When will the tattoo meme finally fucking die? Are tattoos a Jewish conspiracy to promote degeneracy?
When will the tattoo meme finally fucking die? Are tattoos a Jewish conspiracy to promote degeneracy?
MTV rappers made them popular so what does that tell you
people have tattooed themselves for thousands of years so I'd wager not any time soon
>MFW I'm 30 and not having a tattoo makes me "counter-couture" and "non-conformist"
the world didn't exist until OP was born user
>don't you know that?
Its always been an alternative culture thing. Its just gotten more mainstream in recent years to have them in really hard to cover up places. Back when my parents were uni students in the 80s, if you had one it was usually rebellious and in a place that was normally covered up.
Nowadays these tumblrina faggots have to push it to the extreme which is why you see them in places only convicts used to have.
Its going to get interesting in a decade or two when their skin elasticity drops like a brick and that thing becomes a wrinkly, spotty mess.
t. med student from a medical family.
I have a feeling the jews are beyond the mainstream influx of tattoo recently.
And fuck these fags, I was covered before all this
t.original hipster
Tattoos are a good thing.
You can spot degenerates without having to talk to them first.
>Anime reaction pic
Being a virgin probably makes you more of a counter culture though
I'd never marry a girl with a tattoo .
I'd poke holes in a condom and fuck her though, just to leave town the next day
I'm white by the way
This senpai a lam
Who could be behind this post?
Yes, but it was done by tribes, sailors, gangsters, and so on and certainly wasn't accepted by mainstream society. Nowadays it seems like every other person has some dumb fucking tattoo and think it makes them so unique and special.
aslo, pretty much every form of Judaism from Reformed and up have a very strict "no Tattoo" rule.
It's an torah thing about what sets the people of Israel apart from the surrounding barbarian tribes. I think its in Leviticus with all that other stuff. But I worked for 3 years at a Jewish Camp and they made all Jewish staff cover all tattoos up around the kids, its was a big deal, and this was a pretty liberal place.
not so much
>on an anime site
>mad people post anime
Skin is degenerate.
>truly the niggered of the genders
Picture of a Danish king. He was in the navy.
Do you have ANY arguments that the world wasn't created the day OP was born? For all I know we are creations of OP's mind.
The only reason you should be getting a tattoo is if you were in the military and killed people
Waaaaa I don't understand things that I don't like
Are the Danish black?
If you were to skin a human and tan it...how much usable leather would you get out of it?
lol he's really sucking it in
>t. legally-retarded tattoo owner
Post your tattoo. I'm certain it's garbage.
>by tribes
does that shitskin really look like anything other than a savage from new Zealand? aka a tribal?
Irish don't count
I'm actually watching Gundam 00 right now thank you very much.
Correction: it was done by tribes, sailors, gangsters, and irrelevant artists from even more irrelevant countries.
I thought he would be Finn because of the knife
Damn, Danish are 63% black. Never going to visit the Danes I guess
I could accept tattoos depending on what and where they are.
Piercings is fucking retarded though, you can take that shit out and it makes you look like even more of an unprofessional fuckwad than tattoos do.
>the work industry
I've started calling people with tattoos "InkNiggers"
At first I just called people with lots of tattoos inkniggers, but now i call anyone with a tattoo and inknigger. its gross, and only out grossed by piercings (except one on each ear for girls)
That guy is an example of acceptable tattooing. He was probably a warrior of some kind when he was a young man.
How can you watch shit like that.
I makes me sick just thinking I live in the same country as your degenerate ass
I feel the same way user
>tfw fiancé is tattooed whore and is better than my ex-wife who was beautiful blonde
Actually, never mind. That guy is a tribesman, and I included tribesmen in my post. Fuck off and never wrongly correct me again, cunt.
come and say that to my face g
>Watching non-UC Gundam
00 is pretty gud though
Some germanic tribes covered their bodies with tattoos though.
I do not believe the kikes are behind it this time
Best Gundam series senpai
Haha, made you reply.
My point is, there's certain countries where tattoos are a symbol of heritage and social status. Would you describe that image as "trashy"?
Why would the forearm be red? Should be green. Trying to hard with this one.
This is a nationalism site, stupid.
That's the anime site.
I keep clicking this link and it sends me back to Sup Forums, help me reddit!
blue waffle vagina
>has never worked a job above minimum wage
Jews are religiously opposed to tattoos you uneducated fuck.
I ran a google search for "old woman with tattoos" then "fat woman with tattoos" then "tattoo stretch". I found no images of distorted tattoos.
You may be a med student, but I think you're lying.
I like it better than most entertainment that is American.
Maybe you aren't trolling and don't realize how many different genres of anime there are.
I'm also watching "legend of Galactic Heros" and i'm 6 episodes in, please watch an episode and let me know how it is degenerate?
I work as a Chef and it's very stressful, so in the evening I come home and shitpost on Sup Forums and watch some anime to take my mind off work and get so I can fall asleep.
That's how I decompress. Should I go out drinking and doing drugs like the rest of my industry?
Just because some forms of anime ARE degenerate (or at least to say, pervy/weird) would be like saying ALL movies are degenerate because some are pornos.
If you really chose your entertainment options with Degenercy being your determining factor, there are plenty to chose from, just go ask the friendly anons on >youtube.com
>implying I actually have tattoos
The point is that forearm tattoos are relatively common, and in this day and age I know people making 6-figure with them
based patrice o'neal knew what was up.
RIP in peace
Good tattoos are rad, which is why Jews are forbidden from getting them, not the other way around. Utzi the iceman had tats as did the Picts and other ancient Nordic peoples. Not to mentioned virtually every other culture around the world. Only Kikes think there's something wrong with them. This coming from folks that mutilate genitals and suck on bloody penises, which should tell you all you need to know.
>Are tattoos a Jewish conspiracy
Levticus 19:28
28 “‘You must not make cuts in your flesh for a dead person, and you must not make tattoo markings on yourselves. I am Jehovah.
Tattos mark someone as goyim.
>thinks Sup Forums isn't an anime site
16 episodes in, woops.
What the fuck? Do you actually think tattoos are a recent thing? They've been around forever, and only gonna get more popular.
Love tattoos and peircings. Have two tats, ears, and septum. It's great camo for infiltrating sjw crowds. I lose my cover with each minute I talk.
>Coworker complains about salary, says he doesn't make enough because corporate greed, he's literally living paycheck to paycheck and he's got kids to think about man
>has full sleeve tattoos and is constantly getting even more.
Tattoos are another money sink dangled in front of retarded millennials. Besides being degenerate, it also shows that someone is either wildly irresponsible with their money, or rich enough that money isn't actually a concern.
Those countries and cultures are not our country or culture. Savages also ritualistically consume the flesh of their dead, that doesn't somehow make it an acceptable practice for our culture.
Tattoos in modern western culture are visual manifestations of mental illness.
What kind of corporate job are you referring to?
So? Jews are also personally opposed to multiculturalism and marrying non-Jews. That doesn't stop them from pushing that line of thinking down on everyone else. In fact, it's the exact opposite. Get the fuck out of my thread, you don't know what you're talking about.
>doesn't realize Sup Forums stopped being an anime site around 10 years ago
>wew lad
Good thing I'm a Sailor
:v stop being a faggot and go whinge on pol with all the other Loli fuckers
>not knowing tattooing was originally a way to mark slaves
Call center. But its a pretty technical subject with lots of safety implications, so the people there are actually experts in their field. Avg salary is like $50k
>They've been around forever, and only gonna get more popular.
>been around forever
>only going to get more popular
>can't make the logical connection that they have not been "around forever" in the context of Western culture, as that would mean they would have attained peak popularity hundreds of years ago.
But user, Sup Forums isn't an anime board... Sup Forums didn't become famous because of anime, it became famous because of shock images on Sup Forums.
>doesn't realize Canada stopped being a white country around 10 years ago
I mean it's 2016, c'mon. We must adapt to the standards of these refugees.
Anime sucks
no, Sup Forums is a place for people who like anime to discuss politics.
/k/ is for people who like anime and weapons, /tg/ for people who like anime and traditional games, etc.
look at the banners on the site fagget.
>you are already a weeaboo just for being here, might as well not be a self-hating one.
Drank too much Tuborg Gold.
>not proudly displaying your white pride on your skin at all times
tattoos used to separate the men from the boys, not be embraced by these liberal shit head millenial faggots
you nigger loving faggots would get eaten alive in prison
if you don't have at least 1-2 tattoos by the time you hit 25, you're a forever alone virgin
>Sup Forums
>he fell for the anonymoos memes and the exploding vans
user, if you want to go to a "popular" site, I recommend Reddit. I think Sup Forums is somewhere in the top 1000's for site rankings, that's hardly hip or cool at all my man.
You wouldn't want your bull to know that you browse a website made for little girls, right?
how exactly do you live like a man in prison?
But thats why they hate them
they have to pretend theyre above the guys getting laid since theyre hopeless
My dad said tattoos were once only worn by badasses. Now every nu-male and his wife's son has one.
this is pretty g.d. accurate
>meme Boondock Saints tattoo
>he doesn't use an ad blocker
join the gang affiliated to your race
get tatted up
work out everyday
read the bible and dedicate the remainder of your life to god
and occasionally smash niggers heads in like ripe melons
>he doesn't contribute to the online community he frequents
>thinks ad-block stops site banner
>haha bro I get mad PUSSY lmao I fuck lots of slutty, vapid women and it gives my life meaning lmao I am an empty person inside and creatively void but at least I get that PUSSY lmao bro because that's what life is all about lol the PUSSY lmao
meanwhile you are still stuck in a cage like the dumb faggot you are
real manly
Wheres the part where one of them breaks a leg and gets killed on the field because they're now worthless?
And it pains me to think that some people legitimately enjoy that degenerate trash music.
give me an example of a women youve met thats not a slut
I dont like tattoos, i dont know why but i feel that they make you look like dirty or something.
Also, its funny too see how old friends that got tattoos now post this thing (see pic) wich basically means "tattoed and hired"
>My dad said tattoos were once only worn by badasses.
They were, but then everyone thought they could be perceived as bad asses if they got one...I almost got one in college, but once I saw everyone was getting them (and how lame most of them were) I decided I would only get ink if I joint a combat arm of the military, join a gang,or I go through a rite of passage for a secret society or isolated tribe.