>Americans are still preaching to Europeans about how we need the free market to control it
>Has one of the most privatized healthcare systems on Earth nearly exclusively controlled by insurance companies
>#1 most expensive healthcare on Earth by a wide margin
>Not even in the top 10 for quality of care
>People literally leave the country for medical care, using it as an excuse to take a vacation for weeks with boarding, food, etc. and it still saves them money from just paying for the medical procedure itself in the US
Explain this shit. Explain why in the fuck Americans are so fond of making excuses for and supporting failed ideas that the rest of the planet figured out decades ago.
Americans are still preaching to Europeans about how we need the free market to control it
This isn't an argument
*Citations needed
>saves them money from just paying
>saving money
pic one you retard
Of course it's an argument, moron. The argument is America has a shit healthcare policy and the right wants it to be even shittier. Literally why?
Do a five second google search, 12 year old.
Sweden, what the fuck are you doing?
>you pay for insurance
>bills are low
I don't know if we're living in the same country but you're just a poor :^)
>you pay for insurance
>bills are low
Sure they are. Now find yourself in a situation that requires an extended hospital stay and watch what happens.
That's the difference.
Universal healthcare only works in racially homogeneous countries. Which is exactly why in the UK, our NHS is starting to break down.
Maybe if you didn't get fucked up then you wouldn't be fucking spending a long time in the hospital. Also, your insurance is shit.
Well it is, that's true. America still has a shit broken healthcare system NOW though.
It's broken because of blacks and mexicans are excessively burdening it by shooting each other, stuffing their obese faces, smoking crack and not eating their greens.
You're subsidising other people's suicidal lifestyle choices. And by people I mean niggers.
Also the reason Americans pay so much for pharmaceuticals is because they're subsidising the entire world's R&C for new drugs. Other countries use collective bargaining to drive prices down which cuts into Big Pharma's marginals and make scientific progress harder. So high American medical-bills are literally driving medicinal innovation.
Are you literally saying its people's fault if they have to stay in a hospital? Capitalists. Literally only a crapitalist could be this moronic.
Actually, the WHITE Americans are unhealthy as fuck too. And a serious problem is that nobody is making any money anymore. The average wage of Americans is less than $30k/year. And I'm pretty sure that number INCLUDES the ultrarich skewing the number. Kind of hard to afford healthcare when you don't get paid shit.
>Also the reason Americans pay so much for pharmaceuticals is because they're subsidising the entire world's R&C for new drugs.
And that is directly a result of emboldening the rich, retard. Why can conservatives never understand cause and effect? What the hell do you morons think happens when you let the rich do whatever the fuck they want? The free market magically fixes everything? No. They buy the government and start sucking the taxpayer tit.
>insurance works well
>government dips a million fingers into it and fuck it up
Not nearly as much and not nearly so many. Hispanics are literally the fattest people on earth. It's a huge financial drag already, even without universal healthcare.
They're are unhealthy people in every country on earth, even Denmark. And there they cause an unfair burden on the taxpayer when they go to hospital. So the Danish government then saves money by instituting policies to encourage healthy living. Policies that would impossible for a huge country like America to institute.
That's how they make universal healthcare affordable.
In the US, the policy would suspend the laws of natural selection in the projects and in the illegal immigrant communities, it would cause a demographic timebomb. A chimpocalypse, if you will.
>And that is directly a result of emboldening the rich
You need rich drug companies. Mom & Pop drugstores can't discover a new range of antibiotics to fight strains of drug-resistant MRSA in their backroom. You need massive corporations like GlaxoSmithKline to pump in hundreds of millions of dollars over the course of decades to come up with stuff like that. And they need to know they'll make money when they do it.
>insurance works well
A system overburdened with obese fucks, white trash, illegal Mexicans and niggers with no insurance and are now on medicare and Medicaid along with their spawn children bc healthcare is a "right". That's your reason.
>Not nearly as much and not nearly so many
Wow, for having so many opinions on literally every government policy, conservashits literally don't know a fucking thing about any of them.
If insurance is so easy to buy, why don't they have it? Just lazy? And now with Obamacare, it's literally illegal not to have insurance, yet you morons were against that even though it serves YOUR aims, not the people who want a single payer healthcare system.
>hurr lets break the economy and still expect for people to pay for everything out of pocket with no jobs while screaming at them that we need to lower their wages more
That's your reasoning. Conservashits are literally retards who live in fantasy land.
>You need rich drug companies. Mom & Pop drugstores can't discover a new range of antibiotics to fight strains of drug-resistant MRSA in their backroom. You need massive corporations like GlaxoSmithKline to pump in hundreds of millions of dollars over the course of decades to come up with stuff like that. And they need to know they'll make money when they do it.
Actually, that is totally wrong. There is so much siphoning of wealth from those subsidies straight to their executives it's insane. And they encourage overuse of their drugs to boost sales, which is resulting in antibiotic resistant bacteria in the first place, MORON.
Capitalists literally break EVERYTHING then blame everyone else while trying to shill for more of the shit that broke everything. Capitalism is also the reason that everyone is fat, because junkfood loaded with carbs and fat are targeted at people with the intent of making them buy as much as possible. None of this shit started happening until the 90s, when cynical capitalism took America by storm. Everyone wasn't fat in the 80s.
>Graph which literally proved my point
>Making all the medicine in the world is bad because it keeps some people rich
>Not getting the point.
No. It didn't. It was the opposite. The percentage of Americans who are overweight by race varies little. And Whites are still the majority, so if anyone is taxing the hospitals and doctors, it's still them. And let's not forget, insurance almost never pays 100% of a bill.
>siphoning of wealth from those subsidies straight to their executives
Executives running the drug companies are some of the most intelligent and well educated people in the world. Why would they settle for a uncompetitive salaries. If they're not being paid enough they'll just fuck off and go work for Goldman Sachs and you'll get second-raters making your drugs.
Now fuck off back to Venezuela
insurance isn't supposed to pay 100% of the bill
and insurance would be better off without the government fucking with things such as not limiting people by their pre-existing conditions
I already pointed that out but you are just here to spread shitty bait
No. Your graph clearly shows that white Americans are the thinnest of the those three groups.
And white Americans are also paying the most into the system as well. That's how per capita works in case you didn't know.
The gulf would be wider presumably but meth and crack are both great weight-loss drugs.
You missed the point entirely, moron, as conservafags always. When you privatize anything, you immediately incentivize profit over the thing you're trying to accomplish. And that's precisely the outcome you see in America. Prices are sky high because the medical industry can basically charge whatever the fuck they want. And the reason people have trouble paying for healthcare is because the economy is so fucking devastated that they have trouble buying groceries, let alone thousands of dollars in healthcare. What you morons seem to not grasp is that if we actually did what you filthy degenerates actually wanted, millions in America would starve or die from lack of medical care and we'd immediately become third world.
>Executives running the drug companies are some of the most intelligent and well educated people in the world
Literally not an argument. So what? Don't give that "muh hard worker, muh stayed in school" bullshit because niggerball players make even more.
>Why would they settle for a uncompetitive salaries
Because they're FORCED TO. That's why letting the markets decide everything is a fucking disaster. You can't just let anyone with money make all the rules because the only rules they'll make are "give me more money".
>Now fuck off back to Venezuela
At least I don't live in Pakistan.
>insurance isn't supposed to pay 100% of the bill
Of course it is, moron. That's the entire POINT of fucking insurance. Wow. Americans LITERALLY don't know the definitions of shit and claim things are supposed to work totally different than the way they're supposed to work. Explain how 300 million+ people can afford healthcare by paying out of pocket when the economy is a wreck and most people make under $30k. Fucking explain this.
>Has one of the most privatized healthcare systems on Earth nearly exclusively controlled by insurance companies
Sure, I mean, except for all that government regulation.
Poor ppl, blacks, trailer trash and illegals have always had free health insurance you dumb fuck. Ive worked in Healthcare long b4 this nigger implemented Obamacare. They would come in and leave. Its not like it hurts their credit score. Now that they all have gubment insurance they act like fucking kings and are in "pain" constantly so I can dope them up. And guess what? Thanks to the nigger hospitals now get reimbursement on patient satisfaction and not quality of care. So if some 500lbs Mexican(with diabetes like 99% of them do) with a bowel obstruction and heart problems wants a sandwich and morphine at 4am. They get it or the Hospital doesn't get paid. You're a fucking moron and don't realize poor ppl know how to game the system. That's why when someone that has insurance receives needless bullshit tests bc Paco didn't get his taco at 4am and complained. That's why insurance is through the roof and even more now since normal healthy ppl are forced to buy a plan they would never need. Your a fucking idiot.
>Of course it is, moron. That's the entire POINT of fucking insurance. Wow. Americans LITERALLY don't know the definitions of shit and claim things are supposed to work totally different than the way they're supposed to work. Explain how 300 million+ people can afford healthcare by paying out of pocket when the economy is a wreck and most people make under $30k. Fucking explain this.
ideal insurance is but they can't when its made impossible by the gov.
everybody can't afford insurance because they either are unskilled labor or because they take shit care of themselves
its stupid to think healthcare is a right that everyone should have
You're a moron that can't even read graphs.
>and insurance would be better off without the government fucking with things such as not limiting people by their pre-existing conditions
So, in other words, the government should stop bowing to the demands of the rich? I ABSOLUTELY agree with you.
>No. Your graph clearly shows that white Americans are the thinnest of the those three groups.
There isn't a thin person on that graph you fucking poo in loo. THAT is the problem. Over 2/3 of Whites being overweight is not "not an issue and it's just the niggers", moron. You literally don't have a point.
Well move to an African slum. There's plenty of lack of regulation there. Why do capitalists never want to move to the areas with the freest markets? You're like muslims. You want to flee areas with free markets so you can force other people to endure them.
Still missing the point, moron. Unless you expect half the population to just die, half or more of the people in this third world hellhole CAN'T AFFORD that shit. Tell me how your idiocy is supposed to work.
>everybody can't afford insurance because they either are unskilled labor or because they take shit care of themselves
So what's your solution? Let everyone die?
>its stupid to think healthcare is a right that everyone should have
Explain why. That is literally an indefensible position, except MAYBE in the case of someone who lived a VERY unhealthy lifestyle and knew they were. Even then it's borderline.
Conservafags: firearms technology is a right. Health is a privilege.
Actually sportspeople are great case studies for explaining why competitive salaries are so important to Laymen like you so obviously are
You pay hundreds of millions more for players like Messi than for some second-rate player because while the difference between them may be a very incremental marginal amount it can potentially mean the difference between billions in profit or billions in loss.
If Messi wasn't worth so much then he would never be paid so much. Same with CEOs.
>he doesn't know the difference between a positive and negative right
wew lad you're retarded
>Why do capitalists never want to move to the areas with the freest markets?
Because unlike third worlders, I want to make my country better instead of trying to leech off of another society's hard work.
No one's demanding the government buy their guns for them.
I love all the positivity in this thread. You bros are amazing.
Went to the ER recently on a Friday night, was full of Mexicans with bashed in faces, stab wounds on heads and bodies, broken legs and hands or with the flu or bad colds and there aren't even that many Mexicans in my area. Every stupid immigrant here use the ER like a dentist or general doctor, fucking pathetic and downright hilarious.
Actually our medical care is not as private as it seems. Much of the regulations in place are created by lobbyists throwing money at their favorite senators to create and enforce laws that skew the market in their favor and create an artificial business environment for success. Government plus big business is what's really killing it. If it was just the big businesses, they'd be gone and we wouldn't have a lot of restrictions that we have today causing so many problems.
Funny. It seemed to me that graph said that the vast majority of Whites were overweight. Is that not what you saw? Because his entire argument was that Mexicans were to blame, when clearly that's bullshit.
>Niggerball players are milliionaires because capitalism is meritocratic.
Fuck you. Literally kill yourself for being so stupid.
>You pay hundreds of millions more for players like Messi
I don't pay any such thing. Spectator sports are for fucking degenerates like your entire nation. They're also one of the strongest arguments AGAINST capitalism, because they prove people are far too stupid to allocate resources sanely.
>If Messi wasn't worth so much
His value is ENTIRELY SUBJECTIVE NOT OBJECTIVE and it's based on literally pleb retardation, not what's best for anyone.
How about this, retard? There's literally no such thing as a right. If you disagree, define the thing.
>I want to make my country better
Doesn't sound like it. Only third world shitholes have free markets. And only the worst sections of them at that.
I want one question answered out of all of this though, so pay attention shitheads:
Why is it that zero capitalists can comprehend that the freer you make a market, the faster you get a plutocracy because the rich will just use money to buy power, which they'll use to acquire more wealth in a feedback loop until they become the government? Answer this without fantasy, pie in the sky bullshit.
I guess you could say that.
Yeah, except see what I already said about muslims. Free markets are literally only present in slums. I urge you to find an example that isn't. There's a reason for that. Capitalists are EXACTLY like muslims. You don't want to live in your precious free market hellholes full of child prostitutes and drugs everywhere and private security being a necessity, but you sure do want to turn everywhere you go into those sorts of hellholes.
You know when we instituted the NHS in 1948, the government was facing a problem. Lots of people, especially quiet housewives were avoiding going to the Doctor for their problems because they felt guilty about wasting their GP's important time. The gov had to institute a policy to encourage them to actually go visit the doctor if they had a serious medical issue.
That sort of thinking is why the NHS managed to work so well for decades. Responsibility and civic duty. That's all going now.
Then send your rich masters whose dicks you can't stop sucking to stop importing them so they can pay them slave wages and undercut American citizens.
Yes, I know. There is literally no such thing as anything that isn't "Socialist" to an American shillbot for the rich.
>Government plus big business
I'm getting real tired of libertarians not grasping reality. Answer this: >I want one question answered out of all of this though, so pay attention shitheads:
>Why is it that zero capitalists can comprehend that the freer you make a market, the faster you get a plutocracy because the rich will just use money to buy power, which they'll use to acquire more wealth in a feedback loop until they become the government? Answer this without fantasy, pie in the sky bullshit.
This dude is BTFOing the entirety of Sup Forums. He is saying everything I want to say.
And I love it
To be fair stab wounds and broken legs sound like legit use of an ER.
I think your missing the point. Certain ppl should not be entitled to health insurance. If you shove 9000 calories a day down your fat face why am I obligated to pay for your bad decisions?
In the 19th and 20th century the USA was literally the FREEST COUNTRY ON EARTH.
I'll say it again: FREEST COUNTRY ON EARTH
Nowadays it may have been overtaken by some small countries like Singapore or the Cayman islands. But still that "African hovel" you keep talking about? Probably ruled by a tyrannical African warlord that forces heavy taxes on all his peasants. Somalia isn't free market, Somalia is a feudal throwback of warring tribes.
>Why is it that zero capitalists can comprehend that the freer you make a market, the faster you get a plutocracy because the rich will just use money to buy power, which they'll use to acquire more wealth in a feedback loop until they become the government?
Most big businesses get a ton of government subsidies, and wouldn't be nearly as big without them.
Without the power and clout that can be gained from latching onto the government, businesses would be stuck using business means to gain greater economic power, and when you use strictly business means, you run the risk of pulling a Target.
Why can't Chicano behave and not get drunk on weekend ending up in ER? Why he have to get drunk and turn to savage? I found it hilarious a lot of them run to the ER too for toothaches when they could just go to the dentist for a few bucks and problem solved. Most of the Mexicans here work for mom pop stores you cock smoking savage, and see that's why you're an idiot.
>Explain this shit. Explain why in the fuck Americans are so fond of making excuses for and supporting failed ideas that the rest of the planet figured out decades ago.
who are the americans making excuses? pretty sure most people here know the healthcare is shit