Is yellow fever degenerate?
Is yellow fever degenerate?
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Life is fucking unfair
No my Emu-fearing friend. It's the white mans burden to whiten our yellow friends.
Yellow =/= Shitskin
Post more pics dickhead
of course not, just make sure you take their quality specimen
>fucking thai hookers
>marrying traditional yellow waifu who makes your dick rise better than the local corn-fed stock
Looks like she paid a visit to Dr. Kim.
asians are the only race worthy to breed with, eventually our races will combine to welcome the ubermensch
I don't see the harm in fucking them, as long as you don't shame your heritage by getting one of them pregnant
In most cases, yes.
If they look like her .. no.
But the majority don't look like her and have the personality of flypaper.
so what?
If yellow fever is wrong, I don't wanna be right.
>tfw you want to take the yellow pill, but literally no asians live anywhere near you
It's only a matter of time before the plastic melts.
A future full of Elliot Rodgers?
Aren't White men + Asian female children the most ugliest?
Because it's fetishism, yes. Personally I wouldn't mind having an asian gf just as I wouldn't mind white, latina, etc. But if you specifically look for a certain race, you're certainly going to have an unhealthy relationship, and god forbid you have children, just look at this fucker
>he's never had a yellow shit
Gooks also smell like shit. Christ almighty they are fucking revolting. How anyone could pop a boner for a gook is beyond me. I barely even see them as human.
>trisomy-21 faces
>autistic behaviour
>short legs
>pasty skin colour
>all rook same
How anyone could find non-Whites attractive is beyond me. White women are fucked in the heads, but lord almighty are they head and shoulders above all other women in the looks department.
Yes, because I people that have it also watch animes, wank to animes and probably have a 2D waifu as well.
Yellow fever=Beta weebs
Easter Asians are basically white. This excludes Chinese. Jungle Asians are fine for fucking, but nothing more.
I think he looks fine.
Bitches can't raise their children and blame
Whew, the Beta is strong in this one.
I love my chink
sure, whatever.
Asians are the only race that are worth mixing with whites, unlike other races that bring us down, real synergy occurs. Statistics support this. White/asian couples make more money than asian/asian or white/white couples. Their children are less likely to be criminals, less prone to genetic disease, and more likely to succeed in their careers and in academics.
Asians are the only other race (besides Arabs/Persians before Islam ruined their culture) to build empires and develop science and industry without needing to be colonized by white dick. Asians are the only other race that can thrive in a meritocratic environment and are the only race capable of actually enriching us culturally, unlike blacks, arabs, and latinos that bring crime and degeneracy, they can actually function in a civil society.
TL;DR: Asians and Eurasian multiculturalism really is what libtards pretend that arabs/blacks/spics are.
Remember when the Spanish mixed with the natives their offspring are the mongoloids we have today from Central to Southern America.
Don't make the world an uglier place.
More for me
Less for beta cucks
Whatchu got against thai hookers, manlet?
I love mine too but yours has chubby feet I think
Can confirm, jungle asians are fuck machines but culturally and intellectually inferior to far-eastern asians and make poor wives and mothers.
That's some fat ass feet nigga, thought asians were petite?
THICC feet
I'm not blaming race-mixing on that. What I'm blaming is shitty parenting based on a relationship focused on racial fetishism, which is what fucks the whole thing up
They are
>natives americans
>somehow on the level of far east asians
Most are gold diggers her in Vancouver, and with the huge influx of chinks its gotten even worse
>Inb4 Asian Gurl thread
IU is 100% natty look at her high school pictures
It's only ok when white male with chink girls. Nothing degenerate about it. We own them
Look at this. A normal person would think that these people are a group of short-haired and fashionable females, but no sir, this are actually GUYS for fucks sake. This is what the average Korean male looks like.
Isn't this degenerate asf?
damn, far right looks like a cute white girl
that was the point desu.. hehe
>A normal person would think that these people are a group of short-haired and fashionable females
how badly has the left fucked your impressions of male and female?
Their both mongoloids its the exact same.
alright Sup Forums my uni is crawling with Asians. They all stick together and form groups with eachother besides the slut asian girls and chads who spend time with other races. How do i approach the qt shy asian girls with strict family values who want the white dick?
Those guys are hot.
That's some top tier /cgl/
yeah, apart from the looks and IQ differences..
They aren't the degenerate ones for looking like that, rather you are the degenerate for getting an erection to them.
>Nice Bait
They are very atheistic, no question.
Why do you think the women always wear the pants in the relationship with these kinds?
For one, your typical gook woman looks fucking ugly. Not like the cherrypicked koreans you see posted all the time, with plastic surgery done to hell and back.
Basically, yellow fever just means you're a closet-pedo because asian women have the bodies of 10 year old boys. Except with creepy prepubescent doll heads.
And if that's not the case, it just means that you apparently weren't good enough to bag a white woman, and had to settle for a gook.
hey, you are that dude from yesterday. sup
my brother just married his cgf
I wish them the best
> Be African
> Have nothing in your history worth admiring
> Resort to historical revisionism often (WE WUZ KANGZ)
> Lose wars against white foreigners, never recover
> Bring crime, drugs, and degeneracy into neighborhoods where you go
> Rely on affirmative action to succeed
> Identity based on victimhood
> Be Japanese
> Have rich history
> Whites naturally respect you
> Lose war against white country, rebuild yourself into an economic and cultural powerhouse
> Bring economic growth, civility, and high academic standards into the neighborhoods you move into
> Thrive in meritocratic environments
> Identity based on pride
Brehs I think that the reason we have a bad idea about race mixing is because we have black/white race mixing as our reference level. White/asian race mixing is obviously to our benefit. The fusion of our races would be constructive rather than destructive, and maybe we can finally destroy the low races once and for all once the dark alliance is forged.
half asian? but she's all the way on muh dick
>because asian women have the bodies of 10 year old boys. Except with creepy prepubescent doll heads.
random question- have you ever been a guest on TRS? I agree with you and all, just curious.
Nah. Different ideas of what masculinity means. Not wrong, just not the same. But honestly it makes it easier to be alpha around Asian girls. They're used to a softer sort of man. I've seen Asian qt3.14s totally shut down in awe of really buff white guys.
I am feeling pretty good.
Gonna hit the gym later today
that 8.0 qt on the right is probably 19 by now
Lucky nig, black/asian couples are so rare that the comparative income analysis of them didn't even include them.
are those half white half asian children?
idk man. im currently hooking up with a half jewish half indian liberal girl that believes in more than two genders and studies modern architecture. she's a hyper-liberal jew in loo but I've never been as happy kissing a girl before
I can't think of a race that likes blacks. They are the most hated race.
I want to play with her hair.
that said,
not politics, you just want an excuse to post pictures of cute girls
(it's okay I do it too sometimes)
i'm resting today. what you doing btw? bb, powerlifting, strongman???
Most Asian women are ugly, but maybe that's just me. I'm only attracted to white girls, and not because I'm racist or something.
You literally settled for the bottom of the barrel.
Cardio and Strength training
Fuck the kike out of her tbph
It's not even that degenerate, for all their shitting streets the Indians are actually Caucasian and not a separate race at all. Hitler recognized this first, but it's still true. And Ashkenazi is breddy much European. So p-put your dick in her.
Why the fuck is your bed blocking two doors retard
>Implying you actually "hooked up" with her and she isn't a prostitute.
I think that's a new one "jew in the loo"
I'm going to stay here until I get an answer.
>half jewish
youre some new kind of retard arent you?
being that this is Sup Forums im not surprised just how fucking stupid you people are tho.
Half Korean Half Scottish-German
that's exactly the problem
race mixed couples usually AREN'T good parents
usually it's a beta father who's made their choice in mate based on fetishes who can't raise a son
and a mother who's a self hating social climbing slut, who can never be a good mother
Why is the food censored? Does it have cum on it???
The one on the right is blocking her toilet and the one on the left is where she hides her shekels.
Dating Asians isn't degenerate, but having yellow fever is.
whats that teeny tiny door?
when i want to hook up I usually just move the bed and take her out of the closet