Milo Yiannopoulos thinks blacks are owed reparations. I thought he was our guy, Sup Forums.
Milo Yiannopoulos thinks blacks are owed reparations. I thought he was our guy, Sup Forums
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Milo has given (or taken) enough for the entire white race.
that is what affirmative action and section 8 is
he is Sup Forumss guy, a gay cucked white nu-male. thats Sup Forums. this place is BTFO beyond repoair and will never recover, i bet 98% of these faggots are voting for hillary because they are man enough.
He said
>to [blacks], something is still owed
>STILL owed
Apparently affirmative action isn't enough.
so be it
I don't agree with him but people can't be right 100% of the time
But he is.
Neo-Sup Forums loves "based" blacks and are okay with gays.
Must be all of the Reddit.
Repatriation when??
He clarified this at one of his Uni showings recently. He basically just thinks we should help them remove their heads from their asses. Not pay them or apologize.
Do you have a link, fellow burger?
What are they owed? What more could be done?
The best thing that could help out the black race is a minor genocide to wipe out all the trash and keep only the good ones.
They're going home soon, r-right?
Who else is ready for this term to die?
Milo is a literally Jewish, faggot that "craves Black cock". The fact that so many wannabe edgy "conservatives" look to him as their hero is beyond kekable.
For milo, reparations mean all the nigs get to ram his ass
hes not our guy. go back to r/thedonald fucking faggot
We already help them enough.
>craves the BBC
>tons of other blatantly neocon/liberal opinions
One of these alone would be tolerable but three strikes and you're a jew
>almost quints
Fuck Jew Milo.
But yes, they should be given reparations... Here me out here, boys. I've been thinking about this a lot. A one time payment of 200k. But to get it they have to abandon their American Citizenship, and they have to be in Africa. The smart, decent blacks with jobs would know this is a bad deal. The dumbass niggers would be all over it. 200k seems like a lot, but it's not when you put it against the money they will suck out of welfare their entire lives. And their children, and so on. Make it just juicy enough that the dumb niggers would not be able to refuse, and abandon them in Africa.
I don't fully agree with him, I'm just telling you what he actually said instead of assuming he means reparations. I'd rather do something and save American cities from niggardom than sit back on the moral high ground and watch.
Is that real?
I wouldn't object to self-selecting black separatism that the government paid for, but this would literally never happen unfortunately
>our guy
Never has been our guy and I don't think he wants to be either. Alt-right is not Sup Forums, now it's just a hip counter culture for American teens which happens in every generation. You can support some things he says and does but idol worship is different thing.
Something I've noticed: Milo's not very redpilled on blacks.
Some people are redpilled on one race more than the other.
For example, some people grew up around mexicans/hispanics and are redpilled on them.
Some (i.e. Brits) grew up around Pakis and muslims and are redpilled on them, but aren't aware of blacks or have little experience with them.
b-b-but milo is gay and likes to get fucked by blacks! l-l-liberals can;t attack him guys! he should represent us!
youre all faggots for liking this faggot
he's talking about him owing them his pink boipucci
I'm just glad he's a voice that can criticize feminism and radical leftism without getting shut down.
We need more people like him to speak up against the vocal minority.
>interesting issue
>32 replies
>post a picture of an interracial couple with a trite question
>500 replies
bravo Sup Forums, home of retards
>I thought X was our guy
>interesting issue
If niggers are owed reparations then us "evil crackas" are owed reparations for the Barbary Slave Trade niggers,jews,and Arabs were in control of.
Based is a term from nigger ghettos in the first place.
One day newly elected cucked government would give citizenship to self-deportees and their descendants back and even more gibs. Only complete extermination of non-Whites worldwide is a guarantee of prosperity and progress.
He's a faggot britcuck. How about we get reparations for all the lives terrorized by blacks, all our cities they've destroyed, and all the lives lost fighting for their freedom. Ungrateful fucking niggers and Nike licking cuckolds
Thats Sup Forums in general
I'm so fucking tired of hearing about Milo. The guy just has a huge ego. Fuck him. He's far from being an actual part of anything.
Is he lying about fucking niggers?
We've spent trillions of niggers and have gotten nothing back.
They contribute $2k on average per year in taxes.
They cost $100k to put in school from k-12.
They never pay us back in what they take out.
The cost us trillions in police patrols and incarceration. $40k per year per cell.
Fuck reparations. We are enslaved via taxes for their welfare.
Good, he can be the first to fork over all of his worldly possessions in order to "pay it back".
>Mixes sexually with blacks
How the fuck would he ever be our guy? Soon 'alt right' will be the new hip counter culture, just like far leftism is right now.
We are not alt right, we are white nationaliss, anti globalists and racial seperatists. ALL other political issues are secondary to maintaining hemogonous white homelands.
I would reckon there is more Whites in slavery today than any other race
>trusting Jews
Serves you right
This whole site is full of retards, if every other image board websites wasn't not full of liberal cucks i would leave this place in a heartbeat
ITT dumbfucks who can't realize his gayness is a front to spread Alt-right viewpoints, if he wasn't a flaming homosexuals he'd be another irrelevant
Is that supposed to be an adjective or a verb?
milo is a liberal pretending to be 'alt right' and 'conservative'
He's a jew, he's trying to co-opt the legitimate movement of dissatisfied republican voters for his personal gain.
fuck him
>I thought he was our guy, Sup Forums.
no one ever thought this you delusional meme spouting cocksucker
>Trusting a literal faggot kike ever.
this guy knows whats up
No, if he weren't a jew he'd be irrelevant.
He only gets as much publicity as he does specifically because of his jewish roots. Jews promote jews no matter what.
Milo has a lot of really stupid opinions actually.
Jewish - Check
Gay - Check
Let's black men fuck him - Check
Represents Sup Forums
>a literal nigger loving faggot
>our guy
lol this
Still my favorite faggot, outside of the dude from Queen.
>rubin report
i honestly cant tell whos the bigger faggot in that interview
my great grand father had 25 pieces of his property taken from him without due process in the imancipation . so I believe I am owed reparations in modern dollars for his mis approiated property.
I wouldn't even doubt that nor would it surprise me.
People on Sup Forums like him because he makes feminists look dumb, supports trump and wants Muslims the fuck out of Europe.
Other than that Sup Forums really only has reasons to dislike him.
he said he would try gay therapy at some point though
Based is a pretty based term desu
A gay jew subverting the alt-right so openly that most think he is an ally.
Well im not a faggot hater like everyone else on Sup Forums, and i fucking hates feminist so im a fan of milo.