>not exploring your inner degeneracy with other degenerates on a Saturday night
So what's your excuse Sup Forums?
>not exploring your inner degeneracy with other degenerates on a Saturday night
So what's your excuse Sup Forums?
>Couch syrup
I do tho
>mfw butt-chugging DXM
Ive drunk a bottle of robitussin dry cough and it fucks you up pretty hard and leaves you fucked for a good 6-10 hours
I'm Canadian, so we reach full degeneracy by the age of 18. When we are babies our parents use trees to babysit us by hanging us by our anus'. At the age of 7yo, we are told heterosexuality is wrong. In freshman year, we all have to play hockey and learn to hold the hockey sticks with our anus' so that they can go smoke weed. If we play well, we didn't have to suck the coach's dick. At the age of 16 we begin applying to our gender studies programs for uni and at this grade we have to spend 200 hours volunteering for dark skinned gentlemen and are told to please them (preferably sexually). By the age of 18 we go to Sweden and learn the ways of the true cuck bringing gifts of weed and progressiveness.
why not just make agent lemon if chugging that shit is too harsh?
shut up fag we've all been to college. u aint shit
>not drinking sprite laced with cough syrup
Absolute fucking pleb
I'm 32yo, have 3 small children and yard work to do in the morning. This is my "going out".
I'm positive you're underage
Your child and dog are both ugly as fuck
Saving your money as an adult starts with abstaining from unnecessary expenses. I have no reason to go out, nor am I particularly excited about going out.
I'm saving up to buy a house. I'd rather be boring and have my own land in a year or two.
Should be banned from being around children.
I can't imagine how robo-tripping via anal fucking chugging of cough syrup would be.
I'd reckon it would be immensely debilitating and maybe horrifying.
Never been much for DXM, myself. Haven't had great times with hallucinogens or disassociatives in general, unfortunately.
non-degenerate here
does cough medicine really get u messed up>
Good on you m8.
Reading about gunsmithing.
That just creates more nasty cough drink you idiot
Youre supposed to mix sprite with codeine to down it easier
Don't you have a yung lean cassette to listen to instead of posting dumb shit online?
yeah but i wouldnt call it a party drug
its an introspection drug but honestly these people are human trash and would snort molten copper if you told them it would make them feel cool
>western women
you guys are lucky
Pretty much the only legal drug left OTC.
no one on this board is over 17 faggot
I'm 28.
I work early tmrw. Plus I just fucked an 8/10 Chinese hooker for 150.
>Not leaving a 5/8" gap between the bottom of the sheetrock and the floor
>Working a Sunday
>During memorial day weekend
Your life sucks. I hope you're at least seeing over 100k. I wouldn't login to my corporate email for less than 100k on a Sunday.
Even if you're joking, you need to fuck off.
>So what's your excuse Sup Forums?
The cute girl I was supposed to go on a date with canceled. I dont think she likes me.
I think im going to just lay in my bed and hope a plane hits me in my sleep
fucking my girlfriend and browsing Sup Forums comfy as shit this fine saturday night
Close to 450k pretax after performance bonus last year. But working tmrw is still awful.
I grew up, i'm 32 now I can't be doing that shit anymore
ayyy enjoy the trip user, robo CEV's are the best
I did that in high school / college.
My blonde haired, blue eyed son is finally asleep so I get to go try and make another. After lying on Sup Forums that is.
My wife is out on a date tonight
Is that a fucking Harry Potter tattoo?
I bet she is.
reaching degeneracy so late at 18? You must be old. By 16 most have been in interracial orgies and have at least three different strains of HIV
Miley cyrus
Ew that's fucking disgusting.
I did that for 5 years
Why is Smelly Citrus always looking so gross?
Because I prefer to sit in the dark smoking salvia and trying to communicate with the cherub made of hair and eyes that I met that one the (the time the ceiling melted, not the time heather came in my phone booth)
im 19, old fag AMA
what was college?!?
Did your cough go away?
>doing drugs
You peer pressure succumbing to. good for nothing low lives need to get some will power and hobbies.
Fuck off Dad.
What kind of whore lets somebody take a picture of them having anal sex with cough syrup?
A whore.
>kiddies doing kiddy drugs itt
no, i don't mean kitties either
My wife's son is out at a party with his friends. I hope he's not doing any drugs.
he's probably doing drugs you dope
A modern Western female. Degenerative sluts.
A depraved drug addict
Fuckin kek
Yeah but if it was taytay i'd eat the corn out of her shit
I'll ground him when he comes back