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Interesting this album is made fun of when metal is a genre of music built by whiny, socially unaware narcissists lol

I wouldn't mind about the context if it was musically interesting - it isn't and it's one of the most boring shit I've heard in a while
Metal at least doesn't have that problem

>Metal is a genre built on whiny, socially unaware narcissists
So is indie rock and post-punk yet I dont hear you dismissing those.

is everyone on /moo/ a sociopath or what. this album is so emotionally raw its hard to listen for me, and im pretty unemotional most of the time

its just bait from 14-year-old suburban white boys who use Sup Forums as an outlet to be edgy because they're socially awkward autists in real life
most are probably Sup Forums crossposters

Yes, such masterful lyricism as
>if you won't die
>you died, tho
Truly the greatest poet of our time.

first of all: that's not even the quote
second: what is context
third: get raped

>context makes poor lyricism that breaks any kind of rhythm preceding it be OK
Are you one of those people who rated Skeleton Tree 10/10 because Cave lost a son?

This should be the first line in the Sup Forums bible if we ever get one.

You have never lost someone truly close to you and this is why you act this way. You should be ashamed of yourself.

mu is basically just b at this point

but most of his lyrics were written before that happened?
also who even rated skeleton tree a 10/10, it was a 8/10-9/10 by most people

Give me one reason why should I care about someone I never let's wife I never met. I'm not gonna celebrate that she died of cancer and left behind a husband and kids, but I don't know any of them, so I don't really give a fuck. I'm sure he doesn't give a fuck about my problems either.

Did he exploit the death of his wife with this album? I listened to his Marc Maron and for some reason it made me feel funny about it all. Like hes doing some sort of press junket to promote this album? I'm trying not to be cynical because I'm sure he was pretty devastated by it all. Its tough for me to imagine. But why would go on WTF to promote it if it was truly just an emotional release for him to process his emotions. Thats why ive only listened to it once amd even then it was at arms length. It seems slightly disingenuous. If I'm not being fair convince me otherwise because id like to connect to the album and I dont want to feel skeptical.

...did anyone ask you to?

>white boys

And don't (You) me, famalam; not even white.

white fags who use white as an insult

such a tired genre

on that podcast and many others he's talked openly about how "gross" him promoting this whole thing is. I mean the first lines of the album are "death is real, someones there and then theyre not, its not for singing about, its ot for making into art." Say what you want about the record, but pasrt of what makes it so wonderful is just how self aware it is. Ultimately dudes gotta make his duckets, and music is how he has been doing it for years

That's my point, I saw people who connected it to an emotional event and inflated the score/let themselves be influenced by a tragic event connected to the album.

>wife is dying of cancer and have a child who is at the most expensive stage of development
>fuck, Im only an indie record label owner and medium-level indie musician
>o-okay I guess I'll have to ask for help on the internet so my family doesn't starve and so my wife can at least die peacefully
>she dies
>money from internet is gone, I'm back to being a poor motherfucker with an expensive fucking kid and half the income I usually get
>cope in the only way that I've ever been able to, since I was a dipshit teenager messing around with wire recorders in the back of the record store I worked at
>through song
>compose album where I pour my literal heart and soul into to try and eke out some closure
>take care of my motherless daughter, can barely afford to feed us both since I have no work that's selling
>go through lean months while working on this album
>I think she'd like it
>release album, same price as my normal stuff because I'm not trying to exploit anything, i just really need the money so my daughter doesn't starve
>money from album helps but doesn't exactly save us, have to go on a tour to support myself
>play songs that are about the woman who I married and had a child with and loved with every fiber of my being who died in my arms to a bunch of strangers every night
>have to close my eyes when doing it because I'll fucking cry if I don't
>finally, I can provide for my daughter

>months later, virgins on an anime imageboard will say I'm exploiting my wife's death for money

>deaths not about singing about
>now sit down and let me sing about it for 40 minutes

some of the lyrics are so fucking bad and cringey it hurts

>reading comprehension

>Metal isn't boring

I didnt say he was exploiting it, i asked because I'm pretty removed from his music. It seems like a reasonable thing to ask to green texting cock

The whole album is filled with contradictions, Phil's whole body of work is filled with contradictions. Human beings are filled with contradictions. I can get the exploitation angle, and judging by every interview ive heard with Phil about this record he questions whether this was the best way to grieve, or has at least asked those questions of himself

fuck man

metal is more complex and technically challenging than whatever nu-male garbage you listen to

>metal is more complex and technically challenging than whatever nu-male garbage you listen to

>indie rock
If you mean characters like Mac Demarco and other modern and 90s bubble gum songwriters than yes, it is horrible. If you mean groups like Neutral Milk Hotel and Built to Spill than you're wrong.
I'm going to assume you only know Joy Division considering most post-punk isn't whiny or unaware, though maybe narcissistic. No-wave doesn't count, it was an actual art movement in response to the near collapse of the city of New York, not poor neurotic European kids.

it's pasta


>posted one other time
that's not what a pasta is

What's the point of this thread? What did you gain by posting this?

If you don't like it, don't listen to it.

nice counterargument there

the rhythm isnt broken you fucking retard. I'm talking about context within the song. Have you ever written a song in your short, entirely useless life? Again, go get raped


well here's a better question: what else do you think he should be singing about when even a year later, he's still mourning and stuck in the depths of grief? What would feel disingenuous is going back to nature metaphors and shit. Is he exploiting her death to sell records? A little bit, but he's the first to admit how weird it is to be writing songs and playing them out to people at theaters and festivals (some new songs are about this very topic). He also has to do what he can to stay afloat and raise his daughter as a single parent so I really doubt Genevieve would've objected.

>this triggers the autist
I am actually working on my second album, which will be based on all the grief in my life and other personal details. You know what I won't do when I release it? Sperg out on people who don't like it because YOU JIDT DON'T GET IT MAN IT'S DEEP SO DEEP

No amount of context doesn't make that line not hilarious. It's probably even worse with the context.

>Using "white" as a pejorative.
Hang yourself.

why do people on Sup Forums get so upset when someone describes a group as white? pretty funny for a place that shit talks every other race, but making fun of white people? fucking sjws strike again

back to shitskin


1) First of all, (you)'re a faggot
2) And second, the album is pretty mediocre. I can respect his emotions but that doesn't make for good music, and the music on this is almost non-existent, and even worse than that, drowned in cliches. He just shouldn't have made an album out of this

not that guy, but is it even Phil who spergs out on people? He seems pretty cool d e s u. I took the album as like his personal diary for that period in his life. Not necessarily a technically impressive collection but it does well what I think music, at its very, very core is meant to do well, which is convey emotion. I really feel the depths of his loss and grief when I listen to the songs, to the point where I only have listened to it one time because it's not even a pleasant experience.

nice retort, really made me ponder

>I am actually working on my second album

and it's gonna be crap because you don't know how songwriting works

It's literally dog shit, though. Any retard can make something "complex" as long as actual quality and artistry is neglected, which is fully the case with metal. I'm amazed you morons never realize this.


No, by sperging out I meant people here, not him. He made some weird statements about it but nothing I'd call sperging out.

No you just don't understand human emotion and can't connect to sense of grief and hopelessness you fucking edgy 14 year old psychopath
Am I doing it right?

Lost respect for him profiteering off his wife's death. He didn't even wait a year

>Equating complexity with quality
Behold, the greatest genre ever invented

yea he sure made a fortune off of it, lmao
artistic expression no longer allowed on a music board fuck off and die

as soon as Genevieve died, Phil wasted no time scurrying around, collecting as much money as he could from her death. He started performing the music he had even arranged before the diagnosis, and put his Plan Moneyload into action
all he needed was a 9 from famous nu-male reporter, TheNeedleDrop.
"oh yes theneedledrop, your girlfriend is black, that's funny because my one is dead"
theneedledrop was almost as touched as when he listened to Death Grips - The Money Store.