Nigger kid climbs into gorilla exhibit at Cincinnati Zoo

Now a critically endangered gorilla is dead because of this stupid niglet and his incompetent mother.

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They shot the wrong nigger.

There should be an IQ requirement to legally reproduce.

Black on black crime is out of control

Maybe he thought it was his father

Why did they kill the more evolved animal?

How long until this is blamed on white people?

came to poet that senpai

I'm seriously appalled that this kid's life was considered to be more valuable.

What's with killing zoo animals after the fuck someone's shit up? Petty revenge? It's not the animals fault if some retard jumps into it's jaw.

fucking retarded


Little nigger got to see his father one last time before he was shot by the authorities.

>nigglet finds his dad
>dad gets shot


like in real life the father walks away

It's shame such a noble animal had to die because of some stupid niglet.

Rip based Gorilla. may you stomp niglets in gorilla heaven.

Harambe will live forever in Valhalla

His coat shiny and chrome



>Now a critically endangered gorilla is dead

They're not endangered.

The first response is often the most insightful.

Hopefully the zoo sued the mother for being a shit parent

A million niggers could die, and that Gorilla's life would still have been worth more.


>First thing Gorilla does is try to give nigglet a bath

THIS. Also, checked.

So to save a monkey they shot a gorilla?

Guess again you worthless leaf



they mention it several times in the video

>MFW this mother fuckers a higher primate for a reason.

He was a good boy

Holy shit this pisses me the fuck off.

Nigger, still fucking ruining everything for everybody even when they don't do anything.

All fucking niggers must fucking hang

What do you consider endangered?
I would say 600-700 is pretty endangered to me....

>Gorilla shot just a couple days after his 17'th birthday

Ironically, the same thing will probably happen to that stupid kid.

I saw that headline, and I was like "I bet it was a nigger"

of course, it was a nignog

Looks like I was wrong; I thought it was a Silverback.

>cinci zoo

The Cincinnati zoo pales in comparison to the area around the Cincinnati zoo, which is the real zoo. A jungle of criminals and a university.

RIP HARAMBE, may your coat be silver and shiny.

#blacklivesmatter, I can't believe police shoot that poor unarmed black man

The wrong monkey died

At this point, with all these zoo incidents, I'm starting to blame the zoos for not properly protecting the animals from the horrible humans!


Why are they chanting daddy? I mean i already know the Sup Forums answer and i know Sup Forums is always right but... i can't. A group of black kids see a gorilla and automatically start calling him daddy? It's too real.

Yes they are you shitposting current year commie

thanks obama

where's the GorillasLivesMatter hashtag in Twitter?

Niggers really do ruin everything they get near.



rise of the planet of the apes will never happing in the US...wait a minute



Because how else could democrats win elections

Anyone got a video of the kid falling in and being around the gorilla?

Stupid kid
Father's day is two weeks from now

so we killed an endangered species to save a species that endangers the world
fucking white guilt

Silverback is a generic term for an alpha male gorilla, not a species

I'm legitimately angry right now. That animal died for nothing. I actually hope there is some sort of protest or riot resulting from this. What a stupid parent and toddler, that gorillas life was lost because of them, I hope they are sued

Time to hit the heavy bag again.

R.I.P Gorilla


Like literally what the shit? I've been to the Cincinnati Zoo - it's a good fucking 15 ft of barriers between the observer walkway and the edge of the moat. 15 ft of fences, bushes, and rocks that this kid fucking climbed through before his dumb bitch of a mother noticed. Not too mention this dumb little preschool aged kid decided to jump off the edge of a 10 ft wall into the water.

1) What kind of mother completely does absolutely nothing to get their kid back during the 2-3 minutes of climbing he'd need to do to get to the edge of the wall?

2) What kind of kid that age jumps off a 10 ft wall? Even my two year old is smart enough to avoid high drops.

hard kek. good job, user.

Gorillas birthday was yesterday


leaf was being a racist

a human life even a niglets is more precious than a gorilla.

this child might grow up and save the human race for all we know


>We want to warn you, the video is hard to watch
>Gorilla just standing there
>Zoo employee said the gorilla was not aggressive
Don't they have tranquilizers? I always knew Ohio was full of retards.

Yes. Here you go, buddy.

the gorilla was worth more than a baby niglet

The gorilla would probable pass, while the niggers would fail.

Aww Hell Naw!!!

>that video of the gorilla doing literally nothing but taking a better care of the niglet than his real parents (probably single mother)
>gets shot
welp, Im mad now

He WUZ a scientist

they should have let it live. as soon as it saw a baby it would instinctively run as far away as possible, just like the kids ape father.

It is a silverback. If I'm not mistaken it's just a from a different region. From what I got from watching Africa on the discovery channel all gorillas are endangered.


>Minimum IQ requirement to legally reproduce
White&African Genocide, only Asian survive

i chuckled

Niglet thought Gorilla was his dad, goes to meet dad, white man kill dad

can't get no break

A gorilla could tear a child apart like he was made of wool, although it doesn't look like the gorilla was aggressive, looked like he was protecting the kid.
But a gorilla is so fucking strong and heavy you can't reasonably make that assumption, I think they did the only thing they could.

When something similar happened with a white kid (except the kid accidentally fell rather than intentionally climbed in) the gorilla took care of the kid and didn't have to be shot:

Gorillas are smart!

lol the gorilla thought the niglet was his child

>gorilla tries to protect niglet
>get shot
>now only 699 of the gorillas are alive and 999,999,999 niglets are alive

good job

Gorillas have NEVER killed a human in all of recorded history.
Going by facts the gorilla was in more danger from the niglet

We are talking about a nigger here, ok?

I wouldn't give him that much credit. You said it yourself. He's a leaf.

Keyword :Human


>Speedbreeding nignog rapes and kills a lot of people.

Lock him up for a few years, that's the humane thing to do! The death penalty makes us just as bad as he is if we succumb to it!

>Kid sneaks into the prison of an endangered, potentially violent animal.

Kill it! It's got the taste for children's blood and is a broken animal that needs to be put down!

Damn that Gorilla was bro-tier

what the fuck was patrick ewing doing in there?

he's back with his family

Why couldn't they just tranquilize the gorilla..

Are you retarded? If such a thing were even to be implemented, they wouldn't put it above 100. And if it were, we'd eliminate the hucks from the whites.

>it looked as if the gorilla was protecting the boy

Why would they kill him then? There are over 7 billion humans, but only a few hundred gorillas wtf

One is a endangered species, the other experience a populational boom

Would suppressors work against this gorilla? Wouldn't it be smarter if the gorilla was suppressed rather than kill it?

I assumed that the gorilla's name was Daddy but when that got thrown out the window when the woman at the end yelled at them to stop. I know they're nogs and its to be expected but I do feel bad for them.

They never killed a halfbreed either