let's face it, manlets are really a drag on society. Women do not want them and men just laugh at them, while manlets consume precious resources.
1 Around a hot tall guy, you get to wear heels with reckless abandon without worrying that you will tower over him!

2 They are born knowing how to pick you up and throw you on a bed :p

3 When you are near a hot tall guy, you feel safe, like nothing can happening to you because other people are intimidated by tall people.

4 You feel safe when they hug you, and your height matches theirs in such a way that your ear hits their heart and you can hear it beat.

5 When they hug you from behind they can rest their chin on your head and grab you, causing you to melt a little bit inside.

6 You can turn their sweaters and shirts into dresses. Just throw on some pumps and hit the club, gurl!

7 Hot guys who are tall and big can reach stuff off the top shelf for you, and when they do you can stare at them and watch as their muscles flex.

8 All tall hot guys are sexy when sitting down because they are so tall that they have to slouch, meaning their legs are spread open kind of and just yessss.

9 Tall guys look great in clothes because clothes are made with tall people in mind. Plus it's really cute when they roll their pants up to show some of their socks, a look that only tall people can pull off effectively!

10 They have healthy genes.

11 You will never have to wear kitten heels/ be conscious about your shoe choice/worry about looking taller than your man.

12 People who love tall guys know that the act of looking at a tall dude is an act of seduction because you have to look up at him and just omg.

14 Sometimes a hot guy is so tall that holding his hand is awkward so you hold his bicep instead, which is just as good!

15 When you share a bed with a hot tall guy at night it's easier to get into his little nook.

Other urls found in this thread:

brb, killing self

Lanklet insecurity projection thread

I love bullying manlets.

>He cares what women think

gigantism is an evolutionary dead end. men over 6 feet = bad

>5'9" Mexican
>going balls to asshole with a 5'8" white girl

My children are the future faggots

In other words, women want to be dominated by big men who can overpower them, aka rape fantasy. The "stronk womyn" is a myth, something feminist created to justify their equality bullshit. The truth is, women want to be slaves for the alpha males.

pics or you're full of shit

5'10-6'1 is the master race

>kissless handholdless virgin

Am I a transmanlet?

eh we don't always have healthy genes

i'm 6'1" and have crohns, rheumatoid arthritis, and scleroderma, fuck life

>6'2 and half-white, half-colombian

just dark enough to get dumb white girls, just white enough to get the job


>fucks white girls anal
>thinks he's going to impregnate them

Mexican intellectuals

>these reasons
>apparently to be taken seriously

I'm 5'5 and on suicide watch desu

Woman here. Can confirm: If you're an adult man under six feet tall, you should drink bleach.

Good let them. I'm 6'2, zutistsic and awll the girl wants the science D from me

Keep pushing me and I'll pull a supreme gentleman

how can this guy be so cringy ?
this has to be a troll account of something

6'0 master here. Not to big to have daily hassle with seats or be clumsy, big enough to look down 95% of people.


I...think your problem is Muslims, not manlets.

Looks like I'm a #cruzmissile now.

Fuck off Pajeet, I'm not giving you fap material.
Dirty currynigger

tfw 5'3"

and I've accepted it senpai, literally nothing you can say can hurt me now

it feels good knowing I have overcome my insecurities

Nope, just West Asian

fuckin gayboi's

No idiot, my dick is so far in her pussy my balls touch her asshole.
Use your imagination

I say we genocide the gays, fags, sluts, hags, and retards before we move on to the manlets 2bh.

I'm 5'10 should i kill myself

>A-cup tramp stamp owner that works at starbucks posting an opinion

Good on ya, would be taller if I could choose to be too.

>he thinks there will be a wall

>Tfw 6'03''
stay mad, manlets.


fellow 5'5'' male that will admit that we have to work harder to get that promotion or fuck taller women, im sure you have other things going for you

im short but, very attractive, fit, and rich. and full head of hair. i have no problem fucking any women i want. literally. no girl has resisted once we are alone.

im sure you have other things going for you

It's a well know fact that 6'0" is god-tier, while everyone taller is a gawky beta and everyone shorter is an insecure manlet.

Prove me wrong. You literally can't.

If you're anything below 6,2 you're literally a genetic failure.

Is anyone else tall but still sick of the manlet bashing? Like those days when you meet a nice black guy but then when you get home Sup Forums is going off extra strong about niggers, etc.

Btw am gurl ;)kill yourself you tranny theres no girls on the internet

>5'9" White guy
>going balls deep in a 5'8" qt beaner

Such is life as a manlet in Arizona

I'm 5'10. Time to grab the rope. Also TITS OR GTFO

Mais ferme ta gueule grande tige
Bien tes chaussures orthopediques?
Bien de te cogner au pas des portes?
Bien de te baisser comme une merde pour faire des choses?
Bien ta 60% de proba d'etre bossus et de ressembler a un vautour?
Bien ta conditions qui requiert xxxkg de bouffe pour survivre comme une grosse vache sinon tu meurs?
Bien ton esperance de vie inferieure?
Bien d'avoir 60% de proba d'avoir une degaine de gros tas qui se traine quand tu cours?
Bien d'etre incapable de soulever ton gros cul en faisant des tractions?
Bien d'assassiner tes chevilles et tes genoux avec ton poids pour finalement ruiner ton corps a l'age adulte?

La verite c'est que les mecs trop grands sont une curiosite de l'histoire de l'humanite et pas des bons fit pour la survie. Ils sont lourds, lents et couteux en proteines pour un resultats tres discutables au combat.

Yeah, fucking manlets.

Pic related, 6'3" master race!

If he can do it, you manlets can do it. No excuses to better your races tbqh.

There's gonna be a wall though.

6'7" / 201cm, 120kg here. When will they ever learn?

its ok i wont judge you too hard when i see you in public with a shitskin

Why don't you have shoulders

How are those muscle gains going lanklet?

>Deadlifting ~145

Off yourself immediately

This is the straw that broke the manlettes's back. Since it's considered ok to shit on manlettes so openly in public, I'll just go out and gun down every giraffe I see. You guys stick out enough, shouldn't be hard ;-p I have literally nothing to live for anyways desu.

>this is how those "Im 6'2" posters look like irl

Tall guy here, I'll give you the real redpill:

1. Tall guys need more food, thus an increased cost of living.
2. Tall guys' clothes need more fabric
3. Tall guys have to duck to enter some doorways, or when branches are hanging over the sidewalk. If it's dark, you'll probably hit your head.
4. Girls are shorter than you and can't see your snazzy haircut.
5. Tall guys need to buy a bigger car, which guzzles gas, while short guys can buy a small car to save money.
6. If your girlfriend is too short, you'll have to bend over a lot to kiss her, which is bad for your spine. You'll also not be able to kiss her while nailing her, which will make her feel unused and unloved, increasing the risk of being cucked for a short person.
7. If you're tall, you'll never look muscular, whereas short people can work out for a little bit and look super buff.
8. Girls who are very short shouldn't have tall husbands as the children will be so big that it tears their vagina and they suffer terrible pain, need reconstructive surgery, and the child ends up with a cone-shaped head and possible brain damage.
9. Short people are more likely to get a role in television or media. They look better when they have their pictures taken. Tall people usually end up looking lanky.
10. To short people, even a small house is like a mansion. To tall people, you'll need a mansion just to feel like you're not living in a shoebox.

>4 You feel safe when they hug you, and your height matches theirs in such a way that your ear hits their heart and you can hear it beat.
yeah my gf mentioned that when she was hugging me and that just creeped me out

5'8" master race mexibro passing through

Feels good not to be a 6' lanklet, I'll be enjoying those 10 extra years of life when my whole body doesn't grow up to unhealthy scales.

Well of course it's easier for a fucking manlet like you, your ROM is pathetically small

Unless you have cystic acne or smell bad, you have already qualified panty entry to 3/4 of my friend group. Congrats!

Nigger you look like a fucking bog monster from Point Lookout

She must be ugly then


how's hongcouver?

>wanting a woman who wears heels

What does height care when you got the whole world under your feet.

>mexican flag
>ID: Nacho


Nice try m8

How's it feel to know that my warm up set for bent over rows is equal to your deadlift?

Lanklets never learn

>people sed to pay to see tall freaks in the circus
>people still pay to see tall freaks put a ball in a hoop



I'm 5'8. I guess I'll just have to get limb lengthening surgery.

I am now #manletmissile

Fuck you, racist piece of shit.


Wow that's incredibly odd. Almost as if someone is changing the IDs just to fuck with us

>tfw only 6'3


It would actually be socially acceptable to genocide manlets.

>he's not a big guy
how ironic

The world isn't that bad,only certain people,like 0.1%

I don't think he was being racist.

Nachos are a Mexican food, he just pointed out the coincidence.

>be huefag
>average height is like 5'7
>I'm 6'2

It's like being a god. Manlets back down really easy, really fucking pathetic.

>3. Tall guys have to duck to enter some doorways, or when branches are hanging over the sidewalk. If it's dark, you'll probably hit your head.

I'll give you this one. I've hit my head so many fucking times.

Fuck you Nacho build that wall.

The parts you can reach anyway.

I'm 6'1 on a good day. And this shit fucking disgusts me. I feel for you shorter dudes. Anybody that has this at the forefront of their mind when interacting with you is fucking garbage.

>5'9" is considered manlet

5'9" is the average male height, fuck off lankyfags

Tall men overall live better quality lives (shorter lives span tho)

Short men tend to be extremes in the spectrum.

5'8 manlet here. No, its its a joke meme like the jewish thing.the nigger thing is real though. Theyre animals.

they're just gay and don't want to be beheaded





How do i motivate myself in life? I'm 6'2, reasonavly not ugly, i want a goal to strive for in life. Many general ideas of what makes someone succesful does not appeal to me. All i do recently is sleep excessively because i wont ever come up with a creative thought anymore.

Manlet baiting is not a cool thing to do l'ami, bet you're not even 6'4 you faggot

I felt so sad watching that gif

>that look of sadness
>a small smile for the camera
>right back to sadness

We shouldn't ridicule manlets. They are going through a lot.

The most deadly sniper, Simo "White Death" Häyhä, was only 5'3"! Don't give up the hope, manlets!

holy fuck nigga, god really wants that wall

Stop fapping excessively.

Anything below 6' is manlet nigga

>4 You feel safe when they hug you, and your height matches theirs in such a way that your ear hits their heart and you can hear it beat.
>5 When they hug you from behind they can rest their chin on your head and grab you, causing you to melt a little bit inside.

Hey, that's really sweet.

jajaja Ignacio


>this is a 10 in finland

Look up the book "Education of the WIll" it's a really old and somewhat book but you should be able to find an ebook somewhere.

>13 year old height
>Best sniper in the world.
Its probably easier to conceal yourself the smaller you are