>trumptards are delusional enough to think he actually has a chance
>trumptards are delusional enough to think he actually has a chance
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Ohio will not be blue.
He's winning Ohio, and might win Pennsylvania. Also wins Florida.
20 cents has been deposited into your account.
NH, WI, NV, and even VA as well. at a minimum. Maybe CO.
it'll be interesting to see what else he'll win.
Trumpfags are as delusional as Bernie fags, and for the same reason. The election is rigged.
Trump himself said so in his statement about not debating Bernie.
You trumptards are in for a very rude awakening.
Can't wait to see the bloated orange mongoloid give his concession speech.
Is gonna be an even bigger (hilarious) shock to republicans than in '12
>Is gonna be an even bigger (hilarious) shock to republicans than in '12
evangelicals might have been disappointed, but romney all but quit campaigning for weeks leading up to the general election
he sucked anyways.
trump is bringing in new people to the party, new voters, etc...
if you check the primaries votes and the general elections, you'll see some pretty good correlations
NH, WI, NV, and even VA as well. at a minimum. Maybe CO.
Seriously...? I'll give you Virginia and MAYBE Nevada, but there's no way he's winning the others.
And Colorado now has too many California transplants, and lib. hippies moving there because "whoaaa weed", to ever be red again.
NH voted for Bush. It's not a dem state. WI has voted R in the past and was very, very close when it was Kerry vs. Bush.
people won't want to vote for hillary by the time the general election comes. i've been aware and watching the different contests since '96 and all of them were pretty close, but just about all the candidates were weak, with obama being the strongest. trump, on the other hand, is figuratively skullfucking every candidate that gets in his way. this one won't be a close election at all.
Excuses excuses excuses excuses.
Whatever helps you sleep at night.
For real. You won't believe me when I say this. That's what brainwashed people do...Trump isn't going to win. Underestimating him in the primary with REPUBLICAN voters is one thing. But when you alienate literally every single subgroup of the voting public, you aren't going to win. He LITERALLY has the worst favorability with women AND Hispanics.
>And then there are Hispanic voters, who appear to abhor Trump. The research firm Latino Decisions recently found Trump’s net favorability among Latinos to be -78 percent, while Hillary Clinton’s is +29 percent. To put Trump’s numbers into perspective within his party, Ted Cruz’s net favorability was -16 percent, and John Kasich’s was -10 percent. Although Hispanic voters will be heavily concentrated in uncompetitive California and Texas, they will be very important in at least three swing states: Colorado (where Hispanics made up 14 percent of the state’s 2012 electorate), Florida (17 percent) and Nevada (19 percent).
favorability doesn't translate into vote totals. check previous elections.
latinos hating trump wouldn't mean they would go vote hillary.
he's also currently edged out hillary in the polls, meaning that he can get enough support to win in the general.
Trump was polling at 29% for Latino's in the last NBC poll. Romney got 27%.
People don't want Hillary, but a lot of people also don't want Trump. But this isn't your normal "voting for the lesser evil" election; a lot of people outright hate both candidates.
I suspect that many more voters than usual will be voting third party this election.
>NH voted for Bush. It's not a dem state.
They voted for Bush in 2000, but haven't gone red since. They didn't vote to re-elect him.
>WI has voted R in the past and was very, very close when it was Kerry vs. Bush.
It was close, but Wisconsin hasn't gone red since 1984 when... Well, pic related.
Yeah I'm sure Mexicans know all about our states and which ones will vote what way
All can go red
>Romney got 27%.
and his family is pretty much from mexico
Colorado will not go red. The others maybe, but Colorado won't.
Evangelicals are literally the dumbest people on the planet
Maybe, but Trump isn't dude weed lmao so who knows
I doubt this. Lots of bleeding heart liberals here
Too many spics. People underestimate the Hispanic hate for Trump
You're so fucking retarded.
Trump can win without CO if Iowa or NV or NH goes red. Honestly Trumps path to victory is sketchy at best.
>People underestimate the Hispanic hate for Trump
votes aren't measured in intensity or sum of hate just like votes aren't measured by the volume of liberal slurs
latest poll had them tied
>ignoring statistics
Shaking my head senpai
Edged out? You mean the small bump when he picked possible Supreme Court justices which has already been erased by Clinton?
Also, most of the current polling still includes Bernie vs Clinton vs trump. Meaning Bernie is still holding some Clinton voters, 70+% of which state that they will vote for Clinton if it's her vs trump.
And yet Clinton is still beating trump in average polling according to real clear politics.
? Blatant lie or misinformed?
The most current NBC poll shows merely 20% of register Latino voters supporting trump-
and i bet you thought trump was running as a joke
Holy fuck you couldn't be more wrong.
I wish I knew u in real life so I could just stand there pointing and laughing at you when the hilldabeast curb stomps him in November.
Your understanding of state trends is on par with a 5 year old, so it doesn't matter what I think is a joke
>Meaning Bernie is still holding some Clinton voters
no, that's not how it works.
the question is: if you had to choose, do you choose trump or clinton?
how does bernie factor into that question?
Keep shaking it when Hillary gets inaugurated pussy bitch
no u
California here. Is there any point in voting for Trump, or am I just wasting my time?
Latest Rasmussen poll-
>The national telephone and online survey of Likely U.S. Voters finds Clinton with 40% support to Trump’s 39%. Fourteen percent (14%) like some other candidate
>like some other candidate
Most meaningful thing you've contributed for months, no doubt.
you are not providing any arguments though, i believe your points are invalid and you are just a shill, please refrain from posting or go back to whatever website you crawled out of.
Trump has multiple paths to get to 270, states that traditional republicans failed to be competitive in. Trump has a big chance in Florida, Pennsylvania, Virginia, New Hampshire, Colorado, Iowa, Michigan. A new poll shows him leading in Oregon, Hillary's lead has been constantly shrinking in state polls over the last month and will continue in this direction as she is exposed as being a weak and shitty candidate.
Of course you should vote for Trump at any occasion what kind of question is this.
Minnesota here. If I'm voting Trump, you had better as well.
cali should be given back to mexico
Well it's currently a toss up on 270towin so you might as well put it red, what will Hillary Clinton give to Iowa? More refugees and niggers?
>independents, libertarians, other defeated candidates
Fuck off Paco. You burrito nigger, don't you have a wall to build?
It's this type of thinking that makes me want to move out of this shithole of a state.
>Asian, born in Arkansas
>Get told to go back to my country by multiple spics who brag about being illegal immigrants on welfare
She won the primary, and I think Iowans are too smart for trump
Bingo. I can't wait until the election when the shills say "Wow Trump won 49 states but he didn't win the biggest!!! #CaliForHillary #Onlyonecounts, how could you vote TRUMP in 2020???"
>80% of Pennsylvania Republican Trump voters say 2016 campaign has "energized the Republican Party" — CNN Exit Poll, April 26, 2016
>I'm retarded
Yes it will
Wisconsin and Nevada are going to go blue
Go away Hillaryartillery
Colorado is blue, too many white Californians
What makes you think a chicken can win the election?
>winning without ohio
are you stupid?
not an argument
The black vote
>Colorado is blue, too many white Californians
That's pretty much what I was saying. Forgot my my ">" on the first line.
>Iowans are too smart
Fucking lol
What? How is that a counterargument?
The only other viable running candidate is Bernie.
Trying to say that the overwhelming majority of those 14 percenters aren't Bernie supporters is just laughable. He is by far the biggest candidate in the game besides trump and Clinton.
Also, this doesn't negate the fact that I utterly demolished your original counterargument anyways. You implied that the polling ONLY counted trump vs Clinton.
If Trump loses, half of central america will move here and American tax dollars will support them
Sad to think about
You'll see several big Democrat states go Republican this year.
Not because Democrats are going to vote for Trump. Not even because independents will vote for Trump.
Trump will win because disenfranchised Democrats will simply not turn out at the polls this year. 8 years of Obama did not help the black communities (in fact, they feel worse off now, BLM) so they will not be coming out. Without the black vote, Democrats can't win. (In fact, this is where all those "rock the vote" campaigns have come from for years. They are all aimed at inner city blacks, which literally vote 95% democrat.)
A lot of Sanders supporters will end up not voting or voting 3rd party, too.
Hillary will lose simply due to lack of energy within the Democrats.
There is more truth in this post than you realize.
While true, consider this, or every democrat that switched to vote for trump, 5 democratic voting immigrants will be sent to that district.
Even more of an incentive for me to vote for him.
>mfw I'm a registered Democrat voting for Trump
You're right that it is an issue of turnout.
Still praying for Winter-chan to bury Philadelphia under three feet of snow on Election Day.
Ohio and Wis are red, no nigger in Wis will vote for a woman
>people can't support non-viable candidates
and that doesn't make sense anyways.
even if we say that those 14% support bernie, but the question was "trump vs. clinton" and clinton and bernie are in a tight race, wouldn't that imply that most of the bernie supporters would defect to trump and not clinton?
It's a "let's just copy the 2012 election map despite how different this election cycle is" episode.
No way is America electing a dirty, filthy, corrupt old menopausal cunt as the leader of the free world.
They will go with the smart, tough, energetic billionaire.
Trump is showing no signs of cooling off, if anything he's just warming up for September when the memes all come crashing down upon Shill of the Hill.
He's slowly rising in polls. In fact he's starting to beat Hillary in some. #bernieorikillmyself
>Are you stupid?
>Can't read numbers
>80% of Trump voters like Trump
Well no shit
Yeah, I argue that Iowans are too smart for trump. Now you argue back. That's how these things work
>wouldn't that imply that most of the bernie supporters would defect to trump and not clinton?
What the fuck are you talking about?
Current polling shows 70 PLUS percent of Bernie supporters voting for Hillary over trump if it came down to it.
And no, if the question was purely "Clinton vs trump" then it wouldn't be 39% to 40% idiot.
Sorry but candidates usually lose the VAST majority of their alleged voters when they drop out of the race. That's why it's safe to say that Bernie supporters overwhelmingly make up that 14%
>he thinks the republican party can win when they only appeal to white males
The propaganda that the corporate media has spread has already done its toll. I don't see any way he can win without the minority and women vote.
But user, I thought white males were the majority oppressing us.
I actually wouldn't be surprised if Trump wins NY.
For people not living in NY most of NYS is republican except for NYC, which is literally half of NY states population, this causes many gripes with representation since in the last election only NYC and a single county outside of NYC voted Democrat and yet Cuomo won.
Trump has done a great job making people want to vote for him and I could see NY go red if only by the Republican mobilizations in place and disenfranchisement with Hillary.
Cubans and South Americans like Trump, only Mexicans/chicanos and central americans hate him.
>I actually wouldn't be surprised if Trump wins NY
>my state will never turn red again
It's called public policy polling, look it up while you're at it.
Hillary is not Obama
Hillary is not charismatic or energizing
Hillary is highly unlikable
Hillary is widely known for being corrupt
whether it's true or not
Hillary has not forced Bernie to concede defeat before the very last date of primary voting
Hillary will not get enough Bernie converts because she's everything they hate
Hillary has lost her double digit lead over Trump in less than a month
Hillary is tied with Trump in swing states that Obama won easily in 2012
Do the cartels help central americans get into the US?
> Shillary wins Florida
Is it really worth the $0.25 you get for posting this, at the cost of your own dignity?
>these idiots actually think people are paid to go onto Sup Forums to spread lies and support for a presidential candidate.
I wonder why the entire world points and laughs at you?
America is cucked tho.
>Hillary is highly unlikable
You leave out the part about trump being even more unlikable according to many polls.
>make own map where trump loses
yeah such a delusion
texas goes blue? not until those illegals get to vote it doesn't
Terrible trips.
There is not a chance New York will go to Trump, you Poor Donaldfags are delusional.
That is the only thing you find wrong with that retarded map?
Nice trips goy, why don't you go back to Clinton HQ so they can give you some quarters to rub together?
>hillary and bernie have similar support
>39% of people prefer hillary over trump and 14% prefer bernie over both
pick one