>believes in racial equality >thinks disparity in racial achievement is cultural >talks about 'based' blacks >arrived around the time of the Zimmerman trial >claims to only hate niggers and not all blacks >is fine with the genocide of his people as long as foreigners integrate into his culture >values freedom even when freedom is the direct cause of the degradation of his civilisation >is un-ironically Christian >supports and defends capitalism
This board has turned to total shit. Neo-Sup Forums dominates discussion here and has ruined the quality of discussion with their fraile, liberal ideology. They are the least critically thinking members of the board. Neo-Sup Forums is basically the left of 20 years ago, ideologically. They have merely been left behind by the progress of progressive ideology. They are the most implicit in the crimes of modern society against the white man, moreso than the cultural Marxist Jews, as neo-Sup Forums has become a direct traitor to not only this board, but to their own race.
The posters who make up the bulk of neo-Sup Forums are young (16-21) and were formed, mentally, by the liberal media, which is manipulated by the Jews, the new education system, which is actively controlled by the Jews, and the old public opinions from the end of the American civil rights movement, orchestrated by Jews, and the Holocaust, manipulated by Jews.
We need to expel this menace and call them out where we see them. The problem here is not the JIDF, not SRS, not Tumblr, not normalfags, it is neo-Sup Forums. Indistinguishable from the genuine Sup Forumsack until they voice their malformed beliefs and opinions. They will bring us along on the coat tails of the progressive movement. Too often does the left lead right wing opinion, we must stay firm in our beliefs and stop these infiltrators from filling the board with old liberal ideology. Once more of them show up they will have even more progressive beliefs and so on until we are tumblr or reddit.
THIS I hate seeing "I don't care what they do in their room" or "who cares what bathroom you go into?"
Alexander Kelly
>kill la kill OP pic
Lincoln Garcia
Faggots who can't see the bigger picture detected
James Ward
Im not a fag don't call me one
Ayden Thomas
What? You faggot. That's not Sup Forums that's the new influx of reddit cunts and by posting this you're just validating their bullshit. Besides, if you want real Sup Forumscore discussion go to 8/pol/
Benjamin Edwards
>wake up >log into Sup Forums >post something retarded and/or irrelevant >try not to get killed for the rest of the day
such is life in Australia
Ian Hill
>is un-ironically Christian >supports and defends capitalism
yeah calling bullshit on that, the others are true though
>thinks milo, shapiro, etc. and other eceleb clickbait artists are based and have to make a thread about their every tweet >bring their r/The_Donald drama here >think israel is based because hurr they kill le mudslimes and believe the "jews in israel are bro tier, it's just the diaspora that are the problem" meme >participate in Sup Forums tier banter/off topic threads
Jacob Hill
Yeah, they completely miss the point. They just like to epically agree with what they think represents Sup Forums. I would also refer to neo-Sup Forums as the "alt-right". They are practically the same concepts, although they are a little more racist (but only a little). The menace had striked very recently. Something happened today to shift this board into madness. It JUST happened. It was boiling up, and there were plenty of people writing articles and reading them. It was a warning. They are trying to kill this board. Don't let them do it. They're zionist big wigs.
Aiden Diaz
Real Sup Forumsacks are Pagan National Socialists.
Robert Collins
Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot you really asked for it leaf desu
Ian Morgan
being Christian is cool now
Owen Fisher
>you can't be x if you're y because i said so You sure convinced me. I am now a commie shill.
Hunter Smith
>implying Christianity is a white religion >implying capitalism isn't entrance level
Levi Martinez
I've noticed it slowly get worse and worse with each day of the elections. Now if you say you're a Christian, hate gays, hate trannys you're called a Muslim. What happened to all the crusade threads? Why is there weekly Islam threads?
Aiden Parker
>>believes in racial equality yes >>thinks disparity in racial achievement is cultural yes >>talks about 'based' blacks yes >>arrived around the time of the Zimmerman trial yes >>claims to only hate niggers and not all blacks yes >>is fine with the genocide of his people as long as foreigners integrate into his culture yes >>values freedom even when freedom is the direct cause of the degradation of his civilisation yes >>is un-ironically Christian yes >>supports and defends capitalism No and yes most of the time people start out here as either repub or left than they become liberatarians. After a period of time of them researching they either stay liberatarians or become national socialists. They see what liberatarians really is which is just another kike ideology.
Nicholas King
No it's not Sup Forums is anti Christian
Josiah Kelly
>No true scotsman fallacy "We are the LEGITIMATE posters" >Le Jewish boogieman >My opinions are greater than your opinions
C'mom dude defend your ideas like any other self respecting poster.
David Anderson
shite tier b8 m8
Dylan Sanchez
>angry that old Sup Forums has grown up, the thread
Daniel Bell
>implying the original Sup Forumslacks weren't libertarians. Australia shitposting, I shouldn't be surprised.
Connor Ramirez
you forgot
>likes Milo
anybody who likes Milo is reddit neo-Sup Forums cancer. his entire cohort is liberals, jews and niggers who have gotten tired of no longer being fashionable and designed to plow into conservative memes in order to signal how better than liberals they are. it's so monumentally retarded and dumb that it beggars belief.
Cooper Hughes
I think you are apart of this neo-Sup Forums you speak off. We've always been alt-right just now people have a fucking name for us. Doesn't fucking matter anyway its just a word faggot.
Levi Perez
If you say so shithead stay here long enough and you will to become a white national socialist.
Anthony Bailey
The fuck are you talking about? The consensus still overwhelmingly hates niggers here.
Julian Price
Pol started getting retarded when mindless parrots started babbling retarded shit about cultural marxism.
Noah Long
yeah i dont get it, they are all liberals get out, and support a faggot
Kevin Hall
wish you all the best on that
Jayden Walker
it like when image macros became "memes"
people find this site and then forget that other people find it also. The tell is that OP is clearly a newfag, because nothing has changed except its summer now, and OP has never seen that otherwise he would know that this always happens.
>tl;dr: OP is a fagget.
Adrian Reyes
Why is it always black and white with you fucking retards? I dislike the MRA shit but that doesn't mean I hate them same with Milo. I don't really give a shit to watch his shit but he does stand up for men on the right. I don't always agree with ramzpaul either nor do I agree with fucking Jared Taylor on his jewish holocaust belief but that doesnt fucking mean I hate them. I really actually admire Jared Taylor a shitload as well as ramzpaul.
Oliver Taylor
>SIGNS OF NEO-Sup Forums
OP posting an anime image is one indication
Joshua Green
>newfag Conservative, capitalist, thinks the problem with non-whites is cultural, atheist. >Sup Forumstard Conservative, capitalist, hates most non-whites, thinks some people (i.e Sikhs) are 'bro-tier', Christian identity. >Sup Forums user Reactionary, anti-capitalist but still supports individual freedom, Roman Catholic. >Sup Forumsack Reactionary, fascist, neo-pagan, anti-technology, National Socialist, believes only northern Europeans (except Celts) are white.
Normally users progress like this, but the alt-right wants everyone to stay as Sup Forumstards.
Alexander Kelly
Sounds pretty epic, bro. >THEY'VE NAMED US >Heh.. Has a nice ring to it >:)
Jose Howard
Kevin Sanders
All Sup Forums is neo-Sup Forums. Reminder that you're a newfag if you didn't post on /n/ or /new/.
Elijah Parker
> Alt-Right
Kevin Powell
If you haven't seen for yourself Sup Forums has been a huge factor in the world even if you like it or not. Its quite fucking insane to me how much we have influenced real life just by shitposting and having interesting conversations. Even if it has been just one meme the fact we did something like that is pretty crazy for just a anime imageboard.
Asher Wood
I miss old pol with the JIDF detected comments and good old fashioned Jew, nigger, and any other shit skin hatred. They fucking hate us and want us dead it's about time we fight back and stop being cucked faggots like the rest of you blue pilled new fags.
Elijah Hill
>log into Sup Forums >log into
Dylan Harris
Where did the term meme come from, anyway? 10 years ago I swear that we never had a shitty word for all of the crap that we spewed, it's like it came out of nowhere.
Mason Cooper
>supporting a Jewish ideology Capitalism is a form of Zionism.
Benjamin Peterson
I agree with OP. I don't feel like arguing with you idiots over it though.
Good post OP. Wish these social liberal "alt-right" fags would fuck off.
Kevin Clark
Who the fuck is this guy? What makes you think we are all skinny beautiful people?
Adam Carter
This is what I'm fucking talking about. Pure autism. He's fucking vlogging. About what? Trump? Everyone already wants Trump. I will watch INFOWARS if I want to hear about things that are Trump related
Adam Rodriguez
Sup Forums posters loved Thomas Sowel before Sup Forums even existed. Early Sup Forums was obsessed with Ron Paul worship and has always supported capitalism. This has got to be some kind of troll thread.
Jonathan Young
Richard Dawkins.
Joshua Thompson
>/new/ >not the origin of current degeneracy
John Richardson
Neo-paganism doesn't unite whites in the same way that Roman Catholicism does.
Liam Rivera
It is a troll thread. Though it does raise some valid awareness of the current onslaught against this shithole.
Kayden Adams
All Germanics (whites) worshipped the same gods, you stupid kike worshipper. Hi, newfag. Coming here in 2012 doesn't make you old.
Ayden Peterson
I agree with this but I don't believe in that divide and conquer shit of which white is white.
Adam Reed
I use to be pro capitalism but this place changed me. Country > profit
Joseph Cooper
Just let him gargle Constantine's balls a little longer.
Josiah Baker
If we let southern Europeans be white we'll eventually be calling Arabs and North Africans white. Only Germanics are worthy.
Jordan Rogers
Saying only Germanics are white is just a divide and conquer meme.
William Bennett
We are not "alt" right. We are THE right. We are not going a different path, but walking the same path back to 1933.
Anyone who thinks "alt" right is a thing should proceed back to their neoliberal sites.
Isaac Roberts
No, it's nation, not country. The Germanic nation. Australia, as a country, has too many non-Germanics.
Liam Morgan
The Aussie is right. There are people on this board who unironically believe that East Asians are white.
Oliver Robinson
No it isn't. Keeping our racial purity, even though it offends wogs like you, is our top priority.
Xavier Smith
It was a progression back when people worship Ron Paul there were many discussions on how jewish libertarianism was and how it wasn't compatible with whites. As people grew up and saw what degeneracy libertarianism brings they change there minds.
Ryan Mitchell
This tbqh. Though the US needs to return to its nation-oriented capitalism balance that was found in the latter half of the 19th century.
Kevin Cooper
He's right tho. I wouldn't say that only Germanic's are 'white' as in skin color but Germanic's are the only race I give a fuck about preserving. Non-Germanic's can have their own movement and nationalism in their own countries.
Michael Bailey
I hate homos now and forever. Capitalists are the sole cause of mass migration and feminism. Jews are dishonest and don't give a shit about you. I'd rather meet the guillotine than pretend otherwise for the rest of my boring, worthless life. Heil Hitler.
Wyatt Foster
No, Sup Forums started out as libertarian that way.
Generally we just want a sovereign society rooted in liberty and democracy like any good Western nation.
I think, from a societal perspective, we want to be compelled to "OWE" a marginalized group respect if we were too young to grow up in Civil Rights. I doubt any of you would even know how to use Sup Forums
Eli Wood
I don't see a reason I wouldn't agree with you. I just don't have a problem with people using the term alt-right. If they want to believe in that they will come believe eventually what you do or at least its not something WORSE.
Mason Bennett
I'm not going to claim I've been here for years and years because I haven't.
Libertarianism and Christianity are fucking stupid. Call me a newfag if you want. The fact White people still buy that bullshit is embarrassing.
Adam Thomas
Sure, but Germanics aren't the only whites. The notion that only Germanics is white is one of the reasons that Hitler failed.
There's keeping racial purity and then there is abandoning your brother.
Christian White
Libertarianism is fucking retarded
Christian Diaz
The majority of us are probably in college or so but remember 9/11
We grew up in the 90s and if you remember, things weren't this hateful with the left.
They really weren't. Generally we all got along as kids, I mean I was in the suburbs but I had a good upbringing, socially.
Thats wrong though its fucking divide and conquer shit that drives us apart. I understand whites are a diverse group and some whites dislike other whites but its counter productive to fight when all of us are in trouble.
Chase King
>Refers to Sup Forums with terms such as "pol", "/pol", "Sup Forums", etc
Parker Ramirez
Liberty and democracy are cancerous ideologies. They will destroy your society. Capitalism breeds deceit and undermines the nation. See , capitalism is killing Europe. The Germanic race needs a strong, NatSoc government leading the people united against foreigners.
Charles Davis
>is unironically Christian
You mean unironically atheist?
Easton Perry
If people can't function while respecting anohter's property without some authoritarian influence, than we deserve to be enslaved.
Alexander Howard
So Celts and Southern Europeans are not white? How about Slavs? If that's the case, you literally have only Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Belgium as white. If that's the case, we're truly fucking doomed.
Angel Nelson
> Capitalism breeds deceit and undermines the nation
A lot of the economic problems in America are becauce of crony capitalism. Which is not capitalism because you would not donate to politicians if you owned a business would you?
We need to be prosperous to be great again as a nation first. Then we can have nationalism.
Evan Gonzalez
I hate capitalism and I am a NS but I don't believe homos are a horrible thing they can still be a great help to the cause. I just think what Russia has done to gay shit is what needs to happen everywhere. Go be gay just don't spread it around as some kind of propaganda.
Charles Perez
They are too soft and gullible. Their stupidity is undermining the whole thing. That's how gamergate got fucked, by pandering to the enemy. I even some some retard trying to stop us using the word "nigger" to get more niggers to vote for Trump.
They are missing the whole point. We are not memeing nationalism to push Trump into presidency. We are memeing Trump into presidency to make nationalism popular and ultimately redeem Hitler.
Charles Foster
honestly this we just called them templates, macros, or just pictures.
Christopher Carter
*Add the Netherlands and subtract the Walloons from Belgium.
Gabriel Morales
Grayson Evans
>complains about neo-Sup Forums >doesn't even mention they got a hard on for a Jewish homosexual, and a man who pimps his daughter out to one....
Even in being a reactionary, to reactionaries, you fail faggot.
Gavin Parker
>posts anime image check >talks about "neo"pol check
autist /thread
Jack Williams
nu-Sup Forums
>I don't mind LEGAL immigration >Sikhs are based >Chinks are good >European immigration is good
Fuck off and go live with the fucking Indians and chinks
Lucas Morris
Agreed with the OP except for the Christian part. Sup Forums is a far-right, thus traditional Christian, board.
Robert Turner
Signs of a Neo-Nazi
They literally have the same misrepresentation of the majority that the extreme left wing media does and will try to convince you everyone here is a stormtard rather than libertarian or classical liberal.
BTW, I came to Sup Forums in 05 when a hentai loving teen lesbian introduced me to it. I'm as old fag as they come, even my story of how I came here is old fag. Nazism has always been a bad joke/meme, libertarianism and anti moralfaggotry with an especial distaste for those who wish to enforce morality has always reigned on Sup Forums from 03 to 16.
OP, you are a newer fag. >da j00z What a faggot.
Grayson Fisher
My fellow Germanics are my brothers, not subhuman slavs, dirty, swarthy wogs, or nigger brained Celts. I am Germanic, I support MY brothers. You fight your own battle. Stay out of Germanic countries and we can be allies, just stay away from us. All property is of the nation, not the person. England, northern France, the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Western Poland, Scandinavia, and the Czechs are all home to Germanics. What you need is racial purity and the elimination of the concept of 'profit'. The only 'profit' is the benefit of your race.
Jacob Torres
Deluded Faggot who can't see the bigger picture while falsely telling others they can't see the bigger picture detected.
Ryder Price
Yes but weren't you also gullible at one point? We must persuade them and show them the truth. This is what I think Sup Forums has always been about the truth will set you free right?
Easton Garcia
>All property is of the nation, not the person.
Except when it comes to the money
Levi Perry
Gays are mentally ill and need to be cured. Don't enable them.
Joseph Robinson
>What you need is racial purity and the elimination of the concept of 'profit'. The only 'profit' is the benefit of your race.
You can be proud of your race but what about this nigga
Jeremiah Ross
>All property is of the nation, not the person. Crypto Marxist detected
Colton Anderson
fekkin alt rite is cancer
i h8 limp wristed altrite fags than the sjws
whiny little shits posting retarded >t. stormfags as a reply to everything on muh board
old /news/fags would know better
Josiah Hughes
>Stay out of Germanic countries and we can be allies, just stay away from us. Ramzpaul talked about this a bit from a person that lives in the US they don't understand the differences between white countries and biases they have against one another. Clarify that regional conflicts won't really end but we must at least unit against leftists, globalists, and the flood of mudslime destroying each nation.
Connor Gutierrez
/new/ and Sup Forums were almost exclusively atheist. Christcucks are a recent phenomenon.
Also, almost all /new/ and Sup Forums veterans are either national socialists sympathetic to libertarianism or libertarians sympathetic to national socialism.
Cooper Thompson
Money is destructive to the nation. You scum. You'd gladly see the death of your race as long as it didn't hurt you. Christianity is a Jewish religion that values meekness over strength. It's a slave religion for professional victims.
Alexander Moore
It's all a bunch of pointless fapping and ideological squabbling between Natsoc, Lolbertarians/ Alt-Rightists/Cuckservatives/Anarchists/SJW's/ Communists and everything else.
White people believe they have to be right politically and can change the world by having the correct set of beliefs and by shitposting on twitter and spreading their noxious bullshit and on it goes without any progress while everything slowly decays from within.
Shitskins, and niggers on the other hand. They don't think much at all they all know that at the end of the day they have one agenda in the West and that is to increase their tribal ethnic influence politically and economically and they continue to multiply and breed, ideology doesn't really factor into the equation for them.