Since this is always a hot topic in america and can get pretty political americans of Sup Forums chevy or ford which one is better?
Since this is always a hot topic in america and can get pretty political americans of Sup Forums chevy or ford which...
Toyota, more American than either chev or ford
Toyotas are like tampons every pussy has one
Well Henry Ford hated Jews.
Dodge. Anything else is for faggots and pussies.
Nocar detected
Chevy trucks look way better the last few generations.
The fords look so incredibly boring
>trucks look way better
You are what is wrong with men.
Yeah, laugh it up. Toyotas are over built and dependable. Once you can afford one you will see
Seems like he thought about it enough to come to a reasonable conclusion.
ISIS Tested
Chevy no doubt
fords are just cheap junk
>caring about how your utility vehicle looks and not about how it performs
ford, chevy, dodge it's all the same cheap junk after 1995
pick whatever you like the look of
US forces tested as well, have seen pics of them shot to hell and still running. A Toyota diesel hilux is practically unstoppable. I have a built tacoma, thing can go through anything
Agreed Dodge.
Ram 1500
best bang for your buck truck. Only truck in its class that has a full coilover suspension and an 8 speed transmission.
That and it's ass looks nice.
fuck off ya stupid leaf.
>utility vehicle looks
If you're just using your truck as a "utility" vehicle, you obviously wouldn't shell out any money for a new truck.
You'd just find the cheapest diesel that was in good shape and run it forever.
Dodge Ram.
Not a question.
>Trying to haul anything with a Tacoma or a Hilux
I'm voting Chevy. Not Mexican Ford
Shevy made a real ternados
>using a truck for literally anything else
Sometimes I stray but I'm a Ford man at heart.
The pull more and break down less. If you are going for image, get a car with a straight 6 and turbo.
betrayed ford because he was too real for them
competed with ford
wrote the dearborn independent and started all this bullshit you can be thankful for
either drive ford or drive foreign, everyone else is shit
Your a itiot
>Not Mexican
>Likes Chevy which makes the Silverado, which is easily the most Mexican vehicle ever marketed.
unless you need it for work, they are unnecessary
This is what a real truck looks like.
looks like they haul plenty to me
I'm a Ford man. Own an F-150 and an Edge.
Or if you ever go to the desert, if you haul anything, if you have any hobby at all that requires carrying things that are too large for the trunk of a Prius.
>fuck off ya stupid leaf.
Says the faggot buying a truck based on how pretty it looks.
Dodge rams are nice but im a chevy guy. Although crysler sucks hard at relibilty
All other trucks are irrelevant.
Why can't GM compete?
chevy and gm are the same fucking truck you aspie
>not wanting leaf springs in a light duty truck
And that's why Ram is shit. One of the reasons anyway.
Tundra owner here. Built in Texas, not Mexico like Ford.
I bet you're that type of pussy who never ever uses truck to pull stuff. And you'd never let your friends borrow your truck
Fuck off fashion fanboy
Go pre-1996 so you don't have to deal with all the OBD2 stuff. Looks the same but much less to go wrong.
8 speeds. Is it a semi? What is the point.
>oh shit we got a hill coming up. better split it down to 3H.
Just run an NP435 like a fucking man and be done with it.
Please stay away from Ford, there are at least 5 different parts on recall every month. Also, end customers are getting ripped of really bad. The purchase price of transmissions is around $600 for Ford, $2,200 for dealers and fuck knows how much for end customer.
>Well Henry Ford hated Jews.
Ford is now lead by a Jew and the Ford foundation has the same agenda as Soros.
Henry Ford would burn the whole company down if he would be still alive and able to travel to Mexico and China.
If you want quality manufactured in the US you need to buy Toyota, its leadership is red pilled.
I build Ford trucks, the new ones are way better than Chevys or Rams.
Those guns weigh about 200lbs. Those trucks have a max payload of around 1000lb, but can drive that load over 40 mph.
>not moving buildings with your trucks
plebs, all of you. turn in your man cards
The best truck is the one you can fix yourself with the tools you own.
I used to work for a Ford dealership as a diesel mechanic. Since I have most of the tools to complete 90% of the repairs on my truck, my two Ford pick ups do well for me.
Also, one must look at the requirements for the truck they need. If you own a house in the city and don't do much in the way of hauling I would suggest that it doesn't matter the brand, as much as the application. For example, I have an F-250 with a 5.4L and a manual because I don't haul a trailer very often the loads I do are too much for a Titan or a Tundra but not enough to justify a one ton.
I have found that outside of the dodge recall, the big three each have merrits that out class another brand in one or two particular features. For example, I think the ride quality and handling in the ford f150 to be the most comfortable and quiet. However it doesn't do well with a light trailer. The chevy does much better hauling but doesn't have the brute force the dodge has. But the dodge consistenly has the worst real world gas mileage.
If you want to haul a heavy load, get a Toyota. If you like to swallow a heavy load, get a Chevy or Ford.
I love vehicles made by both but Chevy is the answer.
based el camino
>8 speeds. Is it a semi? What is the point.
Fuel economy better towing.
That's why it tows just under 10,000lbs and gets the best fuel economy for its displacement & output.
Honestly it's hard to go wrong with a new vehicle these days.
There's only one choice really.
Didn't really mean 98 in particular. Just the look-- the pic was really the only one on google that didn't have nigger rims or paintjob
A 2015 Sierra is my dream truck.
Chevy/GMC 1500s ride like a cloud but the new F150s get better mileage if you actually care about that.
Safety ratings? Ford does better but let's be serious, unless you crash into another truck, you win the collision.
If you really are into ripping apart and building up, you know damn well ford's electric system is a fucking joke and nightmare.
We took a 94 f350 to the dealership because of an electrical problem we could not figure out (team of hydrovac operators). Every Time we shut it down the headlights turned on. Dealership had it for 3 days and told us they had no fucking idea what was going on. Spent an entire summer having to unhook the battery every time we parked.
>Thinking leaf springs are better
Leaf springs are nigger-tier springs. They're a cheap as fuck way to strap a suspension to your vehicle. The Ram 1500 exceeds the payload capacity of the same class Silverado (and probably F-150), but has a ride quality that doesn't feel like it was intended for broke wetbacks crossing the border.
Ford Aerostar
Trucks are fucking gay unless they're reasonably sized or you actually use them properly
Pic related
A reasonably sized truck
It's way too rare to see one these days
I just bought a Chevy today!
Go back to your containment board cuck
>Thinking S10's are rare.
Just check out any taco spot or welfare services building. Should be 5 to 10 S10's parked out front at any time of the day.
I kind of miss small trucks.
>tfw small sports truck never again, because "MUH FOOTPRINT"
Like anyone is going to be doing any important towing with a 1/2 ton puss-mobile. They would get a 3/4 ton diesel.
What part of "Toyota manufactures in the US" don't you understand? (Unlike Ford)
There are still a good amount of rangers and other mids around bud. Don't know where you live
dodge are shit now
Shit man, I'll take you at your word, you sound like you know what's what
Neither, stop being a cuck to corporations and save/invest your money instead of spending it on stupid shit like pickup trucks.
>buying a fucking truck as a commuter
90% of truckfags i know do this, but why?
I live in Louisiana where you are constantly judged on the size of your truck
Also F-150s are the worst drivers
Whenever you see one you should expect some shit
The only real truck is the Dodge Rams that have the cummins engine. Anyone that buys anything else most likely gets the 4x2 to save money and then lifts it.
Maybe if they weren't permanently associated with being a border hopping beaner..
I drive a Ranger just like every 5th guy in the south
You know what they say about Ford: Fix It Again Tony.
logging truck driver here
best/most reliable gas powered v8, most proven, solid platform
hauls the most, may fuck up due to unproven technology, can get cool variants like raptor
proven chassis, ecodiesel gets fantastic mpgs and great torque, drives like a mercedes on the road
q&r, resale value, cheaper out of the gate
>1/2 ton
cummins for heavier shit, ecodiesel if you want mpg, gm if you want a gas powered
>heavy duty
dodge cummins, anything else and you're fucking retarded
That's Fiat, Justin
Africa for the Africans.
Asia for the Asians.
Mexico for the Mexicans.
India for the Indians.
Yet White nations for everybody???
Most European-Americans have been brainwashed into believing it's somehow bad to vote for their self-interests despite the fact that every other racial group does the same and always will. This is very important - more so than what most brainwashed Whites think - because our whole way of life is being threatened by mass immigration, including Western Civilization in the United States. Non-White nations would NEVER allow such an attack on their demographics; Japan and South Korea are wealthy developed nations yet they are overwhelmingly homogeneous, Mexico's constitution forbids major changes in their demographics, only People of European descent have been so severely brainwashed that the idea of their replacement is somehow okay. This can't be overstated. It's an agenda of genetic genocide, White Genocide.
Every racial group builds unique societies, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Western Civilization is the Civilization of Europeans, if America ever becomes majority non-White and ceases to be a White nation it will collapse, there's no other way around it.
White Americans must vote for their self-interests and preserve their demographics and nation.
Have all of you fuckers forgotten about government motors' bailout?
Fuck GM.
The arraigned marriage to Fiat was better.
But still I'd go with Ford. The 6.7L diesels are pretty good. Too complicated, but that's the way the EPA likes it.
not knowing shit about based GM cars confirmed
>Fix it again Tony
Why would my friends need my truck? they can just use their own? Are you canucks really that poor?
I pull stuff every day, that's what happens when you have your own business. Doubt you know anything about it though