Alt-right mommy - is there hope for women?

What does Sup Forums think of my red pilled waifu, Ayla, aka "Wife with a Purpose"?

Other urls found in this thread:

needs more Ayla

She hates refugees, SJWs and (((others))). Sup Forums too busy responding to "How can white bois even compete" bait threads?

I guess everyone has gone to reddit now...

>worshipping women who regurgitate what their males espouse

Shit is easy for them, she's nothing special.

It's probably for the best, no one can steal my waifu if they don't know about her


I've never been able to make it through a single of her videos. She talks about nothing for like 15 minutes before actually getting to her point.

>not muting the vid and unzipping your dick

> She talks about nothing for like 15 minutes before actually getting to her point.

In other words, she's a woman

she's cute OP, too bad she is going to be gassed for being a mormon scum

Though she talks a lot, I do have respect for her because she isn't a degenerate feminist whore, and I'm not degenerate enough to masturbate to someone while she's trying to make valid political points.

>I'm not degenerate enough to masturbate to someone while she's trying to make valid political points
your loss

all a woman has to say is "i dont like feminism" and she's based according to you guys

Hitler dubs of truth.

Seems like a great mom though. In this one she's making pancakes for her kids while pleasantly taking the time to attack rioters at Trump rallies.

This gives me hope for the future....

>Ay la
>Ayy lmao

fuck off turkroach

Just read the comments section.

This beautiful woman has already delivered 5 kids. She has done her part to preserve the white race. Have you done yours Sup Forums?



You call that a shit-post?

Why would anyone click on a link provided by a pedo turk roach..

>alt-right cancer
>shitty e-celebfu

How do we solve the reddit migrant crisis Sup Forums?

No, im just pointing out that this woman has dedicated her life the the jewish god Yahweh and is therefore a racetraitor and 100% uneuropean.


In the end she doesn't understand the real problem
If Juncker and Merkel say that we need more refugees then it doesn't matter who wants them, they will come
And in the end it all leads to Jews, why it's so hard for these "alt-right" fucks to say it?

A fucking didgeridoo

Well, op asked what Sup Forums thinks about her and first thing I had in mind was Ayla name.

Now that I've listened her tho, anybody who spent several weeks here can say exact same things, maybe even express better than her since she's mumbling a lot.

If you can't see the alt-right and anti-feminist women are the new gamer grills you're pretty much doomed tho.

With anime funposting.

Solid response m8, I'm now a #jesusmissle.
Srs why are Australians called called shitposters when theres cunts like you.

Watching her vids for a while. Anyone else get the impression she wants the D she's always asking people to meet up and stuff.

She has five kids
Good for her

Thanks OP

Gave me some hope for the world right there.

looks like an older riley reid

Is it just me or does she kindof look like Mistress T?

>not doing it for attention

.... a little bit.
