Trump kisses the Moms' posters of their Sons who have been killed by illegal aliens:
Trump kisses posters of sons killed
woah the audio of that vid sounds like some kind of experimental music. pretty neat
here's hoping more posters/banners are created
Fuck Trump
Good man.
Here's what I pray for you: You're in a car accident and the car flips over. You're trapped upside down -looking like the silly nigger you are.
You start to see flames engulfing the passenger panic, desperately trying to release your seatbelt...but it's jammed.
The flames start to lick over your body as you scream and writhe in agony. The seat belt clasp begins to burn your hands as you flail around...your skin beginning to smoke, lungs filling with toxic smoke from the burning interior.
Then, you simply burn...frozen in place...the flames blackening your corpse to the bone.
you have to go back
butthurt gringo mariconsitos
I knocked up 2 of your women and don't pay child support
You can see the tears in his eyes.
Ok Miguel
you have to go back
At the end of the day, you're still an ugly, Amerindian subhuman.
I'm a castizo. I had my ancestry analyzed by 23andme (before they doubled their price)
81% european 15% amerindian 4% misc
I look exotic enough without looking too ethnic. Your women love me tbqhwyf.
... and they say he underperforms with women
>look how white I am!
>ayyy essay jaja I mix with your women, gringo
Ok, Paco.
let me know what size crate they ship you back in, Juan
this video really hit me in the feels and i rarely feel emotion any more. trump is such a great leader i really wish you burgers the best
So why are you in favor of non-white Mexicans killing other whites?
whoa......... he kissed a shitty laminated pic of some losers who didn't exercise their 2nd amendment rights to defend themselves against people who don't even speak the language. I guess that's what it means to be a #cuck4trump
nationality trumps blood, it's sort of like a cult in a way
my dimensions are 6'2 190 LB skinnyfat. Make sure I can fit my MBP and a 2 gallon jug of hi-C, queer.
nice edge! heres your (you) pédro
Your nationality is completely arbitrary. It's your race that matters. In case you were white, you would have noted the difference in IQ against the aboriginals.
>I knocked up 2 of your women and don't pay child support
You are real man nayw, jood gob
idk senpai. My ancestry hails from Chihuahua which is a pretty white state by Mexican standards. I feel a kinship with darker skinned Mexicans, even black and Asian hispanics (met only 1 chinese-ecuadorian) Even if the average American has more in common ethnically with me than the average Mexican it's more of a cultural bond than an ethnic one.
they'll be fine. 1 was a grad student with upper middle class parents and the other one was married to some Marinecuck
>losers who didn't exercise their 2nd amendment rights
jesus christ spics really are retarded
>pic of teenager who isn't even old enough to carry, yet alone in a free state
>thinking the 2A is considered valid in california