Memes and jokes aside, she should be President and you all know it

Memes and jokes aside, she should be President and you all know it.

No she shouldn't

With a loli body like that no wonder she grew up to be a bitch. She was probably used at an early age.

Why? Seriously I wanna know why you think she's not as corrupt as Trump?

Indeed,she is proven to be more INTELLIGENT than any one of those fuckers prosecuting her,not mention that she is a genius compare to the MORON in the WH now.

The memes and jokes does not agree with you

Oh look, it's this thread again...


Gary Johnson was the only reasonable choice. Until we smash the two party system, we remain the laughing stock of the democratic world.


>Being a shill on Sup Forums instead of Sup Forums
Life of a retard.

She's not. Trump isn't corrupt at all, Shillary is.

>couldnt beat a moron
Pick one.

I kek'd.

>Memes and jokes aside, she should be President and you all know it.
President of what? The KKK wives auxiliary league?

Idiot ,inside job,fungazi,traitors republicans kissing Putin dick,GO UNDER YOUR BED MORON.


>Memes and jokes aside

This is a meme and a joke

>she should be President
naw shes terrible. only had a chance because of bill, but she's nothing at all like bill.

She is better than Bill ,11 hours against those Benghazi morons,Bill failed ,"I don't sex with that woman"

You Amerifats had a null fucking choice this time. Autistic cunt or brain damaged bitch. Hope you actually get to choose a fully functional human next time.

Memes and jokes aside, she should be in jail and you all know it.

>most beloved president in the last 50 years
>"she's better"
>lost to donald trump
get a fuckin' brain transplant, ok?






>Memes and jokes aside, she should be in prison and you all know it.


I guess she's more qualified than current POTUS, but to say she should be president seems like a stretch

Only if you hate America and want to destroy it. In which case, you belong in a death camp.




Low tier bait

It makes me happy when they remind me that this abused loli didn't win. Thank you!


>12 months on and triggered salty libcucks are still farting cum in anger

>Chronic liar, murderer, traitor, jewish puppet, Soros' lapdog, mentally and physically ill, lost rigged election, constant seizures, best friends with several rapists.
>Presidential material

More proof that libcucks are dumb as fuck lol :^)

>Memes and jokes aside, she should be President and you all know it.


Most unqualified and corrupt candidate in American history. That she remains out of jail is a testament to the depths that her her crime family foundation has festered its filth and contamination.

Both candidates were showing symptoms of early dementia even before their respective parties nominated them.

