn country.


says the guy getting raped in his cockroach infested apartment, goes precint to cry about rape with no evidence.

lel@u. hope you get assaulted off camera one day. maybe a few missing teeth will do you good and make you rethink your comment hahaha

And for some reason, white millennials/teens LOVE nigger music/culture. I say send them to a black school or make them work with a bunch of nigs. See how fast they change their mind.... Unless they are retarded.

Honkey spotted. Can you stop making white people look bad for fucks sake? I dont want to hear you're a degenerate too. Maybe you belong in the city with that attitude you fake ass white person hahaha.

>This guy gets it. I'd also add that niggers have much higher levels of testosterone (which makes them angry and violent) because they were bred during slavery days to have this. Instead of learning to control it or channeling it somewhere productive, though, they're taught to use that aggression to commit crimes in order to get back at something "The Man" did to their ancestors 150yrs ago.
Nothing turns a DeVry dropout into WhiteScienceMan faster than a discussion on the inventitudination of the Darkly Populashins

Not that user, but weren't you the one who started talking about dicks?

yea make them work with a bunch of niggers who need to follow rules and good luck trying to get them to follow your side if you need some type of help.

i hate self entitled niggers who like to stand and look at you and expect a service or respond in return automatically.

Are you on meth?

OP guess you gotta put the rules in place. If they get disruptive call the police. I'm sure your boss will have some words with the guy's employer

When did working in retail mean you made more than attendants/security?

>thinks private property isn't power
Go hug your waifu pillow

Correct I was. And he followed through. it's a trigger. -wink

+1 for having actual logic, Sup Forums might implode

>I'm sure your boss will have some words with the guy's employer
Guy's boss is the landlord who depends on shop rent to pay Guy to sit on his ass fuming about the employees who give him a job in the first place. In business we call the shop a revenue center, whereas security and attendant functions are strictly a cost center.

>I don't want someone from the city moving next to my mom's house
Damn hard to beat that tough guy speech

>When did working in retail mean you made more than attendants/security?


ITT: OP crying about niggers not listening to his pathetic pleas.

>Why the fuck are most jails filled with colored niggers?
It's because niggers, having been raised and molded to have a destructive and violent approach to life, are far more likely to commit a crime when angry. That's it, period.

When a white person learns that his gf cheated on him, he'll yell at her before breaking up and going to get drunk.
When a nigger learns that his gf cheated on him, he beats her up. Then he beats the other guy up. And then he smashes the other guy's car windows.

Prisons are jam-packed with niggers because niggers are taught in their culture that being violent is ok and expected, and that going to jail is a badge of honor because it makes you "stronger."

I guess another reason is simply because they're stupid about their crimes.
A white guy will stick up a gas station by wearing a mask, getting in and out quickly, and not leaving fingerprints.
A nigger will go in bare-faced making a huge scene in the process and leaving fingerprints everywhere.

You can't go around claiming that every autistic comment is made to "trigger". Autism is autism and it doesn't matter if it's bait.

He's not telling the shop to leave you dumbfuck, he's going to ask the owner to straighten out their employees

Shop owners don't want their landlord telling them about employer incidents because its bad P.R. Do you have any idea how the real world works?


I don't have to put up with this kind of degenerate wigger-attitude. I need to speak to your manager.

>acts like he understands business
>thinks a landlord is going to evict a company over a single employee
In business we call you a NEET or custodian

>white millennials/teens LOVE nigger music/culture
This is because they're desperate to prove that they're "accepting and tolerant" or other (especially oppressed) cultures. So even if the music is shit, they'll listen to it until they've convinced themselves to like it at least a little.

Sure, let me just tow your car first cause you're too special to show me ID.

Autism, the syndrome you have based on the word you are suing. Good self diagnosis.

Nigger spotted.

>being this butthurt and new you have to angrily reply to people who don’t agree with you because you’re too pussy to tell people they’re not supposed to park a certain out of fear you’ll get beaten up or robbed
Pic related

certain way*

Nigger spotted, you must be the guy with the fake 90k job and tiny litle dick syndrome.

>too special

Like I'm ever gonna go to a mall ever again. I order everything Amazon. Enjoy being the doorstop at the shopping mall garage or whatever you do.

Shit, whites have been stealing black music a lot longer than that, try 1830 or so. This is because the hunky, the bog-trotter, and the square head are incapable of creating a native culture so must steal.

and you must be every Sup Forums user ever.

Liberals are sooo afraid of being rejected outside the majority and being called a racist. It's all a fucking fashion show for them. They act so sorry for niggers and defend their abuse of the welfare system. Afraid to admit reality.

Not true. Whites have original culture. But, like the Romans, they incorporate elements of other cultures as well. You can call it appropriation if you like, but the royalty checks cash, so what the heck.

>try to dictate where people park to make my life easier
>cry when people don't bow and scrape
>claim i have to tell people what to do.

lol. get a better job if you want to be treated better. you are society's toilet paper.

>Not true. Whites have original culture.
That's why there's always been so much polka and clogging in the Top 40, I suppose.

Best way to destress is to beat up some niggers.

-. . .doesn't use proper punctuation, grammar, or capitalization yet inserts useless context into a more useless comment. Public school education is doing its job.

A rich fantasy life could help, I guess.

I make 25 an hour at this doorstop doing not much. Meanwhile who you grunting for and doing what? Hardy har har. Union job sherlock you dense or what?

>and than

Unfortunately they are impervious to fists and kicks. The only attack that seems to work is curb stomping. Go right for the curb stomp

People who has attitudes like yourself are society's toilet paper. Correct yourself you vile vermin scum.

>because homeless people come piss and shit by the starbuck wall
what? is this really happens in the US? Fuck I can't imagine it here in Belarus. Haven't seen homeless people for ages


If you're presented the opportunity to walk by his car every day do it. Look inside for roaches and pot parephenillia. When you find it call the police.

>coming on a japanese image board in a thread with a bunch of anonymous strangers and proceed to make grammatical criticisms.
What’s it like being 50 years old browsing Sup Forums?

Yea, imagine trying to have people line up in a parking lot so you can see the homeless people piss and shit. Then a nigger says NO Imma park my car in your line of sight cause I feel like it. That nigger getting ID'ed from now on coming IN and out of the parking lot. No more self entitled nods cause he's too cool to show ID. All niggers are on my radar now.

Who else misses post IDs on Sup Forums

Wear a camera and record your interactions with him. I'm sure he'll be vulgar and innapropriate. Use that to attempt to get him removed or discredited but, of course some niggers are praised for punching babies and what not so, you might just add fuel to the fire.

Damnnnnnn talk about LEGAL AS FUCK. Lmao!!! I smoke pot and I would do this to a person who I didnt like as well. Agreeeeeeed.

That's probably because they get arrested for being homeless.

I grew up liberal I guess, small town in Canada. No niggers in my town but we were taught to be tolerant. When I started working with niggers in the states, seeing how they:

>do the absolute minimum
>don't follow rules
>give you attitude if you ask them to follow rules
>will escalate to violence quickly (nigger fag slapped a coworker in the face)
>will show up late for things on purpose

I was shocked by how fucked the whole situation is down there. It's weird how we all pretend that they've effectively integrated into the work place...it's just clearly not the case.

Nice dubs. I'm sick of your Union ass liberal protected job bullshit organized labor, smoke break after my smoke break, do as little as possible, left wing bullshit. Get some dirt on your fucking hands once in your goddamn life and get some shit done instead of just complaining about everything.

THIS.......... I bought a camera for my car... GUESS WHAT..... About 8 months ago some fucking black faggot asking for money decides to reach his hand in my car and I closed the window on his arm before he took my iphone. Then he called 911 claiming I assaulted him. Guess what happened after I showed them the video? They asked me if I wanted to press charges. guess what I said? -Every single one of them plus a restraining order. lel I also posted his face all over facebook and found his family and sent a message to all his friends and family on how such a wonderful personality they are related to. So proud so black.

I do side work as a roofer and I get more than my fair share dude. I dont have to be a roofer all week so I can fucking complain about niggers at my job because I work two jobs unlike niggers working one or none.

I also scrap with my roofer buddies and make a couple hundred every two days or so from copper wiring and dumb bullshit from some satellite company dumps we have access to and a dump yard as well. Anyways enough of my life story. Whats your story sherlock?