You spot your wife or girlfriend in loving embrace with another woman, is your reaction the same as if she was with a nigger or another man?
You spot your wife or girlfriend in loving embrace with another woman...
I'd ask if I can get in on that.
A man would be worse
A nigger would be the worst
But I would still have a problem with it
yes, a hoe is a hoe
She can't shoot out a mixed race baby with another woman.
Capl me whatever you want 2 girls are hot 2 faggots is gay
what if she rejects?
instantly cucked
Hot lesbians don't exist. They are either
A.penis envied
B.Attention whore
Of course not, I can't punch a woman. I'd still leave her though, no excuse for cheating.
GF: Would join in. Wouldn't marry her.
Wife: Get a bit pissed off. A cheater is still a cheater.
Then you break up with her?
Then you pack up all your shit and bail. Better single than cucked
>Hot lesbians don't exist.
Lesbians dont exist. Ftfy
Time to leave that degenerate silly slut.
No because she is not being overpowered.
I can easily dominate both individuals in said scenario, therefore i am cool with it.
>Sup Forums okay with homosexuality
I've seen it all
Either it ends with a three way or it just ends.
But I'd most likely be the drunk one trying to get some hot chick to make out with her.
pretty much everyone here is contrarian until it suits them, are you new perchance?
no i would lamo
Nope. I encourage her
fuck off red.dit faggot
Really makes you think... Huh...
I dont care at all, but I would need ot beat her because people would make fun of me if they discover
is that what you do in brazil
the problem is if she would bring a woman home to fuck, she would also go home with one to fuck
Of course not you faggot. You just scored yourself a thrseesome.
you gay canadian
>fucking two women
Mohammad pls
bet you have fucked 3 women at once you emu fearing fagget
Hope I get the chance
piss off nigger, I'm horny.
I would ask them why are they so tongue twisted.
These types of lesbians don't exist outside of drunken bets at a bar.
Women hate each other too much to be attracted to one another. A true lesbian is a butch with severe rape issues.
Yes. Immediate break up
you are literally autistic, majority of women have had romantic contact with a woman and if not they fantasies or have fantasized
I fucking hate women for this shit. atleast a man is a man, how can I compete with a woman.
Probably not. Another woman I could forgive in time but it'd take time for my wife to earn my trust after it. Nigger & another man and our marriage would be over in a second. Divorce papers would be served to her the next day
Lipstick lesbian s are a myth outside of an attention grab in college and you know it
I date chicks who got fingerbanged by their roomies in college all the time. It's literally an attentiom whore phase
heh, first day on Sup Forums huh kid?
eh, a threesome would be nice
My reaction would be different in the way where the other women would be scolded severely by me while any man would get beaten , perhaps to death, by me or just plain shot. idc if it is against the law I am cleansing the world of filth. For my wife I would most likely divorce and attempt to make sure it does not ruin my life.
fucking help me Sup Forums
>gf is really close with her friends
>they sometimes kiss each other messing around drunk as girls do
>sometimes it goes beyond that
>sometimes its a full on kiss on the lips
>sometimes i see a video of her friends playing with her tits
>kind of hot
>save video
>been jacking off to it
>if i watch porn i search lesbian porn until i find a girl who looks like her and jack off to her getting dominated
>so fucking hot
Fuckin' Carlos
Yes burger bro you got cucked by a woman, this is not plain beta, this is ultimate beta.
Nobody asked for your opinion Argentina.
Gays are degenerate and disgusting, two hot women going at it is amazing if they allow you to join in.
I divorce her and lose nothing thanks to my fat pre nup. If my woman wants sexual pleasure from anything else, but my cock and acts on those feelings it's over. It'd probably be my fault because I was no longer interesting enough to her. Still there's no saving a marriage when the woman grows tired of her husbands cock. Now if I were to cheat on her it would be different. Men have a psyche that's different from a woman's. A man who thinks he can go his whole marriage without ever being unfaithful will almost definitely cheat. Men who realize that they are simply animals have a better chance of staying faithful for longer.
TL;DR never get married.
id post pics but you all would find her online
>tfw you will never be a woman and know the purest love, the softness, the transcendence, and the ecstacy of sapphic sex
Its the norm here in brazil for these kinds of things. Everything is manageable until theres the threat of people finding about it, we get more strung out than the japanese about these things when it involves relationships. Also passing for a cuck or being cheated on is the ultimate humiliation here.
So yeah, rev up those black eyes.
The only cure for you rn is to fuck your woman as she fucks another one with an strap on. Godspeed.
at least she isnt friends with any niggers
Find me where in the Bible it says girl-on-girl is a problem.
Go ahead, I'll wait.
Insecurity: The Post
thanks for recommending I watch "elite squad" the other night. goddamn rio is a mess, huh?
In that situation you need to fuck the nigger infront of her to show dominance. Use as less lube as possible and make sure is painful.
Being with another man means she's unfaithful, being with a woman means she's reprobate
just paraphrasing, but the verse about women turning away from their natural inclinations, and likewise the men, etc...
You could take that to mean lesbians, but it explicitly calls out gay men right after that, not gay women.
I think an equal case could be made that Romans 1:26-27 is talking about anal sex, or bestiality, or any other sexual immorality. Especially since that is the only verse I know of that even implies girl-on-girl might be bad, contrasted with the dozen or so anti-gay-man verses.
I'd be really pissed