Hey anons, hopefully we can all agree that, in light of all the new evidence, Hillary is getting indicted. When do you guys think the FBI will announce their indictment? Also general Hillary email scandal discussion.
Hey anons, hopefully we can all agree that, in light of all the new evidence, Hillary is getting indicted...
Say it with me:
Prisoner Hillary Clinton.
I would just like to say, that it would be absolutely hilarious if
>Hilldawg indicted
>Delegates nominate Biden
>Bernouts go livid
The report that said "Holy shit we're so mad and we want to indict her but we can't"?
>When do you guys think the FBI will announce their indictment?
If and when the DNC decides that Bernie is more electable than Clinton and has the balls to abandon her. (Which I'm fairly sure will lead to at least a few of them tragically shooting themselves in the back of the head of crashing into a wall at 75 mph due to sudden mechanical failure.)
I honestly don't see it. She's got away with so much stuff before and so has Obama during his time in the Oval Office.
That would be the best case scenario, really.
This probably will happen.
I feel like Hillary getting indicted would probably be the worst case scenario for the Trumperino.
This would convince me god is real and has a sense of humor and justice
If she's indicted, the DNC will pick a preferable candidate and Trump will not win.
Let's hope she gets indicted much MUCH later through. Maybe after he's elected.
Prisoner Hillary Clinton
Pretty sure bernie voters will go with Trump if biden gets pick
June 21, 2016
Screencap this.
I doubt it will happen.
Think about how much dirt she has on the Obama white house.
She is one of the those cunts that will snitch and take everyone with her.
Why? Bernouts will destroy the DNC.
Hillary is part of that whole Yale thing.
I agree with you for sure. But going head-to-head with Shillary is a guaranteed win at this point.
Anything different and things are kinda tossed in the air.
She gets indicted, Joe Biden swoops in, wins in a landslide
Honestly, to see her go out and claim the inspector general's report completely vindicates her was one of the most surreal moments in a campaign that has been Alice in Fucking Wonderland.
I believe they are called inmate
This is why we should start destroying Biden right now.
The report that was from the OIG and not the FBI?
They're already working on it. Debbie Wasserman Schultz is about to lose her job; Dems in Washington are having private meetings about it. If she goes, her wrangling of the superdelegates goes with her and you can bet many will flock to Bernie since he's showing a not insignificant amount of public support.
This. The DNC will complain loudly about the "tone" of the Sanders supporters and the division it has caused in the party. The real reason Sanders will never get the nod is because the DNC is smart enough to realize this country will never elect a 74 year old socialist Jew from Vermont. Biden will be the nominee.
As a bern victim myself, that would be some funny shit
oh shit! wallup!
Yeah, something like that. The FBI can't indict. They can only recommend or whatever. I think it's the state department that has to do the indicting.
Sometimes I feel like the DNC and the media Jews are purposefully inciting violence within the party, so that they can blame losing the election this year due to "party disunity".
>I think it's the state department that has to do the indicting.
Attorney General Loretta Lynch has the final decision of convening the grand jury.
all the shit she has done in her life and she goes down for flagrant email abuse
Department of Justice, which is under Obama's thumb. When he says he's not giving the FBI any direction in this matter when asked if he's covering Hillary, this is what he means. Most Americans are too dumb to know the FBI only assembles a case and presents it to the DOJ.
Any good dirt on biden besides being a pedo?
Congrats on being retarded
i find it highly unlikely that the establishment will actually go after hillary
she's a political oligarch, she can apparently destroy countries and get away with it
then again what do i know
this is why the FBI has been stalling
dont expect an indictment with onigger in the white house
And you do realize what happens if the FBI recommends and the DOJ ignores it, right? See Nixon.
The DOJ doesn't have to ignore; they just have to be reviewing it interminably. Maybe a few high profile scandals result in terminations within the department and progress slows to a crawl.
>This is why we should start destroying Biden right now.
We're "destroying" CLinton for the same reason we "destroyed" iYeb!- she's an extremely repulsive person.
Biden is something else. You're talking about the guy that diddles kids on camera and is still liked by a huge constituency of people.
He'll win regardless.
Shillary is an Achilles heel and we must exploit it.
Im-fucking-plying. We invoked the meme magic but it's too strong for mere mortals to handle.
You're delusional if you really think that. Lib-tards absolutely love Joe Biden.
They'll feel betrayed.
What happens, for those of us who don't have time to read all about Nixon?
Trump vs Bernie will be a great thing.
She gets indicted NOW, Bernie gets all the remaining delegates and gets the nom.
That happens but he is cheated out of the nom? Then S will HTF.
idk user, he ran for president twice and didn't come close. When his name was polled earlier he was still pretty far behind Hillary.
I think he's a much stronger candidate but so am I and no one's ever heard of me.
Thank god for Wikipedia. en.m.wikipedia.org
Agreed, but shit won't happen. Bernie will get the non and Trump woll get rekt.
Every day with this shit.
#TheRedPillary is above the law and will be the next president. Why are you so afraid of progress?
>hurr durr this country will never blah blah blah meme
I hate Bernie but you're going full retard here
Biden seems like a nobody to me. I might be wrong.
Hillary? Progress? Get the fuck out of this thread britbong.
Would this really apply to Obama and Loretta Lynch, though? Seems like they just do whatever they want and nobody cares...
>You're talking about the guy that diddles kids on camera and is still liked by a huge constituency of people.
most people havent seen those
trump would have no problem bringing it up
I STILL don't understand what Hillary did wrong.
He's well liked by most all democrats, but he is pretty much a nobody. Go check out his two presidential campaigns. His biggest accomplishment was forcing the Obama administration to come out in favor of same-sex marriage.
The FBI will not be permitted to do anything unless the Democratic party is certain they can win with another candidate such as Biden.
Umm, yeah. People in the FBI will leak a ton of shit and resign.
And they will certainly win with Bernie.
not never, but not now either. Cold war propaganda still flows through the veins of many voters.
Yet Bernie still dominates with independents. You're just plain wrong, and that's okay. That's why you're on Sup Forums.
Bernie can't even win the DNC nom (he is losing by over 3m votes), but you think he can win the general?
Haha, okay. I'm happy we have you here buddy.
That's because the DNC nom is rigged. In a fair election/nomination/race, Bernie would beat Shillary EASILY.
Trump vs Bernie will be lulz, it will be glorious
>muh independents
yeah, nah, fuck off m8
Great argument
>That's because the DNC nom is rigged.
Can you guys get some new material?
Your savior has been beaten by a known criminal.
That's how much America hates socialism
Ohhhhh boy lets ignore the majority of the electorate in an election, shall we?
>Herrrr Derrrr Bernie is a socialist
You're the one that needs new material.
>you should respond to non-arguments with arguments
where was your argument then?
fucking molyfags.
why do people think bernie has a better chance than Hillary "REMEMBER THE 90's?" Clinton?
many think bernie is way too extreme, considering he self describes as a socialist, and his support base of crazy brainwashed college Liberals do nothing to assuage those concerns
No, seriously.
Bernie's campaign is done.
There is no fraud.
He was beaten.
Because socialism of any kind is hated by Americans.
We were in a cold war for 50 years with the Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics.
We hate the word with a passion.
There is no chance Bernie can or will win a Presidential election in his lifetime.
cap this post
>why do people think bernie has a better chance than Hillary "REMEMBER THE 90's?" Clinton?
because in all heads up polls bernie does significantly better against trump then hillary does.
>majority of the electorate
we may hate the word socialism but we sure seem to love socialist policies.
You and niggers may love some of these policies, while I despise them as the source of most of our problems both socially and economically.
Also, just because the govt taxes you to pay for a program doesn't make the govt or the program socialist.
I wasn't even presenting an arguemnt.
See this
i dont think you know what socialism is.
Obviously you don't either.
i really do.
let's hope she does
>Hey anons, hopefully we can all agree that, in light of all the new evidence, Hillary is getting indicted. When do you guys think the FBI will announce their indictment? Also general Hillary email scandal discussion.
Translation: Hey losers, let's pretend that the fantasies and conspiracies we've been circle-jerking to for years are true.
Let's just add this to the mountainous pile of other bullshit claims from delusional lying right-wing cranks.
I'm sure she's livid.
It's all good, Trump has destroyed the RNC, this will destroy the DNC, this is the year for a Libertarian President.
I highly doubt it.
If you know about socialism, look no further than Venezuela and tell me that is good idea.
Let me just take a moment to denounce the lies Republicans stooped to in an effort to undermine former Secretary Clinton.
The Clinton Foundation is among one of the largest charities in the world - making a difference at home and abroad.
Bill singlehandedly cut the National Debt to it's lowest in decades. Former Madam Secretary's desire to employ her husband as director of the economy is nothing short of a brilliant move.
Republicans have wrongly called Hillary every slanderous thing in the book. How many more times does she have to prove her innocence to these bigots?
#WithHer #FeminismNOW #Period
>mfw Sup Forums thinks the general public is on their side
The ONLY (repeat: ONLY) reason people hate Hillary is because she's in Bernie Sanders' way. Once he's knocked out and the Bernie people calm down, Reddit will start to defend her, and public opinion will shift.
She will NEVER be indicted.
If we don't get an indictment, I hope we at least get some mass resignations at the FBI.
Corrected The Record
Faggot kike
pointing to one specific instance of something failing and assuming that all instances will fail is retarded. there have been capitalist countries that have failed too.
I can point many more instances of socialism failures if you like.
But tell me this, if socialism is so great, why is the richest, most powerful nation on earth capitalist?
i came
There is no "group". I am a well-educated individual.
Hillary Clinton has a widespread grassroots coalition, and we are tired of inequality, we're tired of Wall St, and we're especially tired of the Patriarchy.
Obama has fixed the economy and perfected our healthcare system. What we need now is more protection for persecuted women and minorities.
its not. it's mixed.
now now good friend to the south, WE love socialist policies. You have a large degenerative population of negroids and mexicanoids, but aside from them and the lowest form of white (college liberals) you're too smart to love socialist policies.
Us leafs on the other hand...
What's the deadline for getting on the November ballot?
Do you do any OPs around here? You'd attract a lot of attention
"Hookers and Blow" Biden? I'm in.
How's the USD/CAD exchange rate treating you?
you really think anyone doesn't see past your correct the record bullshit?