What went wrong Sup Forums?
What went wrong Sup Forums?
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The Conquistadors didn't finish the job.
too much ass
what job?
Spreading smallpox with blankets.
They finished a lot. That's why we have so many fucking beaners.
Operation Condor went too far. Right wing politician are now considered like the most evil people in this world.
>What went wrong?
Y'all niggers deposed your one and only remotely decent leader, Porfirio Diaz. What happened next was if the French Revolution was conducted by borderline retards
>Central America
We gotta keep 'em down or else we won't have dirt cheap bananas
Endless civil wars between the Liberals and Conservatives
>Peru and Venezuela
They're fine countries and people, just poor. Nothing wrong with being poor if you live in dignity
Sicilians, not even once.
Where's the /latpol/, faggots? I want to shitpost.
You forgot
but the french revolution was conducted by borderline retards
Since when is Ecuador bad?
Wasted potential.
Central america affecting everyone.
Nobody doing anything.
I meant Bolivia.
They're just mountain farmer folk who like to chew their coca. Sure, the majority look like morlocks, but they don't bother anybody and live in peace. They also run all the fruit stands in Buenos Aires. Nothing wrong with fruit! I'm 100% in favor of Bolivian fruit stands. Heck, they can even juggle in traffic!
They're Pajeets without the superiority complex
I want an Argie to get butthurt that I support Bolivian fruit stands
socialism (even in countries where wasn't fully implemented, some principles of the ideology fucked them up)
Majority of people who doesn't put much effort into studying that could actually help them (instead they just "let's get wasted n sheeeiittt" watch football and get distracted to not see how fucked things are).
Niggers (only in countries where they were numerous andset free)
>Fine people
US and Canada being drug addicts making the cartels more powerful than European military.
also the US giving weapons to them