Man, I can't wait for electronic old man Trump running the world.
Angel Taylor
haha! Nice!
I wish I had a better quality version of the Optimus one I added the MAGA had to. If anyone has one please post it!
Christian Morgan
Robert Harris
Jeremiah Gray
He's so pathetic.
Thomas Cook
Good meme but for this one to work you have to show why she's heartless
Good examples:
>Rapist husband >Silenced victims of rapist husband >Defended a known pedophile who raped a 12 year old >Backed entirely by banks and big corporations >Originally opposed same sex marriage until she needed the votes >Supports Margaret "Black Genocide Through Abortion" Sanger >Takes massive donation from Muslim countries that rape and oppress women and murder gays >Surrounded by dozens of suspicious deaths >Fixed the vote against Sanders in Ohio and Nevada
Combine these talking points with your # and you've got a very successful viral meme
So I just officially had my first "throw whatever is in the pantry in a pot" night for dinner. Didn't turn out too bad. Ground beef, diced tomatoes, jalapenos, navy beans because Memorial day weekend, and sprinkled American cheese on top. Kind of like a shitty chili.
Zachary Jenkins
How do you know they're the same? Neither has braces and don't look much alike
Brayden Perez
I saw that debate. I was legitimately disappointed at the Libertarian candidates.
Jason Taylor
Nope. He's finished.
Xavier Jenkins
>80mph Last I heard his SS suburban broke the sound barrier
Noah Gutierrez
>Trump chickens out of debating Sanders for charity
lmao what a cuck
Or should I say "cluck"
Like a chicken
Gavin Brooks
the proper question is does sanity stand a chance against the libertarian party.
Jayden Perez
this is my favorite
Jack Gomez
Jackson Sanders
faggot ass americans
Juan Foster
>Libertarian party
Daily reminder
Charles Allen
I'm going to choose to believe that Donald had to back out either because of a fuckup on someone's legal team, or RNC Jewry, I don't want to consider the very real possibility that Trump dangled a carrot in front of Bernie solely so he could take it away.
That was Bernie's only possible hope for a big turnaround, a redemption, some kind of vindication in front of millions, a Trump took it from him, just to make sure his supporters would be as bitter as possible by the Convention. Nobody deserves that, not even a commie kike.
Brody Edwards
Aiden Allen
Zachary Myers
I wonder what his face looked like
Gabriel Green
Sanity doesn't matter. What's important is that we are opening up the 5 year old heroin addict demographic by eliminating the vile statists and their gods and masters.
Jackson Murphy
Caleb Martin
Fuck yeah.
Aiden Butler
>me >american m8.
>hLCL >hL CL >Hill Cl Oh shit, she's here.
Leo Peterson
Does anyone know what Trump's favorite meal is?
My gf made chicken nuggets w. stir fried kale. haha!
Benjamin Thompson
I hope he brands nations when he's in office.
>Sneaky Japan
Justin Gonzalez
John Mcafee can probably give Trump a run for his money second to Perry.
Jacob Richardson
I think you might actually be right.
Lucas Myers
I'm not American and I'm not gay actually. So basically you're a complete and total failure and not worthy to breathe this planets air. Have you considered suicide? It's a lot of fun! I'd recommend it! :)
Julian Rogers
Nathan Ortiz
Mr Trump wouldn't do that. He may hit hard but he never rubs salt in someone's wound. The God Emperor has far too much class for that.
Liam James
Ryder Morales
Daniel Bailey
>Trump says he can't debate 1st loser. >Bernie kids work over time to make sure he's 1st winner.
Will never happen. But Hillary has to work double time to limp across the finish.
Jonathan Morales
Adam Jackson
lol yah man
the only person I would vote for ovr mcafee is if stephen colbert ran again xD
Camden Peterson
>burnouts still butthurt stay forever mad faggots
Chase Reed
Normies leave.
Owen Brown
>tfw just got 4500 maple canuck funbucks back on my tax return >tfw have a bike for the first time in 13, 14 years, feel sore as fuck but gearing up to hit pavement and drop some weight >tfw spontaneously dropped into a screening of The Boy and The Beast and despite anime degeneracy it was one of the best things I've watched so far this year >tfw music festival season is starting up soon >tfw soon Trump will annex the Canadian prairies and put a second containment wall around southern Ontario so Mad King Justin can continue ruling over his mountain of shit
>tfw this summer is going to be high-energy as fuck and it's all thanks to The Donald
Jose Jones
10/10 rotating Trump disc Ausbro!
Kevin Collins
Owen Thompson
Ethan Turner
Matthew Wright
wer my bernbros at?
keep giving me shekels i can still win the nomination please
h-hillary will never be the nominee!
pay me and i'll give your free stuff. yes pay me. pay.
Charles Bell
Bentley Phillips
Connor Baker
None whatsoever.
We just witnessed a vicious two hour rape of the concept of sanity itself.